What the city dreams about: the meaning of sleep, the most complete interpretation of a dream

The megalopolis that appeared in a dream is a complex and multifaceted symbol, therefore, before looking for its interpretation in the reference literature, one should carefully compare not only all the nuances of what he saw, but also, importantly, the personal emotions that arose in connection with them. Only taking into account all these factors in each specific case can we get a fairly complete answer to the question of what the city is dreaming of.

Opinion overseas interpreter

The theme of the city is found in most authors-compilers of dream books. So, the famous American psychologist Gustav Miller associated him with certain problems that could soon overshadow the dreamer's life. In his opinion, this becomes especially relevant in those cases when night visions paint an image of an alien and unfamiliar metropolis, the appearance of which makes the sleeping person feel sad and depressed.

At the same time, if negative emotions did not arise, then other, more optimistic interpretations were permissible, depending, in particular, on the size of the dreamed city. If it was a large industrial center that aroused the dreamer's desire to get to know him better, then in reality he would soon have the opportunity to enrich himself with some important information that could have a beneficial effect on his future life. This is especially true for entrepreneurs.

However, if the scenario of what he saw in a dream unfolds against the backdrop of a small provincial town, then, most likely, in reality this person will have to face manifestations of someone's pettiness and philistinism. This turn of events does not pose a direct threat, but it can cause a spoiled mood.

Night city

Encouraging prediction

Information about what a foreign city is dreaming of can be found in the Esoteric Dream Book, which is gaining more and more popularity these days. Its compilers give this image a very optimistic, but somewhat unexpected interpretation.

In their opinion, for the dreamer, it foreshadows the imminent changes on the love front. This can fully affect those whose intimate life has lost its sharpness and turned into an everyday routine. Perhaps they will be able to establish new relationships and break the deadlock.

Nice dream

Saying Mr. Freud

In approximately the same vein, the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who, as you know, was generally inclined to see the inner background of all human actions in the field of his sexuality, explained in exactly the same way. Without changing his principles this time, he interpreted the image of a megalopolis seen in a dream as a certain symbol of the female body. Developing this original idea, the scientist wrote that a walk in an unfamiliar city seen in a dream would inevitably turn into sexual intercourse with a random partner.

He gave all the necessary explanations. For example, if the dreamed metropolis was gloomy and dirty, then after loving joy the dreamer may have to visit a venereologist, while the festively decorated and illuminated streets promise him safe sex and complete harmony in relations with a new girlfriend.

A serious cause for concern, according to the scientist, may be dreams in which the city appears in ruins, as after a bombing or earthquake. For young women, this may be a harbinger of infertility, and for men, a symptom of future genital disease.

Sigmund Freud

Symbol of Coming Soon

But let's not talk about sad things. The compilers of the Modern Dream Book, for example, interpret the image of the city very optimistically, stating that it is deciphered as a sign of swift and very favorable changes in the dreamer's life. It is likely that in the very near future he will have the opportunity, with benefit for himself, to change his job or move to a new apartment, city or country.

Prisoners of the city streets

The dream book nevertheless adds a small fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey, explaining what dreams of getting lost in the city. This, in general, trifling episode, in its interpretation, promises many troubles. This may be financial problems associated with a rash decision, or the separation from the authorities for poorly performed work.

Such plots can be especially dangerous for women. Lost in a dream in a strange city, in reality they risk becoming a victim of a person who, having evoked tender feelings for himself, will deceitfully insidious, and will use them for mercenary purposes. True, a soothing note immediately sounds: if the city in which the woman was lost was beautiful, and its inhabitants are friendly, then in reality she will have reason to forgive the insidious lover.

Woman and city

Labyrinth of streets as a reflection of internal disorder

In general, the question of what dreams of getting lost in the city worries about the compilers of almost all the most famous dream books, and the opinions expressed by them are sometimes very original. For example, in one of them one can read that if a person saw himself as looking for a way out of the maze of deserted and gloomy streets, then in reality he has every reason to take care of expanding his horizons, since the knowledge he had previously acquired is clearly outdated. In addition, this same dream may also indicate a considerable confusion in the dreamer's thoughts and desires.

Do not be alarmed when you get lost in the city!

Interesting statements about what dreams of getting lost in the city can be found on the pages of the "General Dream Book". Its authors consider two options for subsequent events. In the event that a person, having lost his way in a dream amid the confusion of alien streets for him, does not feel fear, then in reality he has the right to count on a favorable outcome for the new business that he has begun. Starting to fulfill his plan, he can safely cast aside all doubts.

However, if, in vain trying to find a way out of an unfamiliar city, he succumbed to panic, then such a reaction indicates that in reality he is inclined to succumb to unreasonable fears of life changes. In this case, before starting a serious business, he should understand himself and, possibly, seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Along the way, we note that many authors, arguing about what a city deprived of residents dream of, associate this vision with an empty and meaningless life. In their understanding, a dream, as it were, gives a person the opportunity to plunge into himself and see from within the flaws of his spiritual world.

As for women who saw themselves lost in a deserted metropolis, for them it is a sign of the need for changes in their personal lives, which do not bring proper satisfaction. However, they should remember that the solution to the problem is in their hands, and you cannot count on someone else's help.

Moving to another city. What does this mean?

The compilers of dream books do not disregard the question as to why dream of moving to another city. Many of them believe that such a dream foreshadows the onset of a new band in life. As for its specific features, they will largely depend on what impression he will make on the dreamer himself.

Confirmation of this can be found in the dream book of the famous Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, who also touched on the topic of moving to another city. Why does such a plot dream, it puts in direct dependence on the impression he made.

A trip to another city

Interpretations for women and men

So, in reality for a woman, moving in a dream can portend the beginning of new and, importantly, promising love relationships leading to a legal marriage. But the clairvoyant sets an indispensable condition for the positive emotions that arise when she awakens. If she liked the city that appeared in a dream, and, waking up, she is in a joyful mood, then the future romantic relationship will turn out perfectly.

For men, Vanga, on this occasion, also has a prediction, depending on the mental mood of the dreamer at the time of awakening. If the metropolis, in which he found himself by the will of night dreams, aroused positive emotions in him, which were preserved even in reality, then new horizons await him in various areas of life. Perhaps this will be an unexpected increase in work, or maybe a new novel.

Moving to a new place

Voyage seen in a dream

Interpreters often also resort to the help to find out why they dream of going to another city not for a permanent stay in it, but on business, on a tour or for some other purpose. Almost all famous experts in night dreams spoke about what such a voyage means.

For example, an unrivaled authority in this area - the American psychologist Gustav Miller - wrote that a person who sees himself as having arrived in another city should be prepared for many forced changes in reality. It is likely that some unfavorable circumstances will force him to change his lifestyle, and with it habits, work and place of residence.

Especially detrimental consequences of sleep can be in the case when a voyage, performed in a dream, caused a joyful and high spirits. It is not strange, but there is no need to wait for a change for the better. However, explaining why the trip to the city was dreaming, which left a painful and depressing impression, the scientist wrote that in real life the dreamer will be lucky. As can be seen from this example, the meaning of dreams sometimes contradicts logic.

The crowded streets of the city

City of childhood, presented in a dream

In dream books, which for many are the favorite, and for some the only type of reading, you can still find a lot of interesting comments about what the city dreams of. So, the compilers of one of them write very warmly about dreams in which the city of childhood is to us - that is the only place on earth with which all the most joyful memories are associated. They interpret this vision as a rush of nostalgic feelings caused by longing for the old days, home, and maybe children's maximalism, giving way to the cold calculation of mature years.

Images from our dreams

About what the city is dreaming of, which made the heart overflow with joyful feelings, has already been mentioned above, but I would like to make another judgment on this subject, which belongs to the compilers of the Esoteric Dream Book. They quite rightly noted that such a vision can be generated by a natural desire for each person to reveal his own potential and get the maximum of good from fate.

The image of a spacious, light-flooded metropolis, symbolizing a new and beautiful life that fills our dreams, fits perfectly into this context. At times, she sometimes remains only a hazy ghost, while in a dream she appears in the form of concrete images that make her heart beat faster.

Walking around the city and flying over it

At the end of the article we give a few statements about what secret meaning can carry in themselves certain actions performed by a person in a dream city. So, according to many interpreters, flying over its streets like a bird means the desire of a sleeping person to realize some ambitious plans with all his might and thus gain fame and universal recognition.

Walking around the city can have a double interpretation. If they are made along wide avenues or alleys with fresh autumn leaves, this is a quick journey, which in reality will enrich the dreamer with new pleasant impressions. However, if for his walks in a dream he chooses cramped and dirty streets, then in real life this can turn into an unforeseen confrontation with human malice and slander.

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