How to configure widgets in Yandex and what are they for?

Almost every user of a modern runet came across Yandex - this is a Russian-language search engine that is in no way inferior to Google in the search engine race, and in some moments even outstrips it by an order of magnitude, all thanks to its nice appearance, flexible and more precise tuning, as well as widgets. This article will discuss how to configure widgets in Yandex, what is the exact and correct configuration, as well as much more. The article is recommended to people who constantly use the services of Yandex and want to be the first in the light of the news.

What are widgets?

If we take an example from the "Android" devices, then we can safely say that the widget is a small subprogram with a graphical interface that is used to display the most important and necessary information. It should also be as large as possible, without losing its informative load. Now a well-founded question is brewing, how are Yandex and widgets connected? Of course, we can assume that this company produces special applications for smartphones, due to which various additions from the search service appear on your phone’s desktop, this is true, but only partially.

Yandex logo

Not many users wondered whether it is possible to clear the Yandex homepage from various information, as it was done in Google, because everything there is needed in a separate menu that does not distract the user from the initial task - to find the necessary information. On the main page of Yandex there are various interface elements, for example, Yandex.Traffic - these are the very same “widgets”. We will tell you how to configure widgets in Yandex below, but now you should know something.

When you start the main page for the first time, data about your location is read, after which these elements are adjusted based on these data, from which you will see information that is 100% relevant for your region, but this does not always happen, therefore these items are not set up times will save your time.

Fine tune Yandex widgets

If you do not have mail from Yandex, then you can not worry, it will not be required in any way to fine-tune the original page and elements. By the way, no additional widgets can be added to the main page. This could have been done earlier; we will tell you more about this in the clause of the same article. And now, our main goal remains to change and customize the elements.

Search in Yandex

Instructions on how to configure Yandex widgets on the main page:

  1. Open the start page, you will be immediately prompted to find something, but you should pay attention to the upper right corner, where the window for entering mail and the “Settings” button are located, click on it.
  2. A context menu opens in which you need to select "Configure Yandex."
  3. Your page will be updated, all widgets will become less transparent, this tells us that we can now customize them.

Well, now each element will have a gear next to it - this is a special settings submenu in which you can specify more accurate data, for example, your city, if Yandex didn’t do this for any reason. Everything is quite simple and clear. It is also worth noting that each element can be moved to a zone convenient for you, as well as deleted if you do not need it. To restore the deleted item, the “Return” button is used, which deletes one of your actions on the site, it works, as in graphic editors, nothing complicated.

What to do if widgets on Yandex are gone?

There is nothing terrible here, this sometimes happens. The whole problem is that the company from time to time improves the appearance, as well as the performance of the site. At the time of testing any new features, developers sometimes turn off some features so that people do not encounter problems once again. In the paragraph on how to configure widgets in Yandex, we mentioned that at the moment adding your widgets is disabled for the same reason - it’s still raw and not ready for operation. Nevertheless, try to restart the page or go to another browser.

Yandex on the phone

Why can’t you add your own widgets?

In the paragraph above, we said that it used to be possible to add our own elements to the main page, but we did not say that some of them violated the Yandex operation algorithms, and some even led to disastrous consequences for the program itself. The thing is that anyone, including intruders, could create these elements, and their discovery was a very time-consuming process. How could some of them be dangerous? Trite that they could steal the data that you enter from the keyboard, bank card numbers and much more. Therefore, we recommend that you install official extensions for browsers if you are missing something on the main page of Yandex.

"Yandex browser"


We hope that after reading this article you understand how to configure widgets in Yandex. This article is intended for novice users, so we recommend that you switch to browser extensions after a while, because they are much more convenient and the Internet does not always need them to work.

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