Unwind on the perch. Catching perch on a hook

The overwhelming majority of fans of winter fishing for perch prefer fishing without a hook. This unique bait is able to easily seduce a striped predator even during the deaf winter, not to mention the beginning of the season. In addition, the fisherman does not need to puzzle over the question of where to find bloodworms or other bait, when everything around is covered with snow.

Of course, fishing on a rewinder requires the fisherman to understand the food preferences of the perch and the knowledge of its habitats. We will consider these issues in our article.

Unwind on the perch

What is a mormyshka-bezmotylka?

Bezmotylka (non-nozzle mormyshka) is a mormyshka that imitates crustaceans or insects at different stages of their development, which are natural food of various fish species. It does not provide for the use of bait, but attracts fish with its appearance and the game that the fisherman sets.

Mormyshki-claws are most often used when fishing for a winter fishing rod, but they can be successfully used as bait at any time of the year for perch, roach, bream, etc. They are easily mounted on tackle and do not require any adjustment.

Fishing using a rewinder refers to sport fishing, which obliges the fisherman to constantly manage gear, playing along with the bait.

What are the claws?

All mormyshki are classified by weight on:

  • heavy;
  • medium;
  • lungs.

The choice of bait weight depends on the depth of fishing and the strength of the current. Moreover, the size of mormyshka is not always proportional to it. For fishing at great depths and in areas with a strong current can be used tungsten beaterless. This metal is heavier than lead, from which mormysks are usually made, almost twice, which makes it possible to significantly increase the weight of the bait without changing its size.

Perch on a spool

What kind of fish is caught on a rewinder?

The rewinder is a universal bait and is suitable for catching most types of fish, both predatory and peaceful. In winter, this bait is most often used for fishing for perch, pikeperch, roach and scavenger. In the fall and spring, non-mountable mormyshki can also be used when plumbing bream, carp and crucian carp.

Each of these fish species has its own response to such a bait. Best of all, of course, perch responds to the clawless. Roach on a rewinder also pecks well, especially on the first ice. But as for the pike perch, scavenger, bream and carp, it all depends on the skill of the fisherman. In other words, what the game will be, so will the nibble.

Beads for fishing perch

For fishing for perch, the following types of mormyshek-clawless can be used:

  • "Little devil";
  • "Composite devil";
  • "ant";
  • "goat";
  • Uralka;
  • "nymph";
  • "Moth" and others.

Let us consider in more detail each of these baits.

"Devil" is a popular clawless perch. It has an elongated body and three lower hooks. On sale is presented in various weights (from 0.3 to 1.5 g). It is used for fishing at medium depths in still water or in weak currents.

Cat Eye Perch Unwind

"Compound devil" - a kind of ordinary. Complemented with a movable head with hooks. It is used exclusively for fishing in strong currents.

"Ant" - a catchy bezmotka on a perch-sailor, used in shallow water. In shape, the body of the mormyshka resembles a large ant. For a fast water flow, flattened body varieties can be used.

"Goat" - one of the oldest and most common mormyshka. Works great on perch in all conditions. It has two hooks. Outwardly resembles a goat head with horns. Bezmotylka on a perch "goat" at a good game is very similar to a crustacean, to which the striped predator is so indifferent.

Uralka is a classic oval-shaped lead-free bezmotka with one hook. May have different size and weight. Very often complemented by various multi-colored body kits. Best of all, a perch on a Uralka-type rewinder reacts at great depths.

“Nymph” is one of the varieties of “uralka”. It is small in size and equipped with beads or sequins.

“Moth” is a small unhealthy perch with one hook having an elongated forend and a body resembling a bloodworm. Ideal for perch fishing in shallow water.

Alternative types of bezootylki

There are also non-standard mormyshki-clawless. They were invented and put into practice by the fishermen themselves through simple modifications of the models available for sale. The most common of them are:

  • "Cat's eye";
  • “Ring”;
  • "earring".

Bezmotylka on a perch “cat's eye” is a regular non-nozzle mormyshka of the “uralka” type, complemented by a suspension in the form of a ball of the required color. In the original, a turquoise shade of the same name is used for this, having dark stripes in its structure.

Marchless Perch
"Cat's Eye" provides an excellent light game and is designed primarily for the visual perception of a predator. If there is no stone at hand, a plastic bead of the appropriate color or even a painted glass or metal ball can be used instead.

Another popular model of rewinding is the ring. It really resembles a ring with a stone, worn on a sting of a hook. The bezmotlok for perch “ring” is made of the necessary beads and fishing line. The role of the stone is assigned to the bead, mounted on a forest loop. On a mormyshka can be installed as one "ring", or several.

“Earring” is a combined bezelless perch with a similar pendant, however here paired with beads are used sequins or pieces of cambric strung on a loop from a fishing line.

Simple do-it-yourself do-it-yourself perch

To understand what a classic non-nozzle mormyshka is, let’s try to do it yourself. The manufacturing process does not require much time and money. We make the usual “devil”. For this we need:

  • triple hook No. 16-20 (according to international classification);
  • acid for soldering, solder ;
  • soldering iron;
  • sandpaper;
  • nail polish.

The tee is handled with acid. Further, the necessary amount of solder is applied to it along the entire length. After that, the soldering place is ground and painted in the desired color. Additionally, the sting of the hooks can be equipped with pieces of multi-colored cambric or sequins.

In such a simple way, at home, a simple bezmail without a perch is made. Homemade photo is presented below.

Winderless perch in winter

Another simple option for self-production is the “moth”. It will require a single hook of the same size, a thin copper wire and varnish.

The fore-end is wound with a wire round to round over the entire length. Further, the body of the future mormyshka is painted, and a pair of beads can be worn on the sting for additional attractiveness.

Tackle-free fishing gear for perch

For fishing for perch on a non-mounting mormyshka use a winter fishing rod. Her type does not play a special role. An ordinary fishing rod, a simple “filly”, and a sports “balalaika” will do. The main role is assigned to a nod. The game of the bait will depend on him. Unwind on a perch in winter involves the use of the most flexible and sensitive nod. This element of a winter fishing rod can be bought at any fishing store or made independently from plastic or thin sheet spring steel.

The thickness of the fishing line is selected based on the size and weight of the intended catch. For a small sailor perch, 0.06-0.08 mm will be enough. But already for fishing on a humpback, the cross-section of the line should be at least 0.1-0.12 mm.

Goatless Perch

Where to look for perch?

Now let's talk about where to look for perch. It is known that in late autumn this predator, straying in flocks, goes to the bottom. But with the establishment of the first ice, it is significantly activated and begins to feed. Agree that in winter there is not much food for him at the bottom, so the perch spends most of his time scouring the entire body of water in search of prey.

“Sailor” must be sought along the thickets of reeds and reeds in shallow water, as well as in places where there are trees that have fallen and frozen in ice. The humpback’s winter hunting places are the borders and edges of pits, dumps, and also sections along steep coasts with a depth of more than 3 m.

Unwind on the perch in March, immediately after the ice drift, will be most effective in the coastal zone. Spring zhor before spawning makes the striped robber approach the shore in search of food that meltwater carries in its streams. These are various insects, their larvae and worms. In addition, coastal areas in this period are replete with various peaceful fish, also preparing for spawning.

Do it yourself do-it-yourself

Do I need to feed a place?

Most winter fishing enthusiasts tend to think that feeding the place in winter is absolutely unnecessary. In principle, they are right, but only if you catch a tackle with bait. But for a non-stick mormyshka bait is simply necessary. The fact is that bait of animal origin, such as bloodworms, has an attractive smell for fish, able to attract it for several tens of meters.

When fishing for a non-mountable mormyshka this will not happen, so that, having drilled a hole in a non-fishing place, you will not wait for a bite. It is clear that the perch on the rewinder will not bite until he sees it.

But if you feed the place, it will attract fish, and even if it is not a humpback or a “sailor”, but a small roach, in any case, you will not be left without a catch.

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