Grayling is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful representatives of salmon. Externally, this predatory fish is significantly different from the rest of the species of this family. Grayling has always been an object of increased interest from fishers. The fact is that catching him is not so easy. You need to know for sure how and what to grab grayling for. Therefore, according to most fans of the “silent hunt”, fishing for this representative of salmon is incredibly exciting and exciting.
general information
Grayling has tender, fatty and very tasty meat, somewhat similar to young trout. Apparently, therefore, many novice anglers are interested in how to catch grayling. Unfortunately, even amateur fishing of this fish is limited today: it is allowed only under license. Grayling is pretty indiscriminate in food. He loves mollusks, insects, larvae, enjoys treating caddies with pleasure, and does not disdain gadflies, midges or grasshoppers that accidentally fall into the water. Larger fish prey on small fish, fry, and even small rodents, such as field mice. The desired prey for grayling is the roe of another fish. In general, the diet of this representative of salmon is quite diverse. Thanks to this, fishing on it is always fascinating. What to catch grayling on, what gear and bait to use, is described in this article.
Grayling - what to catch in the summer
You can fish this predator at different times of the year. However, the most successful season is autumn. It is believed that during the summer period only the most experienced and experienced lovers of the “silent hunt” for this representative of salmon allow themselves to go fishing for grayling. This is due to the great unpredictability of fish behavior. Since there are a lot of different kinds of food in reservoirs in the summer, it is very difficult to choose the right gear, and most importantly, to know what to grab grayling at this time.
During the hot season, anglers use natural bait. The most effective are insects that do not live in water, for example, flies, grasshoppers or whiskers. Grayling reacts best to them in established hot weather. A good bait are various invertebrates that inhabit a specific reservoir. The main advantage of this choice is the familiarity of food for fish, since it does not cause particular suspicion. Earth and dung worms are usually used during spring fishing, but even in the summer season, prey often responds well to such a bait.
Those who are interested in what to catch grayling in the summer need to know that natural baits have worked well only in conjunction with a fishing rod. Artificial baits are suitable when using spinning gear. For catching grayling in the summer period, high-quality spinners with low weight, such as turntables or unhooked ones, showed themselves well.
Fishing gear
Before you go fishing, you need to decide a few questions: firstly, choose the most effective tackle for a given reservoir, and secondly, choose the right bait. The main options for grayling are a fishing rod, fly fishing tackle, boat or sled, and finally spinning. Each of them is used in certain conditions.
For example, a fishing rod is usually good in the spring, when the grayling season is just beginning. Fly fishing gear is a good option for summer fishing for this representative of salmon, but not very common. Due to the constant presence of the fisherman in the water, special waterproof clothing is required, and this is an additional cost.
Sledges, or, as they also call this tackle, “boat”, were once very popular, but they were forgotten, although today, interest has begun to revive. Spinning is often used to catch grayling in the summer, however, only ultralight species with an optimal fishing rod length from two hundred to two hundred and seventy centimeters, depending on the characteristics of the coastline.
How to catch grayling on a fishing rod
This is the most traditional way of catching this representative of salmon. Our distant ancestors knew perfectly well how to fish for grayling. Other methods - bombardment, fly fishing, spinning came to the Russian fishermen much later.
And although, according to reviews, this grayling tackle is becoming less and less popular, many still prefer a float fishing rod. It is indispensable when fishing on small rivers, when casting is complicated by the presence of trees and shrubs along the coast.
Grayling with the help of float tackle is carried out, of course, taking into account the food preferences of the prey. For this representative of salmon, the most interesting are those animal organisms that he is able to swallow. Fishing for grayling on a fishing rod is carried out in the warm months. In the summer, many prefer to fish for fishing. You can catch grayling in this way until late autumn, and in some regions - until the end of November.
Fly selection
As soon as the water in the pond warms up and a stable summer weather is established, grayling passes to insects falling to the surface. This season, fly fishing and spinning are good tackles for catching it. For successful fishing anglers need a good set of flies. Ideally, they should maximally mimic insects included in the diet of the intended prey.
In order to understand how to catch grayling on the fly, you should study the pond in advance, make the right choice of color. This is the key to a good catch. The fact is that grayling, perfectly distinguishing colors, can immediately understand the "deception." Therefore, the similarity of the fly with the real object of hunting of this representative of salmon should be maximum.
Lures are dry and wet. The first are flies that always swim on the surface of the water. They are especially relevant when a grayling, actively configured, immediately begins to attack any splashed object. This behavior of this fish is observed in the first half of summer. In August, grayling begins to sink to the bottom. During this period, it is more advisable to catch with wet flies. Such a bait does not have to imitate an insect, it can imitate its larvae or other water bodies.
Fishing for grayling with a spinning rod can be no less successful than fly fishing. In this case, light gear should be used that works well with miniature, weightless baits. It is best to catch grayling with a spinning rod on a micro-vibration, a front-loaded spinner, an ultralight wobbler or a small silicone twister. All of these lures are extremely effective in spinning fishing. The main trick of using them is to give them grayling correctly, making the wiring as close as possible to its potential parking lot.
What to catch in the fall
Grayling fishing in September-October will also bring good results. During this period, production lowers to the bottom layers, less often being in the water column. During this period, the most effective are considered spinning and float gear. In the first case, fishing is carried out in the first case using rotating spinners having a weighted core. Such baits are easier to sink to the bottom, and when posting they can be held in the right place. Ideally, when the hooks of the turntable come with a feather edge or front sight. They stabilize the work of the bait, further stimulating the bite.
Winter fishing
At the end of November, graylings slide into the lower reaches of large rivers. There they hibernate, while remaining quite active. The best way to catch grayling during this period is tackle with mormyshka. As bait, they use amphipod, a medium-sized worm, and pieces of fish. You can take an ordinary mormyshka, any movable element on a hook, for example, a bead.
This representative of salmon is quite careful. Fishermen need to know how to properly catch grayling in order to thoroughly prepare for fishing. Disguise is one of the necessary conditions. Experienced anglers even paint fishing rods in the color of green, in which they intend to "dissolve."
Indeed, river grayling has excellent eyesight. He observes even from a depth, and when he discovers that an insect has splashed on the surface, he emerges, immediately captures it and quickly sinks to the bottom. Judging by the stories, lake grayling even tries to catch mayfly on the fly by jumping out of a reservoir.
With a decrease in the number of insects, this fish goes to the bottom. During this period, she needs a completely different bait. Knowing all the features of grayling fishing, a real angler must very seriously prepare for fishing: choose the right gear and lures that should look natural and attractive for this picky prey.