How to download a press for weight loss belly? Tips for men and women

Currently, many methods and technologies are used to deal with extra pounds, especially in the abdomen and thighs. This is a variety of diets and pills. And we’ll talk about how to download a press for losing belly. What is the best way to work out so that weight loss is effective?

download abdominal slimming press

How to download the press

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you see that everything is not fine with the figure, and this was confirmed by a centimeter tape (the waist circumference for women should not exceed 90 cm, and for men - 100 cm), then you need to not only moderate your appetites at the dinner table, but also physically involved. Remove belly fat by pumping - one way to solve the problem.

Here, as in other matters, the correct approach is very important. This means that classes need to be planned in such a way that they do not cause harm to health. Therefore, it is considered natural if, at the beginning of the course, performing each exercise, you will repeat it 5-7 times. As the muscles are developed, the number of such repetitions must be increased. At the same time, it is recommended to do 3 approaches to each exercise.

Shaking the press, we must learn to hear the tension that occurs in the muscles of the abdomen, since it depends on how well you perform the movement, and how soon you will achieve the desired result.

to properly download the press for losing weight

Download a belly slimming press at home

Since it is not easy to cope with extra centimeters at the waist, pills and diets will not give a one hundred percent result, then there is a need to pump the abdominal weight loss press. Thanks to this, you can quickly and efficiently work out the muscles of the abdominal cavity and come in perfect physical shape.

If you have the opportunity to work out in the fitness center, this is very good, but you can get a beautiful and elastic tummy at home. If you train patiently, persistently perform the tasks set for yourself, then the result will surely please.

Press exercises should be started after the body has already been warmed up. It becomes more plastic, and classes will not lead to injuries.

Therefore, you first need to do a good workout. It is necessary to stretch the muscles with the help of deep bends, body turns, swings of legs and arms. After warming up your body, you can begin the basic exercises.

A very important point in their implementation is smoothness, as well as proper breathing. When the body is stressed, it is necessary to inhale, while relaxing, exhale.

Being engaged daily, it is possible to ensure the expected success.

how easy it is to swing the press to clean your stomach

How to prepare for classes: tips for beginners

If you decide to take on your health and beauty, then immediately read the recommendations that fitness instructors give so that classes benefit, and you have excellent results.

It’s better to pump your belly slimming press onto an empty stomach, so it’s recommended that at least 2 hours elapse between eating and starting exercise.

Training before bedtime can lead to its disruption, so it is better to do this press in the morning or from 18 to 19 hours.

It would be ideal to pump the press in the fresh air, but a well-ventilated room is also suitable.

An important role on the results of classes has a psychological attitude. Funny, rhythmic music during training will increase activity, block the desire to feel sorry for yourself and thereby increase productivity.

Effective exercises for a firm belly

Among the many complexes developed to date to combat extra centimeters at the waist, very effective exercises in the supine position can be distinguished. Inhalations and exhalations do the nose. Before starting each approach, fold your arms over your chest with your palms facing each other, raise your head and legs by 10-15 centimeters.

  1. We perform 6 deep breaths.
  2. Download the rectus abdominis muscles. Next, work with the right foot. On inspiration, we lift it vertically, on exhale - lower it to the left leg. Perform six times.
  3. Download oblique muscles. Hands reach for the right foot. On inspiration, we lift it, on exhalation we attach it to the left leg. Repeat six times. Then the same with the left foot.
  4. We repeat the previous exercise, but the arms are directed to the left leg.
  5. Hands to the right foot. On inspiration, we lift both legs vertically. As you exhale, lower them to their starting position.
  6. Hands to the left foot. We repeat the exercise described above.

Between the approaches you need to take a break for a few seconds.

6 exercises for all abdominal muscles

There are many methods to strengthen muscles, each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest you familiarize yourself with yet another way, how to easily swing the abs to remove the stomach. This requires the study of the upper, lower and lateral muscles. For each of these groups, it is enough to perform two exercises a day, and you will see the result very soon.
1. The study of the upper abdominal muscles:
- Legs - shoulder width apart, arms - at the waistline. We engage the upper body, performing circular movements 10 times. First one way, then the other. We tilt back as far as possible in order to avoid damage to the back.

- Lie on your back. Arms extended up, legs bent at the knees. With a deep breath, we raise our hands and pull the upper body upwards, without lifting the lower back from the floor, while exhaling - the starting position We repeat the exercise 10 times.

2. We work out the lower part of the press:
- Lie on your back. Legs extended, arms folded on the stomach. We repeat the exercise for two minutes. We take a breath, inflating the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling we pull it in with all our strength.

- Lying on your back, inhale, raise straight legs, hold for 10 - 15 seconds. As you exhale slowly lower it.

3. Strengthen the lateral muscles:
- Lying on your back, arms folded under your head. Inhale - raise your legs 90 ° , lower to the right side, trying to reach the floor with your knee. Exhale - legs up. Then repeat the other way. It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 times.

- Standing on your feet, spread them wider. When inhaling, lean to the right, while exhaling - the starting position, then to the other side. We continue to carry out the exercise from 1.5 to 2 minutes.

The result is expected in 4-6 weeks. Regular classes are a prerequisite for a beautiful press.

weight loss for the abdomen, swing the press while standing

Why is it useful to swing the press while standing

A flat stomach and a good press for a girl are not only fashionable and beautiful, but also very useful. The developed abdominal muscles are very useful for carrying a child, as well as during childbirth. Well-designed, they will contribute to rapid recovery in the postpartum period. Therefore, you need to start downloading a press for losing weight in your stomach in youth and continue this process throughout life.

Sometimes it is very useful to change the sets of exercises for the press. This can be explained by the fact that the muscles get used to monotonous training, which can again lead to the formation of fat on the abdomen. In this case, we change the complex, which will resume weight loss for the abdomen - swing the press while standing.

There are various selections of exercises, but when performing any of them, a large number of muscles are worked out. They help improve balance, form the correct posture.

Abdominal Slimming Press, Exercise

6 exercises for pumping up the press while standing

One of the newest methods, which is worked out daily for 10 minutes, standing press for losing belly (exercises are very simple and affordable), is a complex of six movements. When they are performed, weighting will be required. It can be a dumbbell, a ball or just a bottle of water.
1. Legs together, arms raised above the head. We raise the right leg 20 times, without bending, with our hands we stretch to the socks. Then the left one.

2. Hold the weight with your hands, the right leg is raised by 90 0 and bent at the knee. Weights are moved diagonally from left to right. Repeat on the other leg. The movement is done 15 times.

3. The arms are bent at the elbows parallel to the floor at chest level, legs together. We perform jumps for 2-3 minutes, turning the feet as far as possible to the right and left, in turn. Hands in place.

4. Legs shoulder width apart, arms at the waist. We make unhurried circular movements with the upper body for 2 minutes.

5. Put your legs wider, hands in the lock raised above your head. Raise the right leg 15 times, bending it at the knee, to the left shoulder, arms go towards. Repeat on the other side.

6. Legs shoulder width apart, left arm at the waist, right arm bent at the elbow to the right of the torso. Raise the right leg and stretch the knee to the elbow. Repeat 15 times. We pass to the left side.

The result of these very effective exercises will not take long.

remove belly fat shaking press

Tips for pumping up the press for the lazy

There is another technique for how to properly pump the press for losing weight, developed by Japanese scientists. This lesson is very productive. At first glance, it is simple, but ... Burning fat on the abdomen and strengthening the press occurs due to the static effect on the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

For classes you need a roller. You can use a bath towel by twisting it. A cushion roll with a diameter of about 10-12 cm is very suitable.

Before starting the exercise, we sit on a hard surface, put the roller right next to the back. And now lay back on him. Spread your legs as wide as possible, but so that the socks are in contact. We extend our arms behind our heads in such a way that our palms rest with our palms on the floor, and our little fingers touch each other. The pose is very uncomfortable. You can start from 1 minute with a gradual increase in time to 5 minutes.

After a month of daily such five-minute lying, you can’t stop looking at your flat, elastic tummy.

download belly slimming press to man

How to pump up a man

A lot of men suffer from excess weight, they have beer and driver’s bellies. But if you want to look spectacular, have 6 cubes instead of one ball, then you have to work on yourself a little.

You can download a man’s abdominal slimming press in various ways. There are many techniques, sets of exercises. But one of the best is a program consisting of:
- slats: strengthen the back, buttocks, stomach, shoulders;
- exercises "climber": strengthen the muscles of the press, heart, buttocks;
- exercises with a roller, when scrolling from a kneeling position, the press is very well worked out;
- hang when the trunk and legs create a right angle;
- "Bicycle", familiar to everyone since childhood.

Engaged in these simple but very effective exercises three times a week, after a month you can greatly improve your abs and even boast cubes.

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