How to remove a beer belly at home: gymnastics and diet

Since beer is a very high-calorie drink, many people, both male and female, face such a problem as the appearance of a beer belly. This problem can and even needs to be solved with the help of simple, and sometimes complex physical exercises, which are quite possible to perform at home. But before you begin to perform this type of exercise, you need to abandon the use of not only this intoxicated drink, but also all alcohol in general. When choosing the most effective exercises, thanks to which it will be possible to remove the stomach, it is best for you to consult a nutritionist or a professional trainer.

beer belly

What is a beer belly in men

With age, many people of a stronger sex face such a problem. Most often, a beer belly in men begins to appear after twenty-seven to thirty years. It takes on a rounded shape, and often hanging down sides. This problem brings a number of inconveniences. Firstly, sagging sides beat off any attractiveness of the male figure. Secondly, very serious health problems begin, as beer helps to increase appetite, thereby causing deposition of subcutaneous fat, and because of this there is clogging of blood vessels, metabolic disorders, the skin acquires other colors.

In modern times, almost every second Russian peasant drinks beer, but not everyone thinks about the consequences.

Beer Belly Men

Causes of the problem

The causes of this problem may be due to several factors:

  • distension of the abdomen due to the large volume of drunk fluid;
  • weakening of the abdominal muscles due to the frequent use of beer;
  • systematic overeating;
  • passive (sedentary) lifestyle;
  • improper and very unhealthy diet, which together with beer gives a large increase in weight.

What is a beer belly in women

This problem is very relevant for the fairer sex. Beer belly in women provokes the appearance of drooping sides. Also obesity of the waist and hips. The belly from beer is especially dangerous for pregnant women, since this can significantly complicate the birth, and the worst thing is that beer can slow down the development of the unborn baby.

Beer belly of a woman

The causes of the appearance of a problem of this nature in women

The main reasons include:

  • high calorie content (as you know, beer in itself is very high-calorie, but also it is addictive and intensifies hunger);
  • the content in the beer of hormonal components, the abuse of which can lead to hormonal failure;
  • disruption of a number of organs (especially the liver and kidneys);
  • reduced physical activity (drinking beer helps to reduce physical activity).

Other causes of beer belly in women are similar to male ones.

Getting rid of a beer belly can be very difficult. Regular abdominal muscle exercises do not always help. If you plan to achieve an attractive figure and provide your bodies with the necessary conditions for normal functioning, then you should think about this problem as soon as possible. If after thirty years it’s still possible to get rid of such a stomach, then after fifty it will be very problematic, since the metabolism will already be very impaired.

How to clean a beer belly at home

If you want to get rid of this type of problem at home, then we hasten to convince you that this is quite realistic if you systematically perform the following exercises.


This technique involves lifting the body to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The exercise is recommended to be performed as slowly as possible in order to use the deepest muscles of the press.

The order of the exercise:

  • lie on your back, bending your knees, put your feet on the floor - shoulder width apart, put your hands on your shoulders in front of you or put them on the back of your head and spread your elbows in different directions;
  • you need to take a deep breath, then on the exhale you need to bring the chin to the clavicles, slowly lifting the cervical spine from the floor, perform twisting, while straining the stomach;
  • in the upper position, you need to fully straighten your back, then, sitting on your buttocks, take a deep breath and stretch the crown of your head to the ceiling;
  • with an exhale, lower the spine to the floor as slowly as possible.
beer belly exercises


This exercise will help you work out the obliques. It, like the previous one, needs to be performed fifteen times. It can be done both standing on straight legs, and with bent knees.


  • feet shoulder-width apart, arms above his head;
  • from this position we perform tilts to the side (first to one, and then to the other), trying to maximize the lateral muscles.


Performing this exercise, you can use several parts of your body at once, namely: the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen, arms and back. This lesson is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, so you need to try to complete it from one to three minutes in one go.

Technique for this exercise:

  • palms should be under the shoulders, and legs (feet) shoulder width apart;
  • the line of the body should be fully straightened, it is not necessary to bend the lower back;
  • the head should be pulled forward, while not lowering the face down;
  • when performing this exercise, you do not need to hold your breath, it should be calm and uniform.


This program is very popular and is used by many trainers to lose weight beer belly. She is very effective. Contraindications to this type of exercise for the beer belly are cardiovascular diseases.

Order of execution:

  • standing, bending your knees, rest your hands on the muscles of the hips, while the back should be straight;
  • take a deep breath, then exhale as much as possible and hold our breath for a while (as it is);
  • after you hold your breath, you need to draw your stomach in as much as possible;
  • after all this we take a breath and slowly relax the muscles.

Easy run

This exercise, like previous exercises, will help you get rid of your abdomen. It is very important to run regularly, otherwise there will be no effect. It is recommended to perform it in the morning, after a very light snack. Jogging should not be done on an empty stomach, as the body will be very weak.

Jogging man

A big plus for you will be an evening walk at a sports pace, this also helps to strengthen and tighten the muscles of the abdomen, legs and hips.

The above exercises are the most common gymnastics from the beer belly.

Activities besides home exercises

If you have the opportunity to visit the gym and pool, then you can perform certain exercises not only at home.

Swimming in the pool

This sport is the best for getting rid of a beer belly. It is recommended to visit the pool at least three to four times a week and engage in at least one to two hours a day. Before starting classes in the pool, you should consult with a trainer who will show you and tell you which exercises are best used in your case.

Gym classes

With classes of such a plan you need to be very careful. It is best to use treadmills, dumbbells not very heavy, bicycles. It is not recommended to use lifting large masses, since in this case the number of approaches made to different types of exercises will play a leading role, so choose your optimal weight.

slimming beer belly

What type of exercise to be careful with

If you are not a trained person, then you should not pay attention to classes on the horizontal bar. Because with the appearance of a belly, the back muscles are modified, and even if you just hang on the horizontal bar, then there is a high probability that you will damage your spine, intervertebral discs will shift. Therefore, this exercise is only suitable for trained people.

Nutrition Tips

A diet from a beer belly will also help get rid, especially in combination with exercises, so if you want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible, then you need to eat right and eat as little carbohydrates as possible. In this case, the diet should have a sufficient amount of protein.

What should be the diet:

  • the use of food in small doses, about five to six times a day;
  • food should be crushed in small portions;
  • at night it is strictly forbidden to eat food, as it simply will not have time to digest normally;
  • after eating, at least three to four hours should pass, only after that it is recommended to go to bed;
  • drink as much water as possible, at least two liters a day, especially in the morning, drink water in small sips;
  • limit yourself from overeating, it is recommended to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  • try to arrange fasting days for yourself as often as possible, eat as little fatty food as possible, you need to replace it with a variety of diet foods: vegetables, fruits, cereals, preferably without butter, cottage cheese;
  • thoroughly approach the choice of products, namely, give preference to products that do not contain animal fat: fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals;
  • try to give up smoked and fried foods;
  • no need to abuse sweets, especially pastries.
Healthy eating

After losing weight

After losing weight in your beer belly, you should not give up exercise, it is best to give them at least a few minutes to maintain their shape. Also, do not abuse beer and alcoholic beverages, they are not forbidden to be taken at all, but you need to do this in moderation and not very often.

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