How do penis piercings do?

It turns out that not only women are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of beauty and endure a variety of procedures in order to improve their own appearance. Men also do not lag behind the fair sex. How can they surprise a lady? There is a way that will cause amazement, make sexual intercourse vivid and unforgettable, give partners unusual, but very pleasant sensations. This will be possible if the man decides and performs a piercing member.

penis piercing

Eccentric prince

Who was the first to decorate the intimate part of the body? It was Prince Albert, who lived during the Victorian era. It is interesting that His Highness did not pierce the penis from aesthetic or erotic reasons, but from purely practical reasons. Tight trousers prevented him from properly laying down his dignity, which caused discomfort to the august person. This was especially felt when the prince rode a horse or traveled on foot. Then he was visited by the thought that it would be nice to be able to fix the genitals in the right position. For this purpose, for the first time in history, a member was pierced by attaching a ring to it. Thus, Albert fastened his penis to his trousers. Such an original method completely saved the prince from the problem, and he did not hide his invention from others. It instantly became popular among men of that era, and a piercing on a member to this day is veiledly called "Prince Albert."

penis piercing

Victorian pleasure

However, this is called only one of the ways in which this procedure is performed. Namely: piercing on the head of the penis, in which the ring passes through the urethra and is brought out. This is the fastest procedure, and healing after it occurs after 4-6 weeks. This is much faster than any other type of surgery called penis piercing. This becomes possible due to the fact that urine disinfects the wound, since the ring is partially located in the urethra. External punctures are treated in the same way as with other types of piercings. When the wound heals, you can begin to test. It is believed that the ring provides additional stimulation and enhances the orgasm in both partners.

There is a choice

There are other varieties of the procedure. For example, piercing a penis suggests the ability to pierce the foreskin or skin of the penis, as well as the scrotum. In this case, a variety of jewelry is used: rings, rods, as well as horseshoes and earrings.

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In addition, there are several other options:

  1. Ampalanga is a transverse puncture of the head of the penis. At the request of the client, manipulation is done above the urethra or passes through it. Healing takes place within 3-9 months.
  2. Apadraiva is a vertical puncture of the head of the penis. It is made so that the lower ball of the rod is at its base. Although the final healing takes several months, this type of piercing significantly enhances the mutual sexual pleasure of the partners.

Simple options

For those who are striving for new sensations, but want to choose an easier option, a procedure called Dido is suitable. In this case, only the edge of the head is pierced, and a rod with two balls is inserted into the hole. Often men do not stop there and decorate the head with several decorative elements. Another type of piercing that can be attributed to simple procedures is Frenum. To decorate the penis, pierce the bridle. And in the hole you can pass both a ring and a horseshoe or bar. This type of piercing not only makes sex vivid, but also helps to delay ejaculation, prolonging sexual contact, to the mutual pleasure of partners. For a change, several punctures of the bridle are allowed.

penis piercing

Sensual experiments

Some men believe that the scrotum can also be decorated with piercings. This method is called Nafada. Since the skin of the scrotum is thin, the puncture heals quickly. It is believed that the ring in the area to the left of the penis symbolizes masculinity and, in addition, is a fashion accessory. Although other decorations may be used. In order to create an unforgettable experience during intercourse, men use a procedure such as a perineum piercing between the anus and the scrotum. This zone is already very sensitive, and after additional stimulation due to the movement of the jewelry during intimacy, the sensations become extraordinary.

penis piercing

How is the procedure going?

It begins with a man’s appeal to a specialized salon, in which the master will tell you in detail about what genital piercing is , what contraindications and possible complications exist. Will instruct on subsequent wound care when the procedure is left behind. Then it is necessary to determine the thickness of the puncture, because the diameter of the needle that the specialist will choose will depend on this decision. The main thing is that all instruments are sterile. Next, a decoration is selected that will be immediately inserted into the hole. It also undergoes antimicrobial treatment so that infection does not occur. Do not be nervous: a professional knows in which place to make a puncture so that there is no bleeding and further piercing does not cause inconvenience when moving. In order that the skin does not slip out during the operation, the master uses special clamps. This means that the puncture will be done exactly in the place where it is needed, since these tools provide immobilization of the penis. Professionals work only with gloves, using special means for disinfection and sterilization.

penis piercing pics

Crucial moment

When everything is ready - it's time to start. The master processes the place of the future puncture, then marks the points at which it should be made. We must be prepared for the fact that the procedure is very painful and try not to move during it. Otherwise, it may fail. Now the specialist unpacks the needle, removes it from the bag and applies a special ointment to it. Then a quick and clear movement performs a puncture. The needle comes out on the other hand at 2 centimeters. An ornament will be worn on it to insert it into the skin of the penis. Having fixed the bar, earring or ring on the needle, the master pulls it through the puncture, and it is threaded into the hole. Now the decoration must be buttoned and processed.

How to care for a piercing?

Although everything is ready and sex is the main reason for this procedure, you will have to refrain from it for a long time (about several weeks), and if healing will be slow, then months. This can be an unpleasant surprise for partners, so it is better to learn about such details in advance. Also, additional care for the puncture site, frequent replacement of dressings, treatment of the pierced area with antiseptic agents will be required. It is best to keep this place covered with a patch to avoid unnecessary injuries while walking or wearing clothes.

You also need to follow a few simple rules to avoid getting an infection and the occurrence of inflammation, which is difficult to fight. Namely: do not swim, do not take a bath (wash only in the shower), avoid open water. When it is allowed to resume sexual activity, it will take about 2 months to use condoms. This is necessary to protect against penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the puncture site.

If the infection still got into the wound, you must contact a medical institution. The doctor will advise special means, for example, “Levomikol”, tetracycline ointment or baths and compresses with chlorhexidine. If, after several weeks of fighting, the infection cannot be defeated, then in order to maintain health, you will have to get rid of the jewelry and grow a puncture site.

Is this manipulation harmful?

Of course, not every man decides to have a member pierced, whose photos are undoubtedly impressive and cause a desire to change his own body in this way. Most men do not dare to do this, because they fear medical intervention of this kind. Perhaps they are right. Because a member piercing is really dangerous, and everyone should know about it before letting the specialist’s arm begin the procedure. Blood supply to the penis is significant, so even small operations can provoke heavy bleeding. Another danger is the ingestion of germs and suppuration, which can appear at any time, until a complete healing of the puncture has occurred.

Some inconvenience

In addition to the additional jewelry that a man acquires by piercing the head of the penis (photos of which are attractive and able to interest partners), stimulate sexual sensations, they can cause inconvenience when walking or wearing clothes, as well as pain during intercourse, moreover for both men and women.

penis piercing
It is necessary to constantly monitor that the rough surface of the jewelry does not catch on fragments of clothing, otherwise there is a danger of damage to the puncture site.

How to protect your health?

Member piercing is a serious procedure and should only be performed by specialists in licensed salons. Sometimes they think that a puncture of the skin is not difficult and any homegrown “master” can cope with it, but this is not so. Anyone who does a member piercing should have the skills and knowledge to avoid complications, as well as provide recommendations for the care of the puncture site. The master is responsible for the health of the client if something goes wrong through his fault. There is a risk of contracting hepatitis, staphylococcus or even HIV. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how tools, jewelry are processed. Needles must be disposable, removed from sealed containers. The procedure should only be done on a healthy genital organ, and for this, it does not hurt to undergo a medical examination.

It is necessary to seriously approach the issue of choosing a salon in which the client will be made this simple, but at the same time dangerous procedure. Then the man will be able to be proud that he adorns his penis piercing. Photos that attract partners will surely turn out to be excellent.

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