Vinokur Vladimir Natanovich Parody Theater

The idea to create his own Vinokur Parody Theater came to Vladimir Natanovich back in 1989. Studying “excellently” in GITIS, a fourth-year public favorite was invited by the chief director of the Moscow Operetta Theater and over two years of work participated in many musical productions.

distillery parody theater

The beginning of the career of Vladimir Vinokur

It was there that Vladimir Vinokur’s talent as a cascading artist was revealed, that is, he coped well with vocals and choreography, could make the audience laugh, doing various tricks. As a result, without thinking twice, Vinokur chose the genre of parody. With no less success, Vladimir Vinokur could become an opera or pop singer.

Having become a popular artist and receiving the title of People’s, Vladimir Vinokur achieves his goal and creates the Vinokur Parody Theater.

Vladimir Vinokur parody theater

Now in his troupe are Lyubov Bogacheva, Vladimir Zhukov, who consider themselves to be disciples of Vladimir Natanovich, and many other actors. In addition to the theater, Vinokur, together with Lev Leshchenko, created the humorous duet “Vovchik and Levchik”. For many entertainers, the theater was the starting point in their career. So, there began Roman Kazakov, Efim Alexandrov and other parodists and singers.

The state status of the theater

In 1997, the Vinokur Parody Theater acquired state status. At present, the artistic director of the theater, along with the troupe, constantly tours, and there is a premiere everywhere at shows.

Vladimir Vinokur constantly collaborated with such humorous writers as A. Khayt, A. Arkanov, L. Izmailov, S. Altov, A. Tsapik, L. Frantsuzov and others. He invited famous actors as directors A. Shirvindt, L. Yakubovich to joint creativity. The host of the “Field of Miracles” was the first author with whom Vinokur put on a sketch, then there was a program written by A. Hight “Well, wait!” and Cat Leopold.

Vladimir Vinokur and his Parody Theater

In his theater, in addition to music programs and numbers, Vladimir Natanovich always includes humorous monologues, sketches. Parodies of famous artists and singers such as Lev Leschenko, Valery Leontyev, Alla Pugacheva, Masha Rasputina, Grigory Leps, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Natasha Koroleva, Alexander Serov, Igor Nikolaev are especially appreciated by the audience.

Vladimir natanovich vinokur

The repertoire of the Vinokur Parody Theater has a thematic program, such as Golden PatIfon, that is, it is a well-known parody of the Russian Radio show program, where the Golden Gramophone award is given to popular performers of the radio station.

Despite the abundance of famous parodists, the Vladimir Vinokur Parody Theater has been holding for almost ten years. And the artist himself is still loved and popular by the audience. Such people, born clowns in the best sense of the word, are born once every hundred years. That was Charlie Chaplin, Yuri Nikulin, Vladimir Vinokur can undoubtedly be put in the same line.

Arriving at this theater, you can enjoy a break from daily worries, have fun and laugh at good jokes, listen to excellent vocal performance and other interesting musical numbers.

Vladimir Vinokur and his parody theater


Despite the popularity and mutual love of the artist and the public, Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur considers his own family and daughter Anastasia Vinokur, who graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, to be his best achievement.

Now she is a member of the troupe of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, married, not so long ago gave her parents a grandson. The father not only adores his daughter, but also deeply respects for his determination and hard work.

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