Maxler VitaMen is a balanced vitamin complex, created taking into account all the needs of the body of men involved in sports. Reviews on Maxler VitaMen reflect the rapid positive effect of the drug on the body, based on a specially selected composition of the drug. Its reception is relevant for weightlifting athletes.
Important! Sections that should be especially carefully studied before taking Maxler VitaMen - reviews, instructions for use and composition of the drug.
What are special vitamins for?
Heavy training significantly increases the body's need for a number of vitamins and minerals, in particular, magnesium and vitamin B6. These substances are necessary for the following metabolic processes:
- full protein synthesis - it is necessary for the restoration of muscle fibers;
- proper construction of muscle cells from protein molecules;
- removal of excess tension of the nervous system - this will help normalize the regime of the day, eliminate pathological fatigue, make sleep more effective;
- metabolic optimization in nerve and muscle cells, which contributes to better body tolerance of physical activity and significantly increases the effectiveness of training;
- optimization of muscle recovery after a heavy load.
Signs of deficiency of essential elements
Deficiency of precisely magnesium and vitamin B6 leads to the appearance of symptoms that are familiar to many who have recently begun to exercise:
- sharply increased fatigue;
- lethargy;
- the appearance of sleep disorders: increased drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
- causeless anxiety, up to anxiety;
- unmotivated irritability;
- general breakdown.
This symptom complex develops some time after the start of intensive training and is a signal of depletion of the nervous system resources.
Judging by the reviews of Maxler VitaMen vitamins, such symptoms are especially pronounced in the case of a combination of physical training with the use of funds from the category of so-called fat burners. This fact also indicates how important magnesium and vitamin B6 are for metabolism.
Description and reviews of Maxler VitaMen indicate that this complex effectively fights this condition, filling the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
It is these metabolic features that are characteristic of an organism that is subject to regular heavy physical exertion, and manufacturers took into account when creating the Maxler VitaMen complex.
The multivitamin complex Maxler VitaMen contains the following biologically active substances:
- beta carotene;
- vitamin C;
- calciferol;
- alpha tocopherol;
- phytonadione;
- thiamine;
- riboflavin;
- niacinamide;
- pyridoxine hydrochloride;
- folic acid;
- cyancobalamin;
- biotin;
- pantothenic acid;
- calcium carbonate;
- calcium citrate;
- complex selenium + methionine;
- copper oxide;
- manganese gluconate;
- chromium in the form of dinicotinate and picolinate;
- damiana leaves;
- Korean ginseng root;
- oat straw;
- deodorized garlic;
- palm serenoa;
- dioica nettle casting;
- pumpkin seeds;
- bioflavonoids of citrus origin;
- choline;
- inoside;
- para-aminobenzoic acid ;
- L-methionine;
- alpha lipoic acid;
- lutein;
- lycopene;
- silica;
- L-glutadione;
- Amino acid complex (arginine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, cystine, glutamine, valine, threonine;
- microcrystalline cellulose;
- hypromellose;
- polyethylene glycol;
- stearic acid;
- magnesium stearate.
Such a rich and diverse composition also explains the complex and balanced effect on the body.
Reception scheme
The multivitamin preparation for men Maxler VitaMen should be taken with meals; the daily dose is 3 tablets.
special instructions
- Judging by the reviews, Maxler VitaMen is well tolerated, but it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product and refrain from using it if there is a history of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
- To normalize metabolic processes in the body, a treatment course is needed that has a sufficient duration. According to numerous reviews of Maxler VitaMen, the effect of improving well-being comes pretty quickly. However, interrupting the course of taking the multivitamin complex is strongly not recommended.
- To use a multivitamin complex after the expiration date is unacceptable.
- Despite the rare occurrence of side effects, which is reflected in the reviews of Maxler VitaMen, when taking this multivitamin complex, it is not recommended to exceed the single dose specified in the instructions, since the biological substances contained in overestimated dosages can cause a negative effect on metabolism.
- Do not use this tool if there are contraindications to at least one of the components.
- If there is a history of unwanted adverse reactions to multivitamin complexes, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before using Maxler VitaMen.