Samsung air conditioners - smart climate devices

If you do not have air conditioning at home, pay attention to Samsung. Over the past two years, new Korean Samsung air conditioners have appeared, the range of capabilities of which has been significantly expanded.

air conditioners samsung
Let's take a look at the latest devices from the KVV series. These air conditioners are equipped with a filter, which engineers called HD 90%. The filter removes minute dust particles from the air. Compared to conventional convection filters, the mesh of this module is capable of extracting more than 90% of solid particles from indoor air. The new device is easily removed and washed with warm running water.

Korean biologists participated in the development of an air filtration system for the new Samsung air conditioners. Scientists were instructed to develop a filter that removes allergens from the air. Tests that were carried out before launching into mass production showed that the new Samsung air conditioners successfully withstand even seasonal allergies. At the same time, allergic symptoms disappear in 90% of purified air consumers 10 minutes after starting the air conditioner in a room with an area of ​​19 square meters.

air conditioners samsung reviews
Air conditioners of the KVV series successfully fight against viruses, bacteria and fungi. For this purpose, the Virus Doctor system has been developed. Recall that back in 2011, Samsung consumers already had access to the CIS air conditioners equipped with microplasma ion generators. They destroyed harmful bacteria by binding oxygen ions and hydrogen atoms to a protein.

Air conditioners of the KVV series are equipped with an advanced generator, called S-Plasma Ion. This unit converts biological contaminants into water vapor that cannot be neutralized with conventional filters. In addition to neutralizing bacteria, S-Plasma Ion, part of the Virus Doctor system, successfully fights mold and dust mites. Those who previously used ionizers have already appreciated Samsung's new air conditioners. Reviews of the successful addition of the device to the ionizer also indicate a reduction in asthma attacks in the rooms where these devices work.

Exceptional freshness of the air leaving Samsung air conditioners is achieved by coating the internal parts and purifiers with silver ions.

Samsung - air conditioners equipped with intelligent electronics. Korean engineers managed to achieve full automation of the microclimate. Now the air conditioner does not need to be turned on and off. The Smart Inverter system independently controls and maintains room temperature. This saves energy.

samsung air conditioners
Samsung air conditioners, which have been produced since 2012, have implemented the advanced Good Sleep comfort sleep mode. A sleeping person breathes air, the temperature and humidity of which are maintained by automation.

Samsung air conditioners clean themselves. A special sensor starts the cleaning system even when the device is turned off. This is necessary so that moisture and harmful microorganisms do not accumulate in the device.

An innovation for Korean air conditioners was the use of Wi-Fi. Now consumers can control them using computers and smartphones.

Samsung's modern air conditioning is an intelligent climate device that takes care of health and comfort.

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