How to use CrystalDiskInfo to diagnose a hard drive?

The equipment also suffers from diseases, wear and tear during operation and force majeure in the form of a cup of tea overturned on the keyboard, and then a person comes to the rescue. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but the owner is still able to optimize the software and protect the computer from viruses. How to use CrystalDiskInfo program used to protect a computer? We will talk about this in the article.

how to use cristaldiskinfo

general information

The free CrystalDiskInfo program for Windows is one of the most well-known tools for monitoring the status of hard drives. The software is used by both beginners and experienced professionals. That's because CrystalDiskInfo is not only a convenient, but also a visual tool with many options. An inexperienced user can use it to monitor the status of the hard disk, and the programmer will find the disk ratings for many parameters.

The software determines the technical condition of the computer’s hard disks, displays their temperature on the screen, clarifies the SMART level. All data is presented in an understandable and visual form, criteria that determine the general condition of the disk (good - green, satisfactory - yellow, bad - red, unknown - gray) highlighted in colors. But how to use CrystalDiskInfo?

Program features

CrystalDiskInfo program notes signs that may affect equipment failure, which makes it possible to take the necessary measures in advance. CrystalDiskInfo regularly monitors and checks various information media, including the monitoring of hard drives and solid state drives. This utility scans a large number of disk indicators using SMART technology, analyzes them and displays them in an understandable form on the screen.

how to use cristaldiskinfo program

Where and how to download?

How to use CrystalDiskInfo? Where to download and how to install software on your computer? The program can be downloaded freely on the official website of the company that developed the tool for monitoring the status of hard drives, completely free. The developers also explain in detail and in simple language how to use CrystalDiskInfo.

The software can be downloaded in several languages, including the Russian version. On the download page, you can choose one of several options for the program: there is a regular version and Shizuku Edition. Shizuku Edition offers several visual themes to choose from.

You can also download the source code of the tool to your computer, but this is only suitable for advanced users who are interested in the program from a technical or professional point of view. Both the standard program and the Shizuku Edition are downloaded by the archive.

cristaldiskinfo how to use anxiety

The latest version of the program was downloaded for free access on August 4 of this year.

Program installation

How to use CrystalDiskInfo? The portable version can be used immediately after the download is completed: you just need to unzip the zip archive materials to any folder and open the necessary file (DiskInfo32.exe for a 32-bit operating system or DiskInfo64.exe for 64-bit, respectively). If you used an exe-installer, perform the installation according to the simple instructions of the program, which are listed in ReadMe.

SMART Methodology

Checking the status of the hard drive is carried out using a special technology Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, which in Russian means "technology of self-monitoring, analysis and reporting." Therefore, as the name implies, the role of the SMART program is to study the state of the disk and transmit information about those malfunctions that the user may encounter in the near future.

cristaldiskinfo how to use unstable sectors

The system checks a large number of different signs and, combining indicators, conducts a general assessment of the status of the hard disk. It is not necessary for the computer owner to understand all the variables, since SMART technology independently analyzes the data and translates it to the screen in an understandable way.

Software interface

After installing and starting the program, the workspace opens. The tool interface is intuitive. The working window of the program can be divided into five areas:

  1. Disc selection section. At this point, all media that the software found on the device are displayed. Information on their general position and some characteristics are displayed.
  2. Leading characteristics of the disk. Here you can see some disk parameters: firmware version, serial number, interface version, material transfer level, as well as rotation speed (only for HDD), the number of starts and the combined operating time.
  3. Compressed summary of disk status. In this area, the position will be characterized by one of the colors - from blue to gray. In addition, in this part of the program window you can see the temperature of the disk. Operating temperature will also be detected on a blue background, and dangerous - on red. Moreover , this state is constantly analyzed by CrystalDiskInfo. An alarm is announced immediately. High temperatures are likely to lead to severe damage to the hard drive, on the basis of this in such cases, you need to understand and eliminate the cause of overheating as soon as possible. Experienced programmers can independently disassemble the equipment and thoroughly clean the ventilation structures from dust, it is better for a beginner to contact a specialized center.
  4. The most extensive part of the program window is SMART materials. Here you will find information about the parameters that are checked using this technology.
  5. SMART Parameter Level Indicators They are characterized by the same colors as the general position or temperature. By moving the mouse cursor you can see a tooltip with details about the reasons for the loss of performance.

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Checking the condition of the equipment

If CrystalDiskInfo is already running, how to use? Anxiety rises among insufficiently experienced users. However, for professionals, the program is a wide field for study.

For the most effective use of CrystalDiskInfo, you must constantly maintain the reassigned sectors on the hard disk with CrystalDiskInfo treatment. Implementing this is very simple: you need to activate “Service - Autostart”, and the program will determine the self-loading element when the operating system is turned on, and “Service - Start Agent” will put the program icons, which will enable you to view the disk temperature at any time in real time.

In addition, you can configure immediate alerts about the dangerous state of the disk. The tool works with sound alerts, emails, and can also analyze the event log.

cristaldiskinfo reassigned sectors

Reassigned sectors

Finally, CrystalDiskInfo is installed and running. "Reassigned sectors" - such an inscription appeared on the monitor screen. What it is? Reassigned are called bad sectors that were found on the surface of the disk. Information from such sites is copied to the backup area. They have not yet become damaged, but a large number of them slow down the functioning of the hard drive. The unexpected appearance of a significant number of such sectors may indicate drive security issues.

Damage suggests that the hard drive is gradually losing its resource - this is not yet critical, but it’s better to copy the information to an external drive. The hard drive will obviously work for a limited time - maybe a month, or maybe even a year. In any case, you need to back up data to an external medium.

Unstable sectors

Continuing to learn how to use CrystalDiskInfo. Are unstable sectors detected in significant numbers? HDDs are safe and resilient mechanisms, but they break. Over time, they fail. Damaged areas appear on the disk. They are usually detected when studying a disk with programs like CrystalDiskInfo.

reassigned sectors on the hard drive crystaldiskinfo treatment

Most often, they arise precisely because of failures or an unexpected shutdown of the computer. If the controller has some difficulties when processing a sector, then it marks it as unstable. If the errors are repeated, the controller performs a sector remap. The appearance of such malfunctions is not a reason for repair, but you still need to monitor the disk. Although there were cases when information on disks was read without difficulty in 1000 and more unstable sectors.

However, if the problems still intensify, you need to make a backup copy of the received files. If CrystalDiskInfo indicates the presence of not just unstable sectors, but serious damage, then, of course, we must take for action.

As a result, it can be noted that this utility is very necessary for almost all computer owners, since the health of the device as a whole depends on the “health” of the hard drive. And this is not a question of the safety of information.

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