Zamioculcas flower: poisonous or not, home care

Zamioculcas is better known as the dollar tree. This green flowering plant is suitable for landscaping an office or apartment, fits into the style of any interior. Popularity came to him not so long ago, but in recent years, flower growers grow zamioculcas in the house.

Zamioculcas is poisonous or not

The Old Believers said that the dollar tree provides wealth and wealth in the home.

This plant is unpretentious. If you want to grow such a flower, then read how to care for it. They talk about the toxicity of zamioculcas. Whether the dollar tree is poisonous or not remains to be seen.

Botanical certificate of a houseplant

This flower comes from South America and is regarded as the most fashionable and elegant plant. The leaves are dark green, dense, shiny; the same size, cirrus-dissected shape.

Zamioculcas flower home care

How does zamioculcas bloom? The cobs of white, pale yellow and light pink color are not particularly decorative.

A home-grown plant blooms extremely rarely. Therefore, as Zamioculcas blooms, only a few know.

How Zamioculcas blooms

Truth or myth: all about the poisonousness of a home plant

An apartment without indoor flowers looks boring. It is as if deprived of life. In addition to the interior function, such decorative elements, as living representatives of the flora, are designed to purify the air through photosynthesis, which helps a person to feel more comfortable. It was noted that some of the domestic plants exert a psychological effect on the hosts, stabilizing their psychosomatic state.

Many color lovers would like to see Zamioculcas in their home. Is this representative of indoor plants poisonous or not, and how can such a neighborhood affect human health?

65% of decorative flowers and flowerpots contain poisonous substances in their juice, which pose a potential threat to the health of an adult and a child, pets.

Almost all members of the Araceae family (Aroid), including zamioculcas, are harmful. This large family includes houseplants known to you: spathiphyllum, dieffenbachia, scindapsus, philodendron, epipremnum and many others.

Let's see together if zamioculcas is poisonous or not for any living creatures.

Toxic juice circulates in all parts of an exotic plant. Do not panic and do not rush to get rid of your pet. Do not be afraid to touch the leaves of a dollar tree or its other parts.

The question is โ€œZamioculcas is poisonous or not?โ€ causes controversy.

As a result of the study, 10 out of 10 color lovers surveyed say that growing such a plant at home did not bring them discomfort. Deterioration of the state of health was not observed, which means that the growing dollar tree did not affect the hosts in any way: allergic reactions did not occur, and cases of burns to the skin of the hands with careful handling of the flower were not recorded.

Do not forget that the juice of the plant is poisonous, therefore, if it is damaged, be careful with it. The flower itself does not emit toxic fumes that could cause intoxication in a living organism.

But! Since zamioculcas is poisonous, it means it is potentially dangerous.

How to behave with a harmful home flower

When dealing with a dollar tree, observe the following precautions:

  • Handle it carefully.
  • When in contact with harmful plants, wear gloves.
  • Be careful, protect the organs of vision and avoid getting juice on the mucous membranes and other parts of the body. Remember that direct contact can be dangerous.
  • If zamioculcas juice gets into your eyes, rinse your eyes with plenty of running water.
  • Do not forget to watch out for small children and pets that can damage the leaves or stems of the flower or taste it. In the event of such a situation, seek the assistance of a qualified professional. Better keep the houseplant in places inaccessible to children.

The subtleties of flower care at home

If you provide the dollar tree with proper care, after 2-5 years, a decorative bush adorning the interior will flaunt on your window - Zamioculcas flower. Home care is focused on observing the basic rules for growing indoor flowers.

Soil for zamiokulkas


To provide the plant with comfortable conditions, take care of the optimal light mode. Put the flower pot in a well-lit place - Zamioculcas loves the sun.

Important! Direct sunlight is dangerous for the dollar tree and can cause leaf burns.

In summer, the plant can be kept outdoors in a bright place, in the shade of sunlight. For the winter - clean in a cool room, removing from heaters or batteries.

Humidity of air and soil

It is advisable not to wet the soil for zamioculcas. It is enough to regularly spray the plant and wipe the leaves from dust. Proper watering is required in watering. Do not overdo it with water, otherwise the roots will quickly rot and you will lose your pet. The tuberous root system of the flower accumulates fluid well, therefore it is insensitive to drought.

Important! For irrigation, warm, settled water is used.

Fertilizer application

Soil for zamioculcas can be fertilized with mixtures intended for cacti and succulents.

The dollar tree responds well to top dressing. During the growing season, they are introduced at intervals of 1 time in 2 weeks. You can start adding fertilizer for Zamioculcas from April and continue until the fall.

The need for plant transplants

A flower transplant at home is carried out as the root system grows. Young specimens are transplanted once a year, the formed ones - every 2-5 years by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. It is important not to damage a too sensitive root system.

Plants are best placed in plastic containers, laying on the bottom of the tank drainage layer. You can use the purchased mixture for home plants or cook it yourself, taking peat, sand, turf or leafy soil in equal proportions.

Reproduction of the dollar tree: how to spend on your own?

Propagate the plant in two ways: dividing the bush and cuttings.

The second method is often used. The procedure is carried out in the spring - in May. Young shoots act as planting material. Healthy and dense leaves and cuttings are separated from the flower, after which they are deepened into a planting mixture consisting of peat and sand.

Zamioculcas turns yellow what to do

After rooting, the plants are removed from plastic or paper cups and transplanted into pots.

Fertilizer for Zamioculcas

Important! Planted shoots are covered with plastic wrap or transparent plastic cups in order to create the effect of an artificial greenhouse.

Some gardeners experiment by practicing the reproduction of a dollar tree using a branch. It is placed in the same mixture as for the cuttings, and wait until it decays. In its place will appear a new stem with a tuber and young leaves.

Propagation of the flower is a long process. Because you have to be patient. The growth of a new plant can be stimulated with the help of phytohormones.

How to understand that a dollar tree feels uncomfortable

External signs, such as shedding of leaves, yellowing, twisting indicate a painful condition of the flower.

Symptoms of invasion and action in case of damage to zamioculcas are determined by the following plant reactions:

  1. The leaves crumble, and the roots rise up and become covered with specks: a sign that the flower has become crowded in the pot and it is necessary to transplant the plant.
  2. Zamioculcas turns yellow. What to do if you notice a change in the color of the leaves on one side of the tree? Move it to another place with sufficient lighting.
  3. Rotting of the root system can be triggered by excess moisture in a pot with a dollar tree. Limit watering and organize it. Better transplant Zamioculcas into another pot with a new soil mixture.
  4. Fungal lesions, manifested in the form of spots on the stems and leaves. In this case, special sprays and preparations are effective. Sometimes the cause of the appearance of the fungus is top dressing, because in such cases it is recommended to replace it, and buy care products only in specialized stores.

That's all. You learned the basic rules for growing a dollar tree.

Zamioculcas in the house

It turns out that itโ€™s not so difficult to grow Zamioculcas flower at home. Home care of the plant is not particularly difficult, because every responsible gardener can grow a beautiful flower. And if the color-lover tries, then the reward will be not just a green "tree", but zamioculcas, delighting the owner with flowering. The plant is hypoallergenic, therefore even people suffering from allergies can grow it.

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