What are clowns and circus dreaming of?

Each person spends a third of his life at rest. While some people are just resting, others use this time to peep into the future. It is thanks to dreams that one can find out, for example, what events will occur in the coming days, will they be positive or is there something to be afraid of.

To date, there is a huge number of dream interpreters who are able to correctly decipher night dreams. However, before turning to them, you need to try to remember the smallest details seen in a dream. Only in this way will there be a chance to interpret the vision as accurately as possible. We suggest you find out what clowns dream of.

what are clowns dreaming of

Miller's Dream Book

If the clown whom you saw in a dream made faces and tried to mimic you, then you will have to make a lot of effort at work. You may spend a lot of effort, but the result will exceed all expectations and bring you satisfaction. The funds received will be enough to implement all plans.

A dream is considered to be unfavorable, in which you were in a clown costume. Most likely, you will find yourself in a ridiculous situation that will negatively affect not only your authority, but also hurt your pride. You should not go about women who want to use you in another affair, using their sexuality for this.

Dream Interpreter Grishina

This source is also able to explain what clowns dream of. If you happen to meet a circus buffoon in a dream, in life you are constantly trying to hide from others the inner feelings, some fears or sadness. Did the clown talk with you and at the same time say the right, wise words? You will become the central hero of the most ridiculous life situation.

what is the dream of an evil clown

Seeing a clown surrounded by circus animals - in reality you feel very disappointed not only in people, but in life in general. Dream Interpretation Grishina knows what clowns and the circus dream of. If during the performance one of the clowns is killed, then this is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are trying to clutch with both hands the illusions that are crumbling before your eyes. The clown is beaten - you are so dissatisfied with your own personality that you are even annoyed by your reflection in the mirror.

If the circus jester was crying, and now and then you wanted to laugh, in life you try to hide under hundreds of masks, but you just need to learn how to behave naturally. To watch a clown performing in an arena where there is not a single spectator - the realization that you are simply not understood in some situation. Harlequin, seen in a dream, is a symbol of betrayal, deception.

Dream Wanga

The old soothsayer also knew what clowns were dreaming of. To see a yarmoroy jester who is trying in every possible way to keep the onlookers interested is a rather unpleasant dream, symbolizing lies and betrayal. As a rule, such a dream indicates one of the dreamer's acquaintances, whom he fully trusts. Dream book of Wangi warns that this person is duplicitous. He feels only hatred and envy in your direction, waiting for the moment when you can deliver an unexpected blow to the back.

what is the dream of a clown killer

The dream book is also able to explain what the clown killer dreams of. If you happen to see how a clown, who recently amused the crowd, begins to brutally crack down on people - this is a sign that many of your actions are completely incomprehensible to others.

Seeing yourself in a jester costume is a warning that cannot be ignored. In the near future, you should step back from making important decisions, for example, do not sign securities.

Freud's Dream Book

This source tells us that a dream in which you saw yourself in the image of a clown is a symbol of the fact that you are in search of new emotions, sensations. Such a desire cannot be called harmless, as your beloved person who will have to endure treason may suffer from your further actions.

Dream Book of Medea

What clowns dream of is able to tell the dark sorceress Medea. A harmless clown, as a rule, is considered a harbinger of the upcoming holidays, which you will be able to spend well in the company of relatives and friends. To see a funny clown performing in the circus arena - you will find pleasant news. If the clown was dirty and dressed in rags, a difficult life period will come, which will take away a lot of your strength.

what is the dreaded clown dreaming about

Being in the guise of a jester is a bad sign. Such dreams indicate that you will not be able to cope with your immediate responsibilities, and you will find yourself in a ridiculous situation, after which you will become an object for ridicule.

Medea’s dream book is also able to tell you what an evil clown is dreaming of, which is extremely aggressive towards you. As a rule, such a dream portends a whole series of troubles for the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim

Meet a clown in a dream - in reality you are trying to hide your depressive state from others. If a dreaming clown intentionally repeated all your movements, you look at life through wide open eyes. If you are not at all affected by the antics of the dreamed jester, then in the near future you will have a gift that you did not even guess about.

what dream clowns dream about

If in a dream you decide to change clothes and go out in public in a clown costume, this is a bad sign. A black streak will come in your life that will last quite a long time. You will have problems both at work and in the family. Perhaps you will experience an acute shortage of money, because of which you will break a lot of firewood. Watching several clowns fool around on the circus, amusing the public with their antics - in reality you will participate in a certain adventure that will definitely not end in good for you.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream, watch the red-haired clown entertain the crowd - a rather favorable period awaits you, which will allow you to relax a bit and live an idle life. What are the dreams of clowns whose performance is watched by people without emotions, with stone faces - an esoteric dream book is ready to answer. You must be extremely careful. Refuse unnecessary entertainment, because they will not end in good.

If you happen to see yourself in a clown costume and with a bright make-up on your face, this is a bad sign. Perhaps you have lost the trust of a loved one who suspects you of treason. Get ready for a grand scandal and remember that with a simple skirmish it will not end.

what do clowns and circus dream about

Modern dream book

This source knows what a terrible clown dreams of. Such a dream indicates that the enemy, who is a two-faced person, has come to trust you and intends to trample you as a person. Try to stay away from such a "friend." If you happen to see an ordinary clown on the street, there is a high probability that you will be dragged into frivolous relationships. The clown was sad or even cried - in reality, close people do not always understand your actions. See yourself in the role of a clown - in the near future you will find yourself in a critical situation, you will be humiliated, trampled.

The value of sleep by day of the week

You can interpret the dream on the basis of the day he had a dream:

  • On the night of Monday - in front of you is waiting for positive news or an event.
  • On Tuesday - to fulfill a cherished desire.
  • On Wednesday - in reality, a girl will meet who will become your real friend.
  • On Thursday - to difficulties.
  • On Friday - be on the lookout and don't trust anyone, especially old acquaintances.
  • On Saturday - to good health.
  • On Sunday - to recovery.

You can use the value of sleep by day of the week along with the interpretation of dream books.

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