How to fish for fishing: types of fish, fishing season, fishing technique and features

Mormyshka is a purely Russian invention. It appeared in the middle of the last century by accident, when an unknown fisherman attached a lead weight in the form of a pellet directly at the hook itself. As a result, the effectiveness of fishing has increased significantly, due to a change in the whole system of work of equipment. The innovation was appreciated by fishermen in the vast country and in a short time won the sympathy of lovers of this type of leisure.

What is mormyshka

This fishing tackle is a hook, to the forearm of which a pellet of lead, tin or tungsten is soldered. Thanks to this design, this bait is distinguished by its original game in the water column and attracts a wide variety of fish.

The name of the tackle comes from the word "Mormysh" - a small freshwater crustacean that feeds on fish and which resembles a bait tied to a fishing line. There is a huge variety of mormyshki, significantly different from each other. When fishing with them, a variety of different posting techniques are used, designed to catch different types of fish.

heavy mormyshka

Use this bait for both winter and summer fishing.

Bait shape

In order to figure out how to properly fish for mormyshka, you need to navigate in all their diversity, applying depending on the type of intended prey and fishing conditions.

In the shape of mormyshka there are:

  • Round, or ball. Differ in the absence of the game. Attract prey at the bottom - when moving and tapping it.
shiny pellets
  • Semicircular. They look like a flattened ball or disk.
  • Teardrop-shaped. They play well when moving a winter fishing rod. Used for reelless fishing with an inclined suspension.
  • Flat. Playing with them is a slow, smooth wiggle.
  • Faceted. They are usually made shiny. Flashing with faces, they attract fish to great depths or in troubled waters.
  • Double, such as "ant" - consist of two connected pellets.

There are many models that combine the design features of the above options.

Weight classification

All recommendations on how to fish for mormyshka require you to take into account the weight of the bait. Depending on the mass, mormyshki are:

  • light (up to 0.4 g) - used at a depth of up to three meters, play well in the upper layers of water;
  • medium (from 0, 5 to 1 g) - are used for fishing at the current and at depth;
  • heavy (over 1 g).

Medium and heavy mormyshki are made of lead, tin or their alloys. For lightweight lures, not only lighter metals are used, but also plastic. Heavyweight make of tungsten.

Heavy mormyshki are good in that they sink to the bottom faster. Some fishermen use two baits for fishing at once, attaching a light centimeter fifteen higher than a heavy one.

Lure color

Mormyshki are light and dark, shiny and luminescent. They are painted in different colors. To navigate in this variety, you need to know which mormyshka is best to fish of each species. The choice of the color of the bait for winter fishing is especially important, because in clear water the fish distinguishes shades much better.

colors of mormyshek

Due to the refraction of sunlight in the water column, the bait changes color and looks different depending on the lighting. In the mornings, it is preferable to use brilliant baits; in the afternoon it is better to replace them with dull ones. At great depths, the fish will be attracted by yellow and red lures.

Different types of fish attract different colors of the bait. So, for example, roach goes well for mormyshki of white, orange and black, and predatory fish - for yellow, black and red.

Attachment methods and number of hooks

Mormyshka are attached to the fishing line in different ways. Usually through a through hole in the body of the bait. There are models with a ring for tying fishing line. Mounting at two points is possible - cambric on the ear of the hook and a knot on the forend.

Usually one hook is soldered in a mormyshka. But there are options with two and three hooks. There is also a model with a hook suspended by a ring, the so-called witch.

Nozzle and non-nozzle mormyshki

Winter fishing involves the use of both baits and non-baits. What is the right way to catch a mormyshka in winter, with or without a nozzle? Of course, the attachment increases the attractiveness of the bait for fish. But in winter, in the cold, putting a nozzle on a hook is, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Therefore, the question of whether to use the nozzle, everyone decides for himself.

The non-nozzle mormyshki, or bezmotylki, in their appearance resemble the insects that feed on fish. The benefits include the following factors:

  • their high efficiency when catching large specimens;
  • saving time on planting bait;
  • realistic appearance and "game" in the water;
  • the ability to use on any water bodies;
  • durability.

In order to increase the attractiveness, rewindings are treated with sprays with a smell that the fish like.

Features of attachment lures

The most popular muzzle tips are bloodworms, maggots, and worms. In such baits hooks with a long forearm are involved, on which it is easier to put on a nozzle. The advantages of baits include:

  • higher attractiveness for fish;
  • lack of need for a difficult game, because the bait moves itself, arousing the interest of the fish and dulling its vigilance;
  • the ability to select various nozzles;
  • the ability to fish in one hole, without having to drill several holes, as bait attracts fish at one point.

The disadvantages of moths include:

  • the need to buy bait;
  • inconvenience when planting it in bad weather conditions;
  • a large number of false bites when the fry grabs the bait, but does not fall on the hook.

With all the constructive variety of bezobylki, mounted bait, no doubt, increase the chances of a bite.

Summer and winter options

Many believe that mormyshka is an exclusively winter bait. But this is an erroneous statement. Those who know how to catch mormyshka, with its help, get roach, crucian carp, perch, bream and pike perch both in winter and in the warm season.

mormyshka droplet

Summer mormyshki are usually heavier than winter ones. This is due to the fact that in the summer a lot of fry floats on top, grabbing any bait. Therefore, light baits do not have time to sink to the bottom, where large fish live.

The size of the summer bait is larger than the winter. In winter, the water is clean, in it the bait should look realistic, like a real insect. In muddy summer water, a larger bait is needed to attract the attention of fish.

And one more difference. How to catch mormyshka in winter? This is best done with a nodding rod. In summer, this bait is used for spinning and float gear.

Ice Fishing Rod

How to fish on mormyshka in winter? First of all, this will require a special winter fishing rod. Since with this method of fishing you need to constantly play jigsaw pads at a fast pace and with a small amplitude, the fishing rod should be light and fit comfortably in your hand. The length of a winter fishing rod usually does not exceed thirty centimeters; its weight is not more than one hundred twenty-five grams. The fishing rod should be equipped with a reel, preferably a closed one, so that the fishing line does not freeze when the fishing rod hits the ice. The coil should rotate freely and be easily locked by tightening the nut. The handle is preferably made of porous rubber, cork or porous foam. Wooden or plastic handles are less convenient.

Particular attention should be paid to the nod as the most important detail of a winter fishing rod.

winter fishing rod

Why do I need a nod

A nod on the fishing rod not only signals a bite, it also ensures the correct play of the bait, which, in turn, depends on the material from which the nod is made. Currently, the most common types of nods are:

  • Lavsan. Very sensitive, display the most minor movements of mormyshka. But this advantage is also a disadvantage. Thin and wide dacron nods play strongly in the wind, so they are best used in quiet weather or in small bodies of water, where the wind is weaker than in large rivers and reservoirs. The pluses of such nods include the fact that they do not freeze and do not rust.
  • Metal made of spring. Less sensitive, so it’s easier to distinguish between bite and gust of wind.
  • From boar bristles. Impractical because they are swaying from any breeze.

Previously, anglers made wide use of nods made of steel wire, which was soldered to a spring worn on an axle. Very convenient and practical design made it possible to notice the weakest bites and was resistant to wind. Currently, it is impossible to buy such a nod in specialized stores. It can be made independently or purchased from homemade manufacturers in the market.

Nod and bite settings

Any guide on how to catch a mormyshka emphasizes the need to properly set the nod. Its length and elasticity should correspond to the weight of the bait and the nature of the game, which, in turn, depends on the type of intended prey. If the pace of the game is slow to catch peaceful fish, the bite usually goes up, the nod is adjusted so that it bends at an angle of thirty to forty degrees under the weight of the bait dropped into the water. Nominate it for seven to ten centimeters. The fastest pace of the game is used during winter fishing for perch. His bite pulls the bait down, so the nod is set at an angle half as small, and its length should not exceed five centimeters.

In the direction of movement of the nod, you can determine which fish are biting. For winter fishing, the following types of bites are characteristic:

  • If the nod goes down, then it bites a perch or ruff.
  • Nod up - pecked a bream, roach or other white fish.
  • The nod freezes, not rising and not falling. Usually, a weak inactive fish pecks in the middle of winter.

When biting, you should immediately do a cut. If there is any doubt whether it was a bite, it is better to stop the game and look at the behavior of the nod.

Fishing technique

How to catch mormyshka in winter? There are many well-known fishing techniques, while each angler is quite capable of inventing his own. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Put bait on the mormyshka and lower it to the bottom. Knock it on the bottom several times, and then quickly raise it, shaking and moving the end of the fishing rod with an amplitude of up to one and a half centimeters. Raising the bait to a half meter above the bottom, make a short pause and lower it to the bottom on a bent nod. Repeating these steps up to ten times, it is necessary to reduce the pace of the game and the amplitude of the oscillations, and raise the bait higher.
  2. Lower the bait with bait to the bottom. Then start a smooth, unhurried climb, quickly playing with the tip of a fishing rod with small amplitude. Every five centimeters pause, slightly swaying the bait. At a distance of slightly more than half a meter from the bottom, stop and again lower the mormyshka to the bottom, repeating all the above steps.
  3. The bait is lowered to the bottom and begin to swing it, slightly lifting. Repeating these steps several times, they stop and slowly move the line to the edge of the hole. Then, continuing the game with bait, they lead the fishing line to the other edge of the hole. Such actions well attract the attention of sluggish fish.

The question of how to catch a mormyshka is better considered in the context, depending on the specific type of fish.


There is no universal bait for catching a particular type of fish. There is a bait that is correctly selected for each specific reservoir, as well as the conditions and time of fishing. For example, on what mormyshka to catch roach? In stock, the fisher should have several types of mormyshka of different weights, colors and shapes, so that already in place it was possible to determine which one would become the most catchy here and now.

roach fishing

What mormyshka to catch roach in winter? The following types of lures have shown themselves best:

  • ball;
  • oatmeal (resemble a grain in shape);
  • uralka (very often used without a nozzle);
  • a tablet, or washer - is mainly used when fishing at great depths, because it lays well on the bottom (but also shows itself well when fishing for the game, making planning vibrations in different directions);
  • crystalline - has the shape of a hexagon, glistens in the water column;
  • a bit.

The set must contain mormyshki of different colors - light, medium and dark.


What mormyshka to catch crucian? For him, the simplest options are quite suitable - pellets, droplets, oats, painted in silver or black, or even unpainted lead bait.

When fishing at night, phosphorus mormysks show themselves well. When fishing in depth it is better to use heavy baits. Small and light mormyshki suitable for use in the summer or in clear water.

Bream: fishing features

What mormyshka to catch bream? This fish also does not require any special types of bait. The simplest forms will do:

  • at shallow depths - the lungs (pellet, oatmeal);
  • at medium depths - banana and cobra;
  • in the deeper layers - heavier (uralka, nymph, bream).

A special bream mormyshka is similar in shape to a uralka, but its hook is located not in the narrow part of the casting, but in the wide one.

The bream prefers baits of dark tones. Light can be used for fishing in troubled waters in early spring. And what mormyshki for fishing bream is better to use in the winter? The most effective non-jigging bait is considered a little devil, especially equipped with multi-colored cambrices and beads. In addition to it, very often use uralka, cobra, goat and ant.


In the question of which mormyshka is better to catch perch, it is important to decide whether it will be a moth or a non-moth. For fishing with bait, bait itself is more important than the shape of the bait. With non-stop fishing, the features of the game come to the fore, which largely depends on the shape of the bait. At different times and in different water bodies, this predator reacts to baits in different ways. If he is active, he can peck at everything. During passive periods, it is best to go for short, convex baits, especially for the devil. A variety of mormyshki will come in handy from the simplest ones - pellets, oats and droplets, to the ant, uralka, banana, goat or witch.

The color of the bait is also diverse. In shallow water, in clear water and good light conditions, perch prefers black. Sometimes it goes well in red, green or yellow. He likes shiny plates on the body of the bait. And not only them. Multi-colored beads, beads, villi and hairs invariably attract the attention of a striped predator.

how to catch perch

The correct selection of bezootylki perch every time becomes an experiment and is achieved only empirically.

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