Computer technology hardware: definition, description and types

Modern computers use the hardware and software tools that are very interconnected and clearly interact in different directions to ensure maximum performance and correct operation. Now we will touch on the consideration of hardware, since initially it was they who occupy a dominant position in ensuring the operability of any computer or even mobile system.

Systems Hardware: General Classification

So what are we dealing with? In fact, the hardware complex is familiar to everyone. In fact, many users call it computer hardware. Indeed, hardware is hardware, not software components of any computer system. In the simplest version of the classification, they are divided into internal and external.


In addition, in this division, there are three main and most substantial classes of devices:

  • Input Devices;
  • output devices;
  • information storage devices.

Naturally, it is worth noting separately the main elements of computer systems like the motherboard, processor, etc., which are not included in any of the above classes and are the basic elements without which no computer will simply work.

Basic computer elements

Describing the hardware of any computer, you should start with the most important element - the motherboard, on which all internal elements are located. And to it, through the use of various sockets and slots, external devices are connected.

hardware complex

Today, there are many varieties of "motherboards" and their manufacturers. True, such motherboards for stationary computers and laptops may vary in form and in the arrangement of individual elements. Nevertheless, the essence of their application in computer systems does not change.

hardware protection

The second most important element is the central processor, which is responsible for speed. One of the main characteristics is the clock frequency, expressed in mega- or gigahertz, or simply put, a value that determines how many elementary operations a processor can perform in one second. It is easy to guess that speed is nothing more than the ratio of the number of operations to the number of ticks, which is necessary to perform (calculate) one elementary operation.

Computer hardware cannot be imagined without RAM slots and hard drives, which are related to storage devices. About them will be discussed later.


In modern computers, hybrid devices are also used, such as, for example, ROM or non-volatile CMOS non-volatile memory, which is the basis of the basic input / output system called the BIOS.

hardware information

This is not only an β€œiron” chip located on the motherboard. It has its own firmware, which allows not only to store unchanged data, but also to test internal components and peripherals at the time of turning on the computer. Probably, many owners of stationary PCs noticed that a system speaker signal was heard at the time of switching on. This just indicates that the device scan was successful.

Information Input Tools

Now let's dwell on input devices. At the moment, there are quite a few of their varieties, and judging by the development of IT-technologies, soon there will be even more of them. Nevertheless, the following are considered basic in this list:

  • keyboard;
  • mouse (trackpad for laptops);
  • joystick;
  • digital camera;
  • microphone;
  • external scanner.

Each of these devices allows you to enter a different type of information. For example, using a scanner, you enter graphics, using a camera - video, on the keyboard - text, etc. However, the mouse and trackpad, in addition to everything else, are also controllers (manipulators).

systems hardware

As for the keyboard, controlling functions in it are used through buttons or their combinations. At the same time, you can get access to certain functions, parameters and commands of operating systems or other software.

Information Output Tools

Hardware cannot be imagined without output devices. The standard list contains the following:

  • monitor;
  • a printer;
  • plotter;
  • sound and video system;
  • multimedia projector.

hardware and software

Here the main thing is a computer monitor or laptop screen. It is clear, after all, that with modern methods of object-oriented programming, interaction with the user is carried out through a graphical interface, although this situation is equally applicable to systems in which commands are supposed to be entered. In any case, the user should see what is displayed on the screen.

As for the rest of the elements, they are desirable, although not mandatory (well, except perhaps the graphics adapter, without which modern systems may not work).

Information Storage

Finally, one of the most important classes is information storage devices. Their presence, whether internal components or external media, is simply a must. The following varieties belong to this class:

  • hard drive (hard drive);
  • RAM;
  • cache memory;
  • external drives (floppy disks, optical disks, USB devices).

Sometimes this also includes a BIOS system with CMOS-memory, however, as mentioned above, these are more likely hybrid devices, which can be attributed equally to different categories.

software hardware

Of course, the main place here is occupied by hard drives and "RAM". A hard disk is a hardware means of information (or rather, a means of storing it), because it is permanently stored on it, and temporarily in RAM (when starting or running programs, copying contents to the clipboard , etc.).


When you turn off the computer, the RAM is automatically cleared, but the information from the hard drive does not disappear. In principle, removable media such as high-capacity USB devices are also competing with the hard drive, but floppy disks and optical disks go into oblivion, if only because of their small capacity and the possibility of physical damage.

Communication devices

An optional class, although very popular in the modern world, can also be called devices that are responsible for ensuring communication between individual computer terminals directly connected and in networks (or even at the level of Internet access). Here from the main devices you can distinguish the following:

  • network adapters;
  • routers (modems, routers, etc.).

As it is already clear, one cannot do without them when organizing networks (stationary or virtual), while providing access to the World Wide Web. But few people today know that two computers, for example, can be connected via cable directly, as was done twenty years ago. Of course, this looks somewhat impractical, however, you should not forget about such an opportunity, especially when you need to copy large amounts of information, but there is no suitable medium at hand.

Security and data protection devices

Now about another type of device. These are hardware protection equipment, which can include, for example, β€œiron” firewalls, also called firewalls (firewall from English - β€œfire wall”).

hardware complex

For some reason, today most users are used to the fact that the firewall (aka firewall) is an exclusively software product. This is not true. When organizing networks with an increased level of security, the use of such components is not what is desirable, and sometimes even simply necessary. Agree, because the software does not always cope with its functions and may not respond in time to interference with the network from outside, not to mention access to confidential information stored on hard drives of computers or servers.

Hardware and Software Interoperability

So, we briefly reviewed the hardware. Now a few words about how they interact with software products.

hardware protection

Agree, operating systems that provide user access to the computing capabilities of a PC have their own requirements. Modern "OSes" devour so many resources that they simply will not work with outdated processors that lack computing power, or in the absence of the required amount of RAM. This, by the way, applies equally to modern application programs. And, of course, this is far from the only example of such an interaction.


Finally, it is worth saying that the hardware of a modern computer was considered briefly enough, however, it is possible to draw conclusions about the classification of the main elements of the system. In addition, it is worth paying attention that computer technology is developing, and this also leads to the fact that more and more external and internal devices of various types appear (take at least virtual helmets). But as for the basic configuration, in this case the most important components are given, without which today no computer system can exist. However, for obvious reasons, mobile devices were not considered here, because their device is somewhat different from computer terminals, although there is quite a lot in common.

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