How to get rid of dreams every night? Useful tips and techniques

A person with a strong nervous system and a normal tempered psyche will hardly come to mind to wonder how to get rid of dreams, popularly called nightmares. But the catch is that the modern way of life gives little chance to remain always calm and confident in the future. People worry and worry about many aspects of their own lives, as well as their loved ones. These alarms, of course, do not pass unnoticed. And even if during the day a person keeps himself in control, then at night, when darkness descends on the earth, they wake up - nightmare dreams.

Nightmares wander through cities and villages, looking into the subconscious of everyone who sleeps. Nightmares are found by weak and completely unprotected places in a dream in the imagination of the sleeper and begin their destructive work.

Nightmares are not forgotten.

Shadow of man

It is destructive, because lack of sleep is fraught with all sorts of unpleasant consequences that occur with a person. Exhausting sleep, periodically recurring, does not contribute to a good overall psychological background, or restoration of health. And then people, exhausted mentally and physically, begin to worry about the burning question of how to get rid of obsessive dreams. After all, dreams not only come at night and leave at dawn, they leave heavy feelings. For a long time, the nightmare is not forgotten. And as soon as the consciousness begins to erase the heavy vision from its back streets, the insistent and more cunning (stronger) subconscious mind returns the dream again. And the question of how to get rid of scary dreams again becomes relevant.

Why we see bad dreams

Anxious dream

Around the dreams there is still much debate. Great minds put forward theories and then refute them. It is still unclear why dreams are visited and disturbed by a person. How does our brain create nightmares worse than any horror movie? Many questions remain unanswered in our time. However, there are two most common versions of why people dream (including nightmares). Based on them, we’ll talk about how to get rid of dreams that do not contribute to normal rest and the general state of the dreamer.

A nightmare - a fortuneteller?

In a dream alone

Those who are fond of otherworldly dreamers are sure that disturbing heavy dreams are attempts by the Higher powers to warn of something. Such people perceive the vision as a prediction or warning. I must say that their dreams tend to come true. No, not to the extent that I dreamed, although sometimes there are quite serious coincidences in numbers, names and other points called “deja vu”. Such dreamers also want to know how to get rid of dreams with an unpleasant scenario. They often try to soften expected events and predict them, which, you see, also does not contribute to a quality life. Being in tension all the time, briefly drive yourself into a psychiatric hospital.

The logical explanation for the nightmare

Horrible slippery

How to get rid of nightmares in a dream, those dreamers who want to completely refuse to believe in otherworldly forces and other heresies (they say) also want to know. They are more likely to trust science and are supporters of the theory that dreams are a reflection of past experiences that happened today or many years ago. The brain is trying to "sort them out", and from here various dreams arise, including not very desirable ones.

Reasons for the origin of heavy dreams

Eyes in a dream

The reasons for the emergence of unpleasant dreams are different.

  • The loss of a loved one. It doesn’t matter in what way life divorced the dreamer from his close: death, breakdown, and the like. Also, the emergence of a nightmare is facilitated by the trauma of the sleeping person (or one close to him), poor health, and some other factors that contribute to anxiety and then fear.
  • Loss of a permanent source of income. Resentment at home and at work. Difficult moments in a relationship.
  • Media reports. Often they are replete with negativity and contribute to the growth of anxiety and anxiety.
  • Lifestyle. Smoking, addiction to alcohol and drugs, regular overeating, lack of exercise can cause bad dreams. Therefore, questions about how to quickly get rid of sleep, which is exhausting and does not bring rest, are relevant for these people.
  • Strong emotional stress and heavy physical. This item is relevant for people working, for example, in the police or in the rescue service and the like. Also, bad and disturbing dreams are dreamed by artists and writers, poets and other creative emotional persons.
  • A nervous system disease is an open gate for nightmares. Apnea, neurosis, schizophrenia and other disorders can be one of the causes of terrible dreams.

How to get rid of bad dreams

Ruins in the dark

Here are some of the most affordable ways to get rid of heavy visions.

  • The norm of sleep. One of the most important points. It takes an adult eight hours to sleep to feel alert and active. Daily late sitting in front of the TV or in social networks takes the necessary time, so you should not devote many hours to them. In addition, the network often has a lot of negative information. It is undesirable to see it at bedtime, otherwise the brain will “hook” on the plot and develop its own scenario of events.
  • Unhealthy habits. They must be resolutely abandoned. Smoking and alcohol cause less oxygen, blood to enter the brain, and this causes nightmares. The same goes for any kind of drug.
  • A lot of tea and coffee drunk during the day, and even more so at night, deprive a person of normal rest, due to the fact that the composition of the drinks contains invigorating caffeine. Do not drink strong drinks if you have nightmares at night.
  • Try to be more stress resistant. Do not take to heart the sad stories told by a colleague at work. Don't “savor” the sad news broadcast on television. Cleanse your living space from such negativity. Before bedtime, think only what pleases you. Dream - this will contribute to the emergence of pleasant dreams.
  • Remove from the bedroom everything that clutters the space. Sleep with the window open, if possible. Ventilate the bedroom more often. Create yourself comfortable conditions and the temperature at which you sleep well.
  • Noise. Noise must be disposed of. If the loud-speaking TV in the next room does not let you fall asleep, ask your family to make the sound quieter. If you can’t cope with the noise on your own (a party at the neighbors, serenades under the windows, the buzz of cars, etc.), get earplugs for your ears.
  • Walk a lot on the street. Especially before bedtime.

What to do if the problem is more serious?

The above methods of getting rid of discomforting dreams are suitable for relatively healthy people. If the dreamer has psychological and psychological problems, he needs to seek help from a specialist.

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