Junior officers in Russia

Many military personnel at the initial steps of the career ladder want to achieve higher ranks. It is enough for someone to rise to the rank of major, someone - to lieutenant colonel. And someone dreams of general uniforms. One way or another, service begins in the lower ranks and reaches the junior officers.

Ranks. Main categories

Ship and military are two categories. It is in them in Russia that the titles exist.

Ranks in the first category receive:

  1. Sailors of the Navy.
  2. Employees in the naval units of the internal armed forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. FSB border guards working in the coast guard.

Ranks in the range of the second category are assigned to those who serve in such types of troops as:

  1. Air Force
  2. Land.
  3. Cosmic.
  4. Rocket.
  5. Compound.

Section 5 implies air forces, marines and naval forces operating on the shore.

Ranks in units of the guards have the word "guard" at the beginning of their term.

Those servicemen who have resigned or are on standby receive appropriate definitions for their ranks. For example, a retired captain.

Employees representing organizations of a medical or legal profile receive appropriate wordings for their ranks: medical work and justice.

Initial ranks in the army

The first step in the army ranks is a private. It arose in 1946.

But in its status, it is listed above cadets and recruits. Officer training is an exception.

People studying in military schools are cadets. During training, they receive ranks within the rank and file. If they successfully complete their studies, they are included in the officer rank as lieutenant.

In ship terminology, the status identical to ordinary is a sailor.

Private - Sailor

The second step after the rank and file is a corporal. This rank is awarded to senior employees and soldiers with the best results of military training. And when there are no commanders in the unit, they have the right to replace them.

A way to designate a rank is one tag on uniform. His marine counterpart is the senior sailor.

Corporal - Senior Sailor

About sergeants

The next level above the corporal is a junior sergeant. This is a staffing post. He has the right to lead the squad, tank and fighting vehicle. Its analogue in the Navy is the foreman of the 2nd article.

Junior Sergeant - Petty Officer of the 2nd article

A step higher is the sergeant. The year this title arose is 1940. It is part of the junior command.

It can get:

  1. Cadets who have completed their studies at one mark "excellent".
  2. Sergeants from the bottom step.

Its counterpart in the Navy is the foreman of the first article.

Sergeant - Foreman of the 1st article

The following is a senior sergeant. At sea, its counterpart is the chief foreman.

Senior Sergeant - Chief Sergeant

About foreman

The year this title was introduced is 1935. Senior sergeants with the best performance in the service are awarded it. Moreover, they must serve in their ranks for six months - this is the minimum required period. They are elevated to the rank of foremen in those parts where it is provided.

In the Navy, its analogue is called the main ship foreman (until 1971 - the warrant officer).

Foreman - chief foreman

Petty officers are directly subordinate to employees in his unit. He himself obeys the company commander.

The foreman can be an ensign and a sergeant, who serves on an extra-long schedule.

About warrant officers

The year of the rank of ensign is 1972. The duties and rights of the ensign bring him closer to the junior officer collegium.

This title is given to people who have graduated from special schools (not military universities).

Warrant officers have sleeve insignia of distinction and shoulder straps according to the established pattern.

An analogue of the ensign in the fleet is the midshipman.

Warrant Officer Midshipman

In 1981, the title of Senior Warrant Officer appeared. By status, it is more prestigious than an ordinary ensign, but has not yet reached the military ranks of junior officers.

His identity in the Navy is the senior midshipman.

Junior officer ranks

Shoulder straps of junior officers

The range of these ranks includes:

  1. Lieutenants. First, a person is promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. Then becomes a lieutenant. Further level is senior lieutenant. The fleet has the same designations.
  1. Captain. In the fleet, he corresponds to the position of captain-lieutenant.

Shoulder straps of junior officers are distinguished by a vertical line and small metal stars.

All lieutenants can command a platoon and be deputy company commanders.

The captain can command a company and training platoon.

About junior lieutenant


The junior officers begin from this link.

In the era of the USSR, this title was awarded to college graduates. During the war - those employees who have successfully completed special accelerated courses.

Today it is received:

  1. Cadets of last courses in some military universities.
  2. Persons who graduated from academies with regiments and divisions.
  3. Persons who have studied at civil schools and technical schools.
  4. Warrant officers for important services.

Paragraphs 3 and 4 are implemented extremely rarely and in a situation with a serious shortage of officers.

About the lieutenant

Among the ranks of the junior officers of the Russian Federation this is the second level. Claim for it:

  1. Graduates of military schools.
  2. Students subject to draft and graduated from the military department in their institutions.
  3. Junior lieutenants, when the normalized period of service ends. Moreover, they must be positively certified.

About Senior Lieutenant

This is the third step in the junior officers in Russia. The senior lieutenant has such differences on his uniform:

There are two stars on the two sides of their longitudinal line below. Above them on the longitudinal line flaunts another asterisk. The diameter of all the stars is 1.4 cm. They form a triangle with equal sides. A button is located on the upper side of the shoulder strap.

Prior to this rank lieutenants are usually promoted.

Captain's rank

In the junior officer in the army, this is the highest rank.

Its artillery counterpart is a battalion commander (battery commander).

If an engineer is a junior officer, and he rose to this rank, then he receives the position of engineer - captain.

Such a system also operates in the navy.

The police also have the rank of captain. This rank corresponds to the army post - to the platoon commander.

About senior staff

Shoulder straps of senior officers

Junior officers tend to be promoted. And this is logical. There are higher salaries and prestige. This is a college of officers a rank higher. Its steps are as follows:

1. Major. He may lead the training company and replace clause 2.

His counterpart in the Navy is the captain of the third rank.

2. The lieutenant colonel. The title is valid in the special services and in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It allows you to lead the battalion and replace p. 3.

His counterpart in the Navy is a captain of the second rank.

3. Colonel. This rank appeared in 1935. This rank allows you to command the regiment, as well as to replace the division commander.

Within the fleet, his identity is captain of the first rank.

About top ranks

Shoulder straps of senior officers

This composition is also called general. After all, it consists of only generals. Among them are their steps:

  1. Major General. He leads the division. In personnel, he may have about 15 thousand employees. The marine analogue of the title is Rear Admiral.
  1. Lieutenant General. In the military structure, the lieutenant is a rank below the major. But in the general system this is not so. A person in this rank leads the army within the military district. He can also hold positions at headquarters.

The equivalent of the rank in the fleet is Vice Admiral.

  1. Colonel General. This is the deputy head of staff in the military district. This rank also allows you to find yourself in leading places in the Ministry of Defense.

An analogue in the fleet is the admiral.

  1. Army General. In the USSR he was called the marshal of the troops. He leads an entire army.

The naval analog of the rank is Fleet Admiral.

Stars of 2.2 cm in diameter are embroidered on uniform of employees with the indicated ranks. There are no gaps here.

Since 2013, for item 4, a star is placed on shoulder straps, the diameter of which is developed to 4.4 cm.

It is worth saying about the highest Russian military rank - Marshal. A star with a diameter of 4 cm flaunts on his shoulder straps. Background - rays of silver shades. They diverge in radius and form a pentagon. There is also a national emblem here. Only the heraldic shield is missing.

Rank Marshal

Ways to get titles

The promotions algorithm is regulated by a special Regulation. An employee receives a new rank on the day when the period of validity of his current rank expires.

If a person is a student of a military university, then on the day when the time of service ends, he becomes a lieutenant colonel. At the same time, his former rank does not matter.

Another way to increase is personal achievement. An employee may be awarded a rank higher than what is required by the state. But there is a limit - major. Such merits are determined by commanders on the basis of the level of training, moral character and special achievements in combat situations.

The standard promotion method is length of service. It is calculated in months and years for each rank personally. This information is reflected in the following table.


Merit (number of months)


5 months

Lance Sergeant

1 g


2 g

Staff Sergeant

3 g


3 g

Ml lieutenant

2 g


3 g

Senior Lieutenant

3 g


4 g


4 g

Lieutenant colonel

5 years.

To get the next star, to increase the rank, another 5 years of service are required. Also in this matter, it is important that a person has a position that is surely suitable for his new rank.


Of course, not all rank and file during the service are awarded a promotion. After the army, many work in civilian professions. But those who are interested in growing up the military ladder tend to get into the junior officer corps. And this is a springboard for a more serious development.

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