With the development of Internet technologies, so many new methods of attraction appear on the network that you do not have time to keep track of everyone. Hundreds of thousands of people are creating quality content. Blogs complement the image and video. But what is infographics? Who is it for? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.
It is often believed that infographics are ordinary graphic material that carries some information. This is partly true. But there are some subtleties. Infographics can be interpreted as a way of presenting data and knowledge using graphics. At the same time, its main task remains a quick and clear perception of difficult material.
Suppose you see a picture with numbers and graphs. But this cannot be considered infographics. We remove all auxiliary entries. Now you stop seeing the logical connection? Then in front of you was just a picture. If graphic elements do not require additional descriptions and interpretations, then this is infographics. Its value is relatively new, therefore it has not been fully investigated.
There is no specific date for the appearance of this term. One can only guess who was the first to decide to submit information in this way. It is known that in the Soviet Union such art began to appear in the pavilions of VDNH. On paper of this kind, data processing began to be reproduced in USA Today. Having launched their project in the early 1980s, they began to incorporate text into the graphics, which brought them popularity.
At that time, readers did not understand what infographics were. But it was the pictures with explanations that were popular and in demand among the audience. Americans began to realize the benefits of such a presentation of information. It was clear that, thanks to graphs and statistics, data was more quickly perceived, especially when it came to analytics. One such image could replace a bunch of text material.
A few years later, infographics related not only to the field of technology or business, but also became a real manifestation of art. Therefore, large publications, such as Esquire, began to hire 3-4 designers and one journalist for this, who could reduce all these ideas to minimal volumes.
So after some time, leading experts in this matter began to appear. Don Wittekind became famous. Later, some exemplary creations were exhibited in a special gallery. When publishers began to understand what infographics were and realize its role, special publications began to appear. So in Russia in 2011 they began to sell the Infographics magazine, which was completely devoid of any texts, and on its pages all the data was presented in this graphic way.
You can apply infographics anywhere. If we are talking about areas, then this is geography, journalism, education, statistics, analytics, etc. If we talk about media, then infographics can be displayed on paper in magazines and newspapers, or in electronic format on the site. It is acceptable to use infographics in presentations, especially often it is useful when creating new projects. We can also notice this way of transmitting data on the TV. Some analytical programs or news use graphs, charts, blocks, etc.
An approach
Depending on where you want to use infographics, data can be displayed in two ways. These methods have long been invented and, on the whole, have become fundamental. So, we owe one to Edward Tufty, and the second to Nigel Holmes.
If you have a business publication, a site for statistics and analytics, then you definitely need to use the Tufty approach. It suggests the minimalist nature of the graphics. It is necessary to get rid of everything that will definitely interfere with perception. The data must be accurately transmitted, and the main purpose of this approach is the receipt of accurate information by the target audience.
The second approach is ideal for journalism, blogs, advertising, etc. Nigel Holmes worked on “explanatory illustrations.” In this case, it is necessary not only to convey information, but also to form images, entertain and attract the reader. In this case, the infographic becomes like a comic book. So the image takes on an expressive design and plot.
Despite the fact that the best infographics originated on the pages of periodicals. Now it is popular in digital format. It is on the sites that you can find successful examples of graphic display. Those who are familiar with web analytics were the first to be convinced that the modern audience has become too lazy. She doesn't like big blocks of texts or long videos. To perceive information is much simpler with pictures and short videos. Hence the popularity of infographics on sites.
Of course, this does not mean that now you need to “shove” graphs and diagrams into each text. It is important to understand why and for whom they are needed. Most likely, you will not be able to rewrite the article using infographics. It does not replace the text, but becomes either its complement or a short retelling.
To determine for which article you need to create infographics, and for which not, you need to understand the advantages of this method of presenting information. From the basic it is clear that this option is great for quick reading of materials and user convenience. If you do not just make nice infographics, but fill it with all the necessary data, then the visitor will definitely return to your site.
From the useful it becomes clear that infographics can attract additional traffic to you. So, on the links from "Yandex.Pictures" and "Google Images" new visitors can come. Infographics are convenient for social networks. It is enough to add one such illustration, and that’s it - the post is ready. Therefore, so often you can see similar pictures on blogs or social networks, and if you put on it a watermark with the name of your site or a link, it will definitely expand your audience.
Do not forget that infographics are now a great way to promote and advertise. In addition to the fact that there are few competitors in this niche, you can also create similar content on the main page to attract customers.
From here it becomes clear what infographics are, and what types are.
- Analytical great for business and economics. There are a lot of statistics and numbers on this infographic.
- News is used on websites and in newspapers. Thanks to it, you can briefly describe the events, compare the “before” and “after”, display the chronology and analyze what happened.
- Reconstruction is an infographic that displays the chronology of events and recreates a specific process.
- Presentation - the perfect infographic for business. Perfect for both advertising and reporting.
Infographics can be presented in two forms. In a single, there is only one block, where all the elements are interconnected. In a separate one there may be several blocks that are independent of each other.
Categorically you can highlight numerical infographics, which usually display graphs, charts, diagrams, etc. Expanded are visual and often complemented by a brief description. Step-by-step is a graphic format instruction.
Recently, the type of interactive has also become known. It is used only on sites, since it is impossible to implement the plan on paper. Such infographics can change indicators depending on previously selected values. Remember this.
Before looking for programs for infographics, think about whether you have enough skills to create illustrations yourself. It is very important. If you have never been acquainted with graphic editors or have a poor understanding of how infographics should look, it is better to contact a professional. He will tell and show everything.
Remember that any author’s graphics should have your watermark. Firstly, it will retain copyright, and secondly, it will be an excellent advertisement for your site. If you decide to create infographics on your own, remember that the pictures for it can also have their copyright holder, so it’s best to double-check everything to avoid any complaints.
You need to write text for infographics. Moreover, it should be as short and accurate as possible. Just a few words should explain and describe. Therefore, often for this they hire journalists, copywriters who are engaged in this business.
To get to Yandex. Pictures ”and“ Pictures of Google ”; when uploading to the infographic website, you need to write“ alt ”,“ title ”and a description for it. Then the search bots will add it to their directory.
You can use several methods to create illustrations. You can take infographics from a foreign site and correct it. But be sure to check its availability on the RuNet, as this could already have been done before you. Uniqueness is important for any site.
The second way is online services. Here you can install the templates and work out an illustration on their basis. And the last option is to work from scratch. To do this, you will have to look for a program for creating infographics.
By the way, there are quite a lot of online services. Simply enter a search query, and you can easily find a successful and convenient for yourself. For example, there are good services Easel.ly or Infogr.am.
If you are a little versed in web design and decided to create infographics yourself, then it will not be a secret for you that the best program for this is Photoshop. It has the most opportunities for this, you can work with layers, select colors, elements, etc. Do you need a simplified infographic? Then refer to similar programs like Paint.net.
If you understand what infographics are, for what purposes you need them, then working with them will be one sheer pleasure. Your site, due to this way of displaying information, may become the most attractive in Runet.