Due to the fact that the crane is a bird symbolizing love and fidelity, its appearance in our night visions causes only positive associations. But in order to specifically find out what cranes dream of, it is better to turn to interpreters. After all, thanks to the details that you remember, you can find out the most detailed interpretation of your sleep.
Miller's interpretation of the interpretation
American psychologist Gustav Miller gives some explanations for dreams, in which cranes appear.
- If you saw in a dream how cranes land on the ground, such a vision is a harbinger of unusual events.
- I dreamed how these wonderful birds fly south - you have a joyful meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. For two lovers, this means that they will always be faithful to each other.
- But why dream of cranes flying north? Here the interpretations are not so positive - they are to unpleasant prospects that can harm your business. If a woman saw such a dream, she will be disappointed.
- I dreamed about wounded birds - perhaps there is a secret enemy among your surroundings.
- We saw birds soaring in the sky - in reality, you envy the person who achieved everything thanks to his hard work.
Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
In this dream book, the interpretation of such a vision also has different meanings, depending on the different nuances of your night dreams.
- Why dream of a flock of cranes? Usually for a sleeper, this means sadness and separation. But if at their sight you feel joy - your affairs will change for the better.
- Saw a lonely bird flying in a dream - your hopes are most likely unrealizable. Perhaps you have come up to some of your undertakings not quite deliberately.
- If a feathered bird sank to the ground next to the dreamer, this is a good symbol. Those plans that might have seemed impossible could unexpectedly end very successfully.
Aesop's interpretation of the dream book
There are many unusual situations in this interpreter that a person may dream of in a dream.
- I dreamed about many of these wonderful birds - you should know that you have faithful and faithful friends who you can rely on in difficult life situations.
- If the crane stood on one leg in a dream - in reality you will be pleased with the fulfillment of one of your cherished desires. There is another explanation for this vision - thanks to an influential person, you can cope with the difficulties that have arisen.
- The bird turned out to be wounded - in real life you need to be careful, as you are going to harm a person whom you consider your friend. Perhaps some of your friends need your help.
- Why do cranes dream in the sky? This speaks of you as a dreamy person who wants to be more serious and look at things more carefully.
- The sleeper could see dancing birds - as a rule, this promises to meet a person with whom you want to be together. And lovers can soon get married.
- If you happen to see a crane whirling above your head - in reality, perseverance and hard work will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams.
- If this marvelous bird paced importantly in your night dreams - you will overcome all difficulties and come to your goal.
Why do cranes dream? Interpretation of the dream book from "A to Z"
Here we will also meet interesting interpretations of dreams with long-legged and long-necked beauties.
- You dreamed of a crane flock - wait for your relatives to come or friends to visit you.
- If the birds circled above you and landed - in reality you will be able to witness interesting events.
- Did you see a couple of cranes on the roof? Why is there such a dream? Such a vision beloved portends a fast wedding.
- I dreamed of a bird flying in the sky - be careful, as someone has plans to harm you, which can lead to losses.
- And if you saw a crane walking in the snow, this symbolizes better weather, warming.
Interpretation from Freud's dream book
The well-known psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud seen in a dream cranes connects with the dreamer's relationship with other people.
- If you see birds floating on the river, ill-wishers will spread gossip around you, because of which you will feel uncomfortable.
- Why dream of cranes walking around the yard? In fact, in your personal life a lot of things do not suit you.
- They tried in a dream to unsuccessfully catch a crane - such a vision promises you pleasant communication with friends.
- If the cranes in your night dreams turned out to be dirty - in real life you want to meet a person who will merit your good qualities and will treat you with respect.
- I happened to see birds flying away - in reality you pay too much attention to trifles, creating big problems out of them.
Interpretation of the modern dream book
In this dream book we come across an interpretation of situations that we have encountered among other interpreters, as well as new, rather unusual ones.
- We saw a crane that climbed under your clothes - this is a favorable vision that promises that there will be an addition in your family.
- If the bird in the night dreams rejoiced you with its singing - such a dream to promotion.
- A couple of birds arranged a wedding dance in your dream - you will meet with a person who, possibly, will become your soulmate.
- In this dream book, why do cranes sitting on the ground dream ? This is explained as follows: some kind of surprise or pleasant event awaits you.
- Birds soared into the sky - such a dream can be a harbinger of trouble in your family.
- If the dreamer let go of the crane, all his undertakings will be successful, but only he will need to be as careful as possible in order to prevent an unfortunate oversight.
- The crane flew over you in circles - this is a good sign, your desires will certainly become a reality.
- If the sleeper saw himself flying on cranes - this is to rapid career growth.
Interpretation according to the dream book of Udilova
In this interpreter, in the interpretation of dreams, an important place is given to what actions the sleeper performed in relation to birds.
- If you held a crane in your hands in your night dreams - this is a harbinger of the fact that your wishes will come true, of course, if they are realistic.
- I dreamed that the crane was stroking - a romantic adventure awaits you.
- The dreamer fed the bird - this means that he will reconcile with the person with whom he had a chance to quarrel for a long time.
- They brought the bird to their house - in the implementation of the plans you have like-minded people.
- If you bought cranes in your night vision, invest your money in a profitable business.
- I happened to see how you let him out - in reality you will find peace of mind.
- But if the crane pecked you - in reality a person who enjoys authority and respect can make a remark to you, and you should listen to his words.
- They kept a bird by the wing in a dream - there is no need to accumulate feelings in yourself. Share them with a loved one, perhaps he will help you with good advice.
Wanga's interpretation of the dream book
The famous Bulgarian seer Vanga, in her interpretations, drew attention to the color of the dreaming bird.
- If you saw in your nightly dreams an ordinary flying crane - this dream signals that the act that you want to do may not be approved by your loved ones.
- If a bird flying in a dream was white - such a vision warns that you are facing some kind of illness. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an examination to prevent the disease.
Interpretation of the erotic dream book Danilova
In deciphering dreams in this dream book, the emphasis is on the inner experiences of the sleeper.
- If you saw a flying crane in a dream - in the near future you may encounter experiences due to parting with a person whose relationship with you completely suits you.
- We saw a bird standing on the ground - in reality you may have doubts about whether the methods of treatment for your disease were chosen correctly.
Interpretation of the old Russian dream book
In this dream book we find mostly positive interpretations of visions with these graceful birds.
- If you saw a crane in a dream - this is a harbinger of a safe journey.
- It was dreamed that there were two birds - a dreamer awaits marriage, as well as the appearance of his numerous and well-bred offspring.
- Crane dreamed in the sky - you need to beware of possible troubles due to the fact that someone is looking at your property. Just be on the lookout.
- If you saw such a dream in winter time - this is a harbinger of a strong thaw.
Interpretation according to the dream book of A. Pushkin
Sometimes you can hear from a person: "And I increasingly dream of cranes." Of course, I would like that such a dream to dream of something good. In this interpreter, the appearance in your visions of these marvelous birds promises the most pleasant events.
- If you saw a crane sitting on the roof of your house, you will meet friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
- I dreamed that the cranes fell to the ground - thanks to unexpected events, your life will change for the better.
- If the birds, in order to make a nest, chose the roof of your house, then happiness will settle in your house.
- I happened to see that a female crane hatches eggs, or chicks have already hatched - peace and mutual understanding will reign in your family, and all adversities will bypass you.
Other interpretations
Various interpreters also paid much attention to the interpretation of night visions with these amazing birds.
- According to the dream book of the famous predictor Nostradamus, you should perceive a flock of cranes seen in their night dreams as a signal that bad habits badly affect your health, and you need to abandon them.
- In Longo's dream book we can find an explanation of why the crane dreams of a woman. This speaks of her confidence and inner strength, which allows a woman to succeed in different areas of life.
- Dream interpretation of Hasse seen in your night dreams of a black bird explains so that you are determined to seriously engage in the business that you have planned.
- In the Chinese dream book we find an interpretation of such an interesting dream in which a man holds a crane in his hands and a bird tries to climb under his clothes. The interpreter believes that this vision is for the birth of a strong and healthy son who will grow up a noble person.
- Why do flying cranes dream? According to the dream book - this tells the dreamer that his chosen one will always be faithful to him and will never give up.
- In Tsvetkov’s dream book it is explained that if cranes grumble, then you will receive news from afar.
- According to the dream book of Simon Kananita, beautiful birds seen in a dream promise an addition to the family.