How to disable the radio? Radio point in the apartment

A person living in any city apartment will be able to easily find a socket of a non-standard shape, a radio outlet, on his own square meters. However, those who are still loyal to wired radio, few remained. Therefore, many are interested in the question: why do we need a radio point in the apartment, for which every month it is necessary to give part of our hard-earned finances, and is it possible to refuse it? A detailed answer to it will be devoted to this material.

The important role of radio points

Not all of those citizens who seek to abandon a radio point are familiar with its important function. But it is she who is the main and sometimes the only source that can timely warn people living in the apartment about the occurrence of absolutely any emergency - natural disaster, man-made disaster, terrorist act, declaration of martial law in the country, etc. Radio points, street sound booths do not convey only vital vital first-hand information, but also a plan of salvation, instructions for further actions.

That is why not a single residential object is commissioned without a mandatory connection to a wired warning and broadcasting network, and the lack of a radio point in a residential building is one of the grossest violations of building technological rules and norms. After all, untimely receipt of information about mortal danger can be a price miss in human lives.

how to disable the radio

Why, then, is such an important function assigned to the wire broadcasting network, which is so unpopular these days? The answer is several reasons:

  • only a radio point for today is guaranteed to be able to work in conditions of a total power outage, as the radio network operates autonomously from power networks;
  • it is one of the fastest modern ways of disseminating information in extreme conditions;
  • data transfer quality has no analogues in the world.

Therefore, before you turn off the radio, you should keep in mind that if it is absent, you can lose the only source of vital information in emergency situations.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Emergencies realizes, on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO (Russian Broadcasting and Alert Networks) in accordance with Federal Law No. 28 "On Civil Defense", the right of Russian citizens to receive timely data on situations that directly threaten their life and health. Therefore, the agency considers the question of how to refuse a radio point in an apartment to be inappropriate.

FSUE RSVO networks are an integral part of the infrastructure for alerting the population of any city about various emergencies. Therefore, the broadcasting network is used not only by local and federal wired radio channels, but also by the Ministry of Emergencies.

Is it possible to refuse a radio point

Despite all of the above, many citizens do not want to put up with such archaism in their apartment as a radio point. The main reason for rejecting it is the monthly fee - even for an unused outlet the RSVO monthly charges certain amounts.

refuse radio points

Today it is possible to abandon your own radio points, along with paying for it the only way - to officially disable it. The result will be the elimination of the point by a radio technician. However, this service is paid - from 60 to 100 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation.

Radio subscription fee

Payment for radio points is relatively small - about 70 rubles a month. Most of all it costs Muscovites - 88 rubles a month. If your Homeowners Association or the management company enters into an individual agreement with FSUE RSVO, then the payment for each owner may drop to 40 rubles.

radio point in the apartment

But with the help of simple arithmetic, we can conclude that these small amounts turn into annual 500-1000 rubles for a service that you absolutely do not resort to. As for reports of emergencies, many believe that you can completely rely on gadgets that can function for a long time without connecting to a power source.

Radio point off circuit

Imagine an algorithm detailing how to turn off the radio in an apartment:

  1. Prepare the necessary documentation: a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (first page, a sheet with the last seal on the place of registration), a completed application to turn off the radio station (the form can be downloaded on the website of the RSVO and also obtained at the office of the RSVO, its management company), a paid receipt for services radio communications for the current month, a certificate of absence of debt from the MFC, ZhSK, ZhKO, etc. If you are registered in a different apartment or house, then you need to additionally prepare documents confirming your ownership of the premises where you want to turn off the radio.
  2. Provide the entire listed package of documents to the RSVO in any convenient way: by contacting the companyโ€™s office; Email with scanned attachments Russian post (with paper photocopies) by registered letter addressed to the head of the organization (for Moscow - MGRS, for St. Petersburg - RS SPb). It is important to note that the branches of this service are located only in Moscow (ul. Usievicha, d. 18a) and in St. Petersburg (ul. Varshavskaya, d.118). Residents of other cities should contact the offices of Rostelecom, which is responsible for radio points in the regions. Other methods of treatment will be discussed later.
  3. Pay the invoice for the service.
  4. On the scheduled day, a radio technician will visit you, who will officially eliminate the radio channel in your apartment. At the end of the work, he must give you a certificate of shutdown.
  5. You need to transmit this information in person or in a scanned copy by e-mail to the equipment of your management company. From the date indicated in the document, you will no longer be charged a monthly fee.

how to refuse a radio point in an apartment

Document Submission Options

How to turn off the radio in my apartment, I donโ€™t contact RSVO and Rostelecom:

  • Personally provide all the necessary documents to your housing office. The organization is obliged to transfer your documents to the addressee, as well as familiarize you with the date of the visit of the radio technician, having previously agreed it with you.
  • Handling a package of documents at the MFC. The scheme is the same - you provide documentation, fill out an application, pay for the service.
  • Through the Internet service "My Documents". Scan the necessary documents, pay a receipt for services through your online bank. Then go to the "Electronic Reception" section, where you can leave a request for a specialist visit by attaching scans of documents and an electronic payment receipt to it.

radio point payment

Despite the important function - timely reporting of emergencies - there are many who are interested in how to turn off the radio channel. Today, it is not difficult to carry out the necessary manipulations to eliminate it in the apartment, and there are a lot of options for providing the necessary documentation.

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