Leafing through the dream book. Why do acorns dream?

There is hardly a person who, remembering his night visions, at least once did not wonder about their secret meaning. It can sometimes be difficult to figure it out, because it is necessary to take into account the most diverse nuances. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to seek help from dream books, in which you can get answers to many questions of interest. We will verify this by the example of what acorns dream of.

why dream to collect acorns

Dream Interpretation of the Russian Emperor

Apparently, because the acorn by its nature is at the same time the fruit of a mighty tree and the continuer of its life, most of the compilers of dream books see in it a deeply positive image that carries good omens. To verify this, we will begin our review with The Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I, an essay that already inspires confidence in its name.

Its compilers, answering the question of what acorns dream of and what this image means, declare with all certainty - the dreamer will soon expect pleasant events. They can become new acquaintances or the successful completion of previously begun work. The latter is most likely in the event that the dreamer dreamed that he was picking up crumbling acorns from the ground. However, and hanging on the branches, they are no less positive, since they portend wealth, honors, health and the like. As for women, those who dream of the joys of motherhood, acorns promise pregnancy and a successful birth.

why dream big acorns

Do not pick up rotten acorns!

However, continuing the conversation about what acorns dream of, the authors of the dream book give a number of stories in which they carry a negative load. For example, there is no reason for joy for those who, in a dream, plucked them from branches still green and immature, or picked up rotten ones from the ground. In addition, throwing acorns at someone means, in their opinion, the birth of some ridiculous plans in the soul, the implementation of which can lead to the loss of social status. But worst of all, if an oak tree without acorns is seen in a dream. His image may portend illness, material loss and family turmoil.

In a dream, try fresh or baked acorns!

The authors of the Worldly Dream Book are very optimistic on this subject. In particular, when answering the question of why dreams about collecting acorns, they clearly indicate the upcoming favorable changes. At the same time, no distinction is made between fresh fruits that have just fallen from the branches and those that lay in the grass and have managed to rot. In any case, this is a good sign.

By the way, according to the authors, treat yourself to fresh or baked acorns on fire in a dream. This meal suggests that in reality, fate will give the dreamer a certain amount of free time, which he can use with benefit and pleasure, for example, going on a trip or recovering his health. In addition, he will have the opportunity to slowly sort out himself, as well as strengthen relations with family and friends.

what is the dream of oak with acorns

Symbol of desire and opportunity

Not spared the question of what dreams of acorns, and the authors of the Universal Dream Book. At the beginning of the section devoted to the topic of interest to us, they quite reasonably point out that the acorn has always been a symbol of limitless possibilities and ready to realize potential. It is that small spark from which the flame of a new life should ignite. Based on this, they attach almost all the plots in which he appears to have a positive meaning.

First of all, in their opinion, it is a symbol of human desires, but not the fruitless creatures of idle fantasy, but those that, having arisen in the soul, are waiting for their real embodiment. Therefore, if a person dreams that he is planting acorns, this means that he is internally ready for the beginning of active actions. However, he should not be in a hurry - the hard shell of the fruit may indicate the need to thoroughly think through everything and be prepared to overcome possible difficulties, which is of great importance for the success of the enterprise.

what do acorns on a tree dream about

Why do acorns dream, according to Ms. Adaskina?

Being the author of many books popular these days, the famous Russian writer O. N. Adaskina in 2008 presented her readers with a very interesting composition, called the Great Encyclopedia of Dreams. In it, she gave interpretation to various subjects of night visions. The interpreter also touched on the question of why acorns dream.

Agreeing with the opinion of most experts about the positive significance of the image we are considering, Ms. Adaskina, however, indicates that the benefits awaiting the dreamer in real life will not be given to him in vain, but will become an award for his patience and hard work. As in a dream, without proper efforts, he cannot collect acorns that have fallen from the branches, so in reality he will have to work hard to achieve his goals. It is possible that in real life everything will be much more complicated than in night dreams, and you will have to face various obstacles, but they will all be completely overcome, and as a result, the dreamer will achieve what he wants.

Opinion overseas psychiatrist

It is impossible to comprehend the objective interpretation of a particular image without taking into account the opinion expressed at one time by one of the largest experts in this field - the American psychiatrist Gustav Miller (photo below). At the beginning of the last century, he presented to mankind one of the most popular dream books, on the pages of which the question of why acorns were dreamed was also considered. Big and small, still quite green and already covered with a hard brown shell, appearing in dreams, they became the object of his close study.

what do acorns dream about

In particular, the respected master wrote that the image of the acorn in most cases is a harbinger of favorable changes in human life. Just as when a fetus leaves a thin stem out of itself, from which a mighty oak tree grows, so the dreamer himself will soon be lifted to a new, higher social and material level by the will of fate. This will be a worthy reward for previous work and overcoming obstacles.

In his discussions about what the oak tree with acorns dream of, the overseas interpreter pointed out the connection of this image with the intimate sphere of human life. At the same time, he regards the abundance of fruits that are ready to fall off the branches and give rise to a new life as an excess of sexuality, leading to numerous and partly chaotic novels. As a result, in his opinion, everything should end with a legal marriage (if not already concluded), a close family circle and abundant childbirth.

what do acorns dream of

Sayings of Mr. Freud

It will be appropriate to dwell on the statements of the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Explaining at the beginning of the 20th century what acorns on a tree dream of (namely, hanging on branches, not ripened and not having time to fall into the grass), he saw in them a symbol of the emergence of new intimate relationships. Moreover, the immaturity of the fruits was associated with him at the earliest stage of future novels, when communication takes place only at the platonic level.

Mr. Freud regarded the dreamer's eating of the acorns that fell at his feet as the transition of the initial stage of relations to their main part, where the sighs under the moon are replaced by stormy bed scenes, the lovers indulge in carnal pleasures. Since the respected author was inclined in all human actions to perceive the manifestation of sexual instinct (or the consequence of its suppression), it is not surprising that even in the rustle of oak branches he dreamed of a creaking bed.

Funny acorns

Instruction for young dreamers

At the end of the article, we will talk about how the image of acorns in the Dream Book for girls is interpreted. In it, the authors warn their young readers that when they see the fruits that each of them knows in a dream, they should exercise maximum caution in real life, as one of the acquaintances is preparing to put a pig in them.

At the same time, if a young lady in a dream was engaged in the manufacture of acorns of any crafts or jewelry, this means that in reality she neglects household chores, shifting them to her mother, grandmother, or someone close to her. In this case, the future hostess has something to think seriously about.

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