Herbal medicine is becoming more and more popular every year. One of the most popular drugs in this category is considered to be an inulin-based supplement. This substance helps to regulate the level of glucose in the blood, and is also able to replace sugar in many dishes and drinks. In any case, it will be useful for everyone to learn about him as much as possible, and especially as part of the Inulin Forte dietary supplement from Evalar.
Description of the drug
The product is made on the basis of Jerusalem artichoke extract. It is an absolutely safe source of dietary fiber and inulin. In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, Inulin Forte tablets contain wheat bran, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. As for the medical point of view, the substance inulin belongs to the category of polysaccharides, being a real natural carbohydrate.
Doctors recommend the drug to adults, and if necessary, to children who are older than 12 years. It acts as a tonic, regardless of the presence of any pathologies. It is necessary to drink the supplement in courses, and not on an ongoing basis. At the end of the course, you can notice a positive effect in the form of improved well-being, a surge of energy, stabilization of pressure and normalization of glucose levels.
An important advantage of dietary supplements is a beneficial effect on the immune system. Numerous reviews confirm that after the end of one course, susceptibility to seasonal viral diseases is significantly improved.
The composition of the drug
Jerusalem artichoke is the raw material for obtaining the active component of Inulin Forte, as already mentioned. It contains not only inulin, but also pectins, mineral salts of potassium, zinc, silicon and iron, as well as proteins, vitamins and amino acids. With regular use of Jerusalem artichoke, the sugar level decreases. That is why it is so useful for those who suffer from diabetes.
This source of inulin helps to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body. Together with food, a person receives a huge amount of ballast every day, which can decompose for a long time on the bottom and walls of the stomach. Inulin from Jerusalem artichoke has the ability to bind all impurities and remove them naturally.
Thanks to the useful substances of Jerusalem artichoke, the body becomes resistant to infection by infections and viruses that can affect the digestive system. It also helps to form a normal microflora in the intestines. This property makes the supplement an indispensable drug for those who suffer from dysbiosis.
Beneficial features
The drug "Inulin Forte" is known for the following effects on the body:
- Regulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves the microflora of the stomach.
- Cleanses from toxins and the harmful effects of free radicals.
- It stabilizes glucose levels and reduces cravings for sweets.
- Improves a metabolism.
- Favorably affects the activity of the cardiovascular system.
- It has anti-inflammatory, regenerative effects in diseases such as stomach ulcers.
- Helps prevent diabetes.
- Reduces hunger.
Due to the positive effect on the body, the drug can be used without harm to health, but before starting the course, it is better to seek medical advice.
Indications for use of the drug
This biologically active supplement is useful to take both for prevention and for the treatment of many pathologies. Based on the instructions for use, Inulin Forte is most often used for:
- Rheumatism
- Type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Obesity.
- Urolithiasis.
- In the treatment of arterial hypertension.
- With complaints of puffiness.
- In case of metabolic disorders, as well as water and salt balance.
Inulin acts on the body extremely favorably. Therefore, side effects from taking the drug develop extremely rarely.
Instructions for use
Despite the naturalness of the drug and its safe composition, before using the supplement, you must read the instructions for Inulin Forte. It will also not be amiss to visit a doctor who will give approval for taking the drug. Adults and children over the age of 12 years should take two tablets up to three times a day. This should be done during the meal, drinking tablets with plenty of water. The use of Inulin Forte is not recommended for young children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. It is also necessary to consider the possible individual intolerance of the ingredients of a biologically active additive.
Analogues of the drug
In terms of its composition, the drug has not so many analogues. The following additives are considered the most popular and effective:
- Inulin from Nutrimed.
- "Inulin food" based on Jerusalem artichoke from the production of the company "Ryazan open spaces."
- "Inulin" from Now foods.
- "Inulin" from "Green Visa".
When choosing a remedy with inulin, you need to focus on reviews about it. This is the only way to choose a high-quality and truly effective supplement.
Reviews about the drug
Most of all positive feedback contains the dietary supplement "Inulin Forte" from the company "Evalar". Many say that after a course of taking it, not only health, but also the quality of life improved. Passed a predisposition to colds, fatigue, there was more energy and strength to do everyday activities. Based on the reviews, “Inulin Forte” perfectly helps to lower the level of glucose in the blood.
Most of all, this effect is praised by those who suffer from obesity and diabetes. In addition to following a diet, supplementation helps eliminate the strong cravings for sweets that are common in people with high sugar levels. That is why the product from the company "Evalar" has the best rating in the category of drugs with inulin. It acts on the body gently due to the natural components in the composition, but its effectiveness is comparable to medicines.
Despite the positive effect on the body, you can not abuse dietary supplements. First of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health, regularly do tests and attend scheduled examinations by doctors. This is the only way to maintain good health and is in good shape.