Strengthening the retina of the eye: the appointment of a doctor, the principle of laser coagulation, the algorithm of the procedure, the advantages and disadvantages of surgery

Strengthening the retina is carried out using laser coagulation, which helps to eliminate pathological changes (degenerative or dystrophic in nature) that prevent it from functioning normally. Most often, this operation is performed before vision correction and is preparatory in nature. In addition, laser retinal strengthening of the eye can be prescribed to pregnant women, since the procedure reduces the risk of its detachment during labor.

Features of this operation

Laser Retinal Reinforcement

Laser coagulation of vision is a minor surgical intervention, therefore, anesthesia is local in nature. Strengthening the retina is carried out by cauterization of exfoliated areas and retinal vessels. The procedure is almost painless and takes only about fifteen minutes in each eye. After laser coagulation, vision impairment ceases to progress, unless, of course, it was associated with retinal detachment.

Pros and cons of this method

The positive side is that:

  • there is no general anesthesia;
  • no bleeding;
  • no physical contact with the tool, which eliminates the possibility of injury;
  • recovery occurs within a day, and minor restrictions are imposed for several weeks;
  • after coagulation, you can safely go home;
  • surgery is allowed during pregnancy.

The disadvantages are age restrictions on laser retina strengthening and the inability to withstand senile changes in visual perception. In addition, the procedure (like any other treatment method) has a potential risk of postoperative complications.

Who is shown

Coagulation is indicated during pregnancy.

Coagulation is prescribed for such anomalies and diseases, such as:

  • damage to the vitreous, blood vessels, or ocular retina;
  • macular degeneration;
  • retinal tears and detachment;
  • retinopathy against diabetes mellitus;
  • abnormal growth of blood vessels and lengthening of the optic nerve;
  • inflammation of the retinal vessels with hemorrhages;
  • macular damage;
  • obstruction of the main ophthalmic vein, and, as a result, retinal diseases;
  • local detachment of the retina during pregnancy.

Moreover, the latter during labor can threaten to develop into a complete detachment, and a woman may lose vision. That is why it is necessary to strengthen the retina and at the same time cauterize damaged vessels.

Laser coagulation as a lifesaver for ophthalmic surgeons

According to statistics, approximately 55-60% of patients who want to restore their vision are shown preliminary laser retinal reinforcement, and the restrictions on this operation are not so common, so it is difficult for modern doctors to imagine vision correction without it. This method has been successfully used for over forty years, and millions of people have successfully tested it on themselves.

Way out for visually impaired mothers

Often you can hear that experienced obstetrician-gynecologists forbid their pregnant patients with a history of peripheral retinal dystrophy to give birth naturally, recommending a cesarean section. And this is logical, since with a large degree of myopia, the retina stretches and becomes thin, which means that labor can lead to its rupture. But now this problem can be solved by laser coagulation of vision, and a woman can safely give birth herself. Therefore, an operation performed prior to the 35th week of pregnancy will avoid cesarean section and its possible unpleasant consequences.

In which cases this intervention is unacceptable

There are contraindications

It is necessary to know that laser coagulation is contraindicated in diseases such as:

  • The third and greater degree of gliosis, in which the photosensitive cells of the eye retina are replaced by connective tissue, as a result of which visual impairment rapidly progresses.
  • Hemorrhage of the vessels of the eyeball is a temporary contraindication, since coagulation can be carried out without risk after its successful termination. Sometimes treatment is required, which may take some time.
  • Pathological retinal detachment.
  • Loss of transparency of the lens or clouding of the vitreous body as a result of pathological conditions like cataracts. But after determining the root cause and successfully eliminating it, the correct functionality is restored, and the operation to strengthen the retina becomes possible.

Preparation period

Before the doctor sets the date of the operation, the patient must undergo a full examination to identify all hidden diseases (especially ophthalmic), after which the doctor will decide on the feasibility of laser coagulation and give special recommendations. About a week before surgery, drinking alcohol is taboo, as alcohol can initiate inflammation, which will burden the entire procedure.

On the eve of the operation, the ophthalmologist instills special drops to strengthen the retina and anesthetic solution, after which the pupils dilate. Then he fixes his head in the necessary position and inserts a Goldman’s three-mirror lens into the eye of the operated person, with the help of which the doctor guides the laser and examines the fundus.


Coagulation does not last long

After previous manipulations, the laser beam acts on the retina and retinal vessels. The patient does not feel pain at this moment, feeling only a slight tingling sensation. The laser perceives the eye as bright flashes of light, therefore, except for them, a person does not see anything at the time of the operation. It takes an average of fifteen minutes to one organ of vision, after which the Goldman lens is removed and inserted into the other eye. If the patient's condition worsens at the time of coagulation, the doctor takes a short pause, after which he drops an additional dose of pain medication. Then begins to work with the second eye. When everything is behind, the patient can relax in the provided room and get used to new sensations. But if he wants, he can immediately go home, since a hospital stay is most often not required.

Postoperative Restrictions

Laser retinal reinforcement is a surgical procedure, so some regimen should be followed. Within a couple of weeks (and especially three days after coagulation), restrictions are imposed on:

  1. Drinking alcohol.
  2. Physical activity, which is accompanied by shaking.
  3. Staying behind the wheel of a car.
  4. Being at the screen (computer, smartphone or TV) and reading.
  5. Long stays and sharp forward bends.

In addition, you will need to undergo several examinations at the same doctor who strengthened the retina. Restrictions after its implementation should be clearly observed. In addition, within two to three weeks from the day of surgery, it is necessary to instill special eye drops, and for various purposes (keratoprotectors, anesthetics and antiseptics). This is necessary in order to reduce the risks of possible complications. The ophthalmologist prescribes the required dosage and, based on the state of the retina, determines the duration of their use.

In these weeks you should refrain from a long stay on the street, especially if it is the fall-winter season. Indeed, in the cold season, it is easy to catch a cold, and the mucous membrane of the eye, as you know, suffers no less than the whole body, therefore, in the postoperative period, you need to carefully monitor your health. In addition, inflammation can trigger conjunctivitis, which is very contagious. It’s also not worth it to appear in public places, all for the same reasons.

What are the complications?

Retinal Detachment - Direct Indication

During the first days after laser coagulation, such eye health disorders may occur:

  1. Inflammation of the third century (conjunctivitis). To prevent such a complication, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic in the form of drops, which avoids the multiplication of pathogenic microbes.
  2. Dry eye syndrome. This violation may result from malfunctioning of the lacrimal glands, which could have been accidentally damaged during surgery. To prevent this condition, moisturizing drops are prescribed.
  3. Secondary detachment of the eye retina. Often the cause of this pathology is its excessive detachment, which occurred before the operation. To save the situation will only help re-laser coagulation.
  4. A fall in the clarity of visual perception, which is especially noticeable in the evening hours. Such a complication most often becomes noticeable immediately, but there are cases when its manifestation occurs on the third or fifth day after the operation, when the swelling of the eyes begins to disappear.
  5. The appearance of glaucoma or cataracts, which can result from damage to the lens of the laser or excessive swelling of the tissues, blocking the outflow of fluid circulating inside the eye.
  6. Pupil contour changes. There are cases when during the operation there is hemorrhage in the retina, damage to the optic nerve or detachment of the vitreous.

Such conditions require immediate treatment with a possible hospital stay.

The price of the procedure in the Russian Federation

On average, the cost of the procedure for each eye is from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles, but with local detachments, it can increase to 15,000. There are also clinics, the prices for which are off the charts, and the point here is not at all the higher quality of service, the experience of medical workers or more advanced technology, and in the high status of the institution. Therefore, preference should be given to organizations with more affordable prices. It is noteworthy that for residents of Russia, this operation can be carried out for free. To achieve this, you need an examination by an ophthalmologist in a clinic located at the patient’s place of residence, after which the doctor will write out a direction for laser coagulation. It can only take from two to three months before the operation is completed, since the lineup is usually very large. Therefore, in situations requiring its speedy implementation, it is required to resort to the services of a paid clinic.

Retina Reinforcement Reviews

Vision can be restored

Many patients say that they had to resort to this procedure on the eve of laser vision correction. Most often, doctors explain that first you need to eliminate minor retinal detachments, and then proceed to the main operation to restore visual perception. The cost of surgery, according to patients, is quite acceptable. During coagulation, some painful sensations are observed, most often this is due to increased sensitivity of the eyes to such actions. The recovery period is very favorable, and there are no complications. In most cases, laser vision correction is carried out after four weeks.

Quite often you can hear that coagulation is carried out at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, when during the examination it turns out that a woman has retinal detachment. In this case, delaying the operation is undesirable. Many pregnant women say that they did not feel anything during the procedure. Rehabilitation of the operated eye passes quickly and without complications.

From the above it follows that the feedback on laser retina strengthening is very positive.

The main task of coagulation


This method is used specifically to prevent the progression of major ophthalmic diseases that lead to visual impairment, but do not improve it. The method restores intraocular blood circulation and fresh blood flow, due to which the nutrition of damaged areas is being established. In addition, laser coagulation does not allow fluid to penetrate below the retina, which leads to the termination of detachment.

In general, on the positive side, the method has established itself for a long time and is still successfully applied throughout the civilized world. However, before making such a serious decision, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Be sure to listen to what your doctor recommends.

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