Children's Theater "Vera". Nizhny Novgorod raises artists

In today's age of the Internet and total computerization, it is very difficult to entertain children with something worthwhile ... Instead of books, they read messages on social networks, prefer talking on Skype to walks, and their hobbies are often limited to online games. The children of Nizhny Novgorod had a wonderful opportunity to break away from their gadgets and plunge into the world of acting and classical works. All this embodied in reality the children's theater "Faith". Nizhny Novgorod is proud of him!


The Vera Theater was founded back in 1976 by Vera Gorshkova. At first, it was called "Theater Studio of the Future", in the end, fully justified its title. From the usual amateur studio, the children's chamber theater "Vera" gradually formed. Nizhny Novgorod is proud of it to this day. After children and adolescents master the basics of acting at the theater, those wishing to connect their lives with an acting career can continue their studies at the State Academy of Culture and Arts of Samara.

theater vera nizhny novgorod

The director of the theater was E. Tabachkov, who received the title of Honored Worker of Culture of Russia. The Children's Theater "Vera" gained professional status only in 1991, however, the residents of the city always perceived it as the first serious educational institution for future actors.

The success of the children's theater

Under the tutelage of the artistic director Vera Alexandrovna Gorshkova, the children's theater "Vera" achieved impressive success. Nizhny Novgorod is proud of its long history of participation in festivals, grandiose victories and awards of the theater team. In 1993, Vera became a laureate of the All-Russian theater competition in Biysk, after which it made a successful attempt to participate in a larger event - an international competition. So, in the same 1993 in Sochi, the theater won the prestigious award "For Faith, Hope and Love" at the festival "Theater in Search of the Theater".

Touring activities

After Sochi, Vera took part in the prestigious European fairy tale festival, which was held in Germany in 2001. Then the theater won recognition at the Russian competition "I-Mal, hello", after which I went to Minsk for the Golden Knight forum. And the touring activity of the theater did not end there. After a resounding success at international events, Vera decided to travel around Russia. Thus, the troupe took part in the "School of Modern Theater" and in the festival "Young Forces of Art" in 2002 and 2004.

theater vera nizhny novgorod

The latest achievement of the Vera Theater was its participation in the Russian Gavrosh festival, which took place in 2009, at the festival dedicated to A.P. Chekhov, as well as in the All-Russian Festival of Children's Performances in 2012.


In May 2013, the city leadership recognized the unsatisfactory condition in which the Vera Theater was located. Nizhny Novgorod is in dire need of entertainment for children, so it was decided to make the appearance of the described institution worthy. For almost a quarter of a century, itโ€™s not something that they didnโ€™t reconstruct, they didnโ€™t even make repairs there, so the theater was closed on June 1 to give it a second life. They planned to carry out major repairs back in 2011, but due to material problems the process was postponed.

Children's Theater Vera

Despite the test through which the Vera Theater passed, Nizhny Novgorod was not left without children's performances. The actorโ€™s House and the Youth Theater provided their scenes to the young actors, where they performed before the opening of the renovated building.

After the reconstruction, the theater was unrecognizable: now its facade is made in the style of a magical forest, and the auditorium has become a bit larger. Instead of the old benches, the room was equipped with separate armchairs, so now the audience can enjoy the performances and be proud of their talented children in complete comfort and warmth.

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