Vitamins for the skin: review, characteristics, selection of the best, reviews

The epidermis is presented in the form of a separate organ of the human body, which performs important functions, for example, such as protecting internal organs from the negative effects of the environment. In addition, the skin is engaged in maintaining a constant body temperature in the cavities and tissues. Removes toxins from sweat and sebum.

But, as a rule, the skin is rarely considered as a full-fledged and functional active organ; in most cases, the surface of the skin is treated as a certain integral level of a person's appearance.

What should be healthy skin

An elastic, beautiful and radiant coat, without blackheads, irritations and enlarged pores is considered the standard of beauty among women and men. In this connection, each person seeks to make his skin perfect.

First of all, this applies to the skin of the face, hands, neck and chest, to a lesser extent this applies to the legs and body. One of the effective methods to bring your epidermis to an ideal is the use of vitamins topically and orally. What are the best vitamins for the skin?

vitamins for the skin

Why do skin need vitamins?

Like any other organ in the human body, the epidermis needs oxygen, with which it breathes and saturates nutrients for further regeneration, as well as cell growth and development.

All physiological processes in the epidermis occur in the form of a complex cascade of biochemical compounds. This means that the appearance of the skin surface - the absence of wrinkles, acne, elasticity and firmness and all other functions (protecting organs from the environment and maintaining the constancy of the internal environment) - is achieved by various biochemical processes that occur at the cell level.

As a rule, for the tightness and elasticity of the skin surface, a systematic process of connecting and regenerating fibrillar and connective fibers, as well as the timely elimination of dead tissue, is needed. The synthesis of collagen and elastin occurs due to a certain cycle of biochemical reactions.

The elimination of old skin cells is carried out using certain enzymes that can destroy the connection between dead and living structures. However, enzymes that break down existing connections between cells do this through chemical reactions. The appearance of sweat, sebum is carried out by special glands that do this with the help of biochemical transformations.

vitamin e for the skin

Vitamins for all skin areas

A large number of various molecular reactions occur in the epidermis that can ensure its normal functioning, and special vitamins coenzymes are needed to activate and maintain the speed of each of them. On the one hand, it may seem that thirteen vitamins are extremely small to maintain the normal functioning of the body, on the other hand, nature is much wiser than us, and it was able to do this simply and easily. All bioreactions are divided into six huge species, depending on what action they perform with organic compounds.

But to ensure the specific functions of the body and maintain a beautiful, healthy appearance, only thirteen essential vitamins are enough.

Currently, complexes for the beauty of the skin, which have a beneficial effect on it, include a number of useful vitamins for the skin:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • eicosapentaenoic polyunsaturated fatty acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • panthenol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • antihemorrhagic vitamin.

All of these vitamins are needed to maintain the beauty and health of the skin.

complex of vitamins for the skin

What complex should be taken to obtain a certain effect?

Vitamins for dry skin - riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, niacin, biotin, tocopherol, F.

Vitamins for acquiring beautiful skin - A, ascorbic acid, E. It is them that it is important to take orally and apply externally in the structure of cosmetic preparations as daily care. This set of vitamins is most important for maintaining the health, firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins for radiance of the skin - nicotinic acid, K, ascorbic acid. These useful components make the skin matte, smooth, without swelling and pigments, thereby creating a radiant effect. To achieve a visible result, vitamins must be taken in courses of thirty days with interruptions of three to four months.

Vitamins for youthful skin - retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, thiamine, linoleic acid. All these microelements have a bright anti-aging effect, and therefore, to maintain youth, it is necessary to undergo vitamin therapy several times a year. And also every day to use them for external application.

Vitamins for skin improvement

Currently, there are a huge number of different complexes of vitamins for the skin, as well as hair and nails:

  1. "Alphabet of Cosmetics".
  2. "VitaSharm".
  3. Gerimax.
  4. "Decamevite."
  5. Doppelherz.
  6. "Duovit."
  7. Imedin.
  8. "Complies with Radiance."
  9. "Makrovit".
  10. Doppelherz.
  11. Merz.
  12. "Ladys formula."
  13. Multi-Tabs.
  14. "Perfect"
  15. "Solgar."
  16. "Fitofaner."
  17. "Centrum".
  18. "Innes".

Inside skin care is especially important. And not just by consuming simple vitamin-mineral complexes needed by other organs, but also with the help of preparations that contain biologically active trace elements that work in skin cells. Before use, consult a physician.

vitamins for dry skin


Vitamins for skin, hair and nails are specially created to improve their structure. First of all, the vitamin-mineral complex helps to replenish the body's level of fibrillar protein, which is the basis of the connective tissue of bones and tendons.

Collagen directly affects the condition of hair and nails, providing firmness and elasticity. Fibrillar protein helps to prevent the process of withering of the skin, stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells and improves skin condition.

The formula of pharmacological agents is developed taking into account the interaction of its vitamins and minerals. If improperly compatible, the necessary substances may cause the opposite effect.

In "Solgar" all the components of the drug are selected competently with the expectation of achieving maximum results. This complex of vitamins for the skin does not contain gluten and dairy products. "Solgar" incorporates the following useful trace elements:

  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • methylsulfonylmethane;
  • silicon;
  • l-proline;
  • l-lysine;
  • stearic acid;
  • magnesium salt;
  • glycerol;
  • cellulose;
  • silica.

The use of vitamins helps to solve the following problems:

  1. Dull strands.
  2. Baldness.
  3. Poor growth.
  4. Dry skin.
  5. Allergy (an acute reaction of the body's immune system to normally harmless substances).
  6. Inflammation of the skin, which can be caused by changes in pilosebial structures.
  7. Apathy (a symptom expressed in indifference, indifference, in a detached attitude to what is happening around, in the absence of a desire for any activity).
  8. Peeling the nail plate.
  9. Decreased hemoglobin concentration in the blood.
  10. Purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle and near the follicular connective tissue.

Mode of application:

  1. The drug is used along with the main food, before lunch.
  2. The maximum dosage is two capsules per day.

Vitamins must be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. Shelf life is three years. The cost of "Solgar" varies from 600 to 2000 rubles.

healthy vitamins


A complex drug that has a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. In addition, microelements of multivitamins are actively involved in many pharmacological processes in the human body, including stimulating cell formation, bone growth and development, and are involved in the restoration of connective tissues.

Vitamin Aevit for facial skin improves capillary microcirculation, normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall and tissues. The complex includes the following active components:

  • alpha tocopherol;
  • retino palmitate.

The drug has an antioxidant effect due to the presence of a huge number of unsaturated bonds in the retinol molecule.

Vitamin A (for dry skin) is a fat-soluble trace element that regulates tissue metabolism. It has a positive effect on the state of the epidermis, stimulates the reproduction of epithelial cells, rejuvenates and slows down the processes of dying and keratinization of cells in the epidermal layer of the skin.

Indications for use are the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Disease of the arteries of elastic and muscle type, which occurs as a result of lipid and protein metabolism disorders.
  2. Microcirculatory disorders.
  3. Obliterating endarteritis (a chronic vascular disease with predominant damage to the arteries of the legs).
  4. Lupus erythematosus (a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by damage to the connective tissue and blood vessels).
  5. Psoriasis (a chronic non-infectious disease, dermatosis, mainly affecting the skin).
  6. Atrophy of the optic nerve (complete or partial death of nerve fibers of the optic nerve of the eye).
  7. Hemeralopia (a pathology accompanied by a violation of visual adaptation in low light conditions).
  8. Xerophthalmia (an ailment characterized by drying of the cornea of ​​the eye).
  9. Keratomalacia (damage to the cornea, characterized by its necrosis).
  10. Retinitis pigmentosa (a hereditary, degenerative eye disease that causes severe visual impairment and often blindness).
  11. Gastrectomy (operation to completely remove the stomach).
  12. Diarrhea (rapid fluid bowel movement).
  13. Steatorrhea (a disease in which excess fat is found in patients in feces).
  14. Celiac disease (digestive problems caused by damage to the fibers of the small intestine by certain foods containing proteins).
  15. Malabsorption syndrome.
  16. Cirrhosis of the liver (pathological condition of the liver, which is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the system of liver vessels).
  17. Deterioration or complete cessation of bile duct obstruction.
  18. Obstructive jaundice (a clinical syndrome that develops as a result of a violation of the outflow of bile through the biliary tract into the duodenum).
  19. Hyperthyroidism (a complex of symptoms caused by increased production and inadequately high secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood).

Mode of application:

  1. Vitamin-mineral complex is taken orally.
  2. The tablet must be swallowed whole, in no case be crushed.
  3. The drug is best taken after a meal.
  4. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician.
  5. Vitamins should be taken one capsule once a day.

During pregnancy, "Aevit" is taken only when absolutely necessary. The price of the drug varies from 30 to 100 rubles.

the best vitamins for the skin

"Doppelherz" for skin with hyaluronic acid

The lifting complex contains various vitamin and mineral compounds, due to which it has a therapeutic effect. Thanks to this development, you can easily and simply care for your skin and fight the age-related signs of aging. "Doppelherz" for skin with hyaluronic acid "is used as a biological food supplement. It contains the following useful trace elements:

  • vitamin C;
  • biotin;
  • tocopherol;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • hyaluronate;
  • beta carotene.

Hyaluronic acid is considered a natural element that is located in the human body and promotes tissue regeneration. Hyaluronan allows you to maintain a water balance in the norm, since its amount decreases significantly with age. As a result of which wrinkles appear, the skin becomes flabby and lifeless.

Thanks to this vitamin complex, the aging process slows down, as collagen is produced, beneficial substances enter the cells faster.

The lifting complex has the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • eliminates facial wrinkles;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • restores elasticity.

The drug is in the form of capsules for oral administration. As a rule, adults are prescribed one tablet once a day. The duration of treatment is one month. The cost of the lifting complex is 980 rubles.

Doppelherz has certain contraindications:

  • age up to fifteen years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • renal failure;
  • low blood platelet count.

Indications for use of the drug are joint diseases, eye diseases, osteochondrosis. You can use a lifting agent as an additional source of biotin, zinc and other vitamins. Reviews about vitamins for the skin are positive. Most of the clients who took Doppelherz are satisfied with the result, because after one month of using multivitamins they noted that the skin became more elastic, moisturized, and facial wrinkles became less noticeable.

oil vitamins for the skin


It belongs to the group of multivitamins with substances of natural origin. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration. It contains vitamins of group B, retinol, yeast, tocopherol, panthenol, biotin, iron.

Yeast extract is considered a direct source of amino acids and minerals that contribute to maintaining the normal condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Method of application: adult patients need to take two capsules once a day.

The cost of the drug is 800 rubles.

Oil Vitamins

The use of vitamin A for facial skin has a beneficial effect. The drug in the form of oil performs the following tasks:

  1. Fights visible signs of aging, rejuvenates withered skin. Its unique composition promotes rapid cell regeneration, accelerates the process of combining fibrillar protein and connective fibers, makes capillaries stronger, eliminates facial wrinkles.
  2. When applied externally, the oil restores skin firmness and elasticity, as well as its general tone.
  3. It is used in the healing of wounds and abrasions, contributes to the rapid renewal of cells.
  4. Used in the treatment of acne and allergic manifestations on the skin.
  5. The simplest and most affordable way is to directly apply an oil solution to the skin of the face, hands, feet, neck. The oil is considered a source of concentrated multivitamin, so it is recommended to test for allergies before use.

In addition to retinol, vitamin E is also produced in oil. They can be combined in night and day creams, as oil vitamins for the skin combine well with tocopherol.

Method of application: mix one capsule of retinol with one tablespoon of olive oil, then you need to mix everything thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin.

To prepare the next mask, you need to take a teaspoon of aloe juice, ten drops of vitamin A, one tablespoon of your favorite cream. Further, all components must be mixed well and applied to the skin for twenty or thirty minutes.

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