In a dream, a cat bit her hand: what portends a dream, the meaning and full interpretation of dreams in a dream book

It happens that dreams come under the influence of daily worries and dominant thoughts. You never know: an empty dream or a sacred meaning is hidden in it. However, one thing is certain for sure, if the dream has “hooked” you and thoughts about the dream do not leave, the wisest decision will be to look into the dream book and decipher it. Most likely, such unforgettable dreams can warn about something.

Today the topic of discussion will be cats. Not just cute cats purring tenderly at your feet, but biting little animals. So why in a dream did a cat bite her arm? The mere appearance of this unusual animal in night dreams should already alert the dreamer. All dream books claim that a cat, although a very cute animal in real life, appears in a dream as a sign of negativity.

What does Wang promise

Angry animal

The dream book of Vanga promises that if a cat bites her hand in a dream , this is a futile construction of plans that are never destined to come true. In addition, when in your dream you, in addition to cat's teeth, felt sharp cat's claws on yourself, it would definitely be a loss in your life. Keep track of personal and valuable things for you to avoid or somehow smooth out the severity of the loss.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book confidently promises that if he dreamed that the cat had bitten the dreamer's hand, he would be surrounded by enemies. Perhaps the enemies themselves have long and conveniently settled around a person. And such a dream only means that their lying mask will come off these people, and you will see your enemies as they are - in all their viciousness, meanness and treacherous lies. Vile traitors want to take possession of your things and defame your honest name. Especially carefully you need to read the documentation before putting your signature on it.

Scandalous showdowns

Tabby cat

The cat that appeared to you in a nightly dream can be a harbinger of a scandal or a family showdown based on jealousy. In addition, when in a dream a cat bit her hand and, in addition, sensitively scratched the dreamer, scandal cannot be avoided. To mitigate reality, if the dreamer himself suffers from attacks of jealousy, he needs to slightly lower the “degree of glow” of his sense of possessiveness. If the dreamer or dreamer has a jealous partner, do not give him a reason for a scandalous attack of jealousy.

It's to shame

Having seen the dream where the cat has bitten by the face, get ready for the fact that your most shameful secrets will come out for general discussion. You will have to go through some not very pleasant days or even weeks. Of course, in order to rectify the situation, you must first of all have patience, well, a little arrogance in this case also does not hurt. Remember one thing - over time, people forget about other people's mistakes, they are not interested in “procrastinating” the same someone’s shame for a long time.

Motley company

White cat

What else will tell the dream book? In a dream, a white suit cat bit her hand? In reality, you will meet with an insidious and cunning person. Most likely, it will be a hypocritical woman. If the animal was also old and shabby in your dream, the woman has no equal in meanness and cunning.

To see in a dream: a cat of a red suit bit her - to a stunning loss in any gamble. Try to restrain your desire to get rich in an easy and enjoyable way for at least three weeks. This will help to avoid strong financial losses.

The gray cat is a sign of instability in his personal life. Some problems overcome you, and it is unclear whether they are worth the nerves that you spend on them.

Bite up blood

Why dream if a cat has bitten before blood? A dream foreshadows betrayal by relatives. It is possible that some huge scandal awaits you, after which family ties may break for several decades. To prevent this from happening, think before you break off relations with your relatives or indulge in an indefatigable division of any property. And at the same time think about what (or who) is more important to you - things or people.

What did Freud say?

Cat bitten

A cat, bitten in a dream by a finger, for the stronger sex means attention from the girl. Some fan is looking for a meeting with you and is already starting to get angry, seeing that you are not responding to her signs and hints. Take a look around, maybe you can see this impatient lady. If your heart is already taken and you feel great in a relationship, then this lady can become your headache. She is very persistent and will soon begin to annoy you and intrigue you in revenge for the lack of a mutual light.

Black and evil

Black cat

The appearance of a coal-black shade in a dream is considered a very dangerous sign. And if he jumps out in your dream to meet you, such an animal is a sign of trouble. It can be not only a loss of material wealth - your health is at risk, and the cat warns about it. In order to somehow influence the situation in real life, after such a dream, it is advisable to visit the hospital or at least drink a course of vitamins. Somehow you need to strengthen your health, and it is possible that more serious consequences will pass you by.

Bit the baby

In a dream, the cat did not bite you, but your child? This can warn of an imminent scandal with neighbors or parents of your child's friends and girlfriends. Each parent loves his child and is ready with foam at the mouth to prove that his child is the best, most intelligent and most innocent. It is on this basis that a scandalous situation will develop.

Beat the cat

To see a dream in which you caught and somehow ruined a cat that has bitten you - in fact, you will defeat your spiteful critics. You just need to be a little more cunning and, like this animal, carefully look around, in time to understand who wants evil for you.

Dreams about kittens

Multi-colored kittens

And if a kitten bites you, it is possible that someone wants to draw you into a not very good thing.

Many mewing and creeping kittens seen in a dream can be a sign of approaching useless actions and troubles. You should not give them such seriousness as you do. Also, because of such troubles, you do not need to worry in vain. Little kittens biting in a dream are actually a sign that you can’t cope with emotions, worry and get nervous for some reason known only to you.

Tame the wild

A large wild cat biting you can talk about an imminent meeting with a person holding a high post. Moreover, if in a dream you still managed to calm the cat and pick it up, the person will become your patron and protector. Perhaps this will happen soon after your meeting, but everything has its time.

A dream in which there is a black wild panther cat portends a loss of control over the situation. It is also a sign of many tears and experiences, a desire to take a break from problems and even to some extent retire. You may not want to see your friends or relatives for some time, you are very tired and your soul requires a pause.

And more cats

A dirty and frozen cat of an unpleasant or unusual color is a sign of the appearance of a bad person in your environment. A new acquaintance (or acquaintance) has unclean thoughts about you. What sphere of life such a person "hooks", it remains only to speculate. Maybe he wants to deprive you of material things or finances, or maybe he will deceive you in the love sphere. One thing is clear - the spiteful person wants to use you. Therefore, doubled caution will not be superfluous.

A gray cat that has bitten you can actually be a harbinger of sadness. Expect thoughts of the meaning of human being and other philosophical thoughts in the near future. Such mental “bursts” are quite capable of causing a depressive mood and a lack of optimism.

wild cat

In a dream, combing a gray-colored cat with a long thick coat is a sign that your family needs your attention. Take a closer look, maybe they need help or just listen. Or perhaps you devote little time to your husband and children. It's time to correct this oversight, so that such carelessness on your part would not become the culprit of domestic scandals and insults.

Your young man had a dream while playing and stroking a cat? In fact, this dream is a very good sign, and even if the cat nibbled it lightly, it means that he loves you and values ​​your attention.

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