They want to kill - a dream book. The interpretation of dreams

Some dreams are weird. Others are funny. And from some goosebumps. These are precisely the visions in which a person understands that they want to kill him. A dream book is a book that you should definitely refer to in this case. After all, you can learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

want to kill a dream book

Modern book of interpretations

So what should you think if they want to kill a person in a dream ? The dream interpretation assures - if the killer still managed to carry out his plan, then you do not need to be upset. Because in reality the dreamer will live long.

True, it is customary to interpret such a vision as a signal of the need to begin to solve the accumulated problems. Time should not be taken with this matter. Putting the problems aside, a person will only aggravate his situation.

Still such a vision often suggests that a person, contrary to common sense, does not want to notice the troubles that surround him and accumulate, like a snowball.

It is worth noting the attention of one interesting point, even if it is not related to interpretation. It turns out that dreams about one's own death are visited by those people who, before night relaxation, have abused alcohol, cigarettes, or ate properly.

the dead man wants to kill in a dream

Death from a knife wound

Unpleasant sight. But it also happens to be a dream. What to expect from such a vision? The knife in a dream is very symbolic - you need to remember this. And if they hit a person in the stomach, they may have digestive problems in real life. Did Killer hit some organ with a knife? Then the problems will be associated with him. Did the man try to take cover and put his hand under the blade? This portends the difficulties associated with the performance of a particular job. The blow fell on the foot? Then, most likely, a person in the near future will be very tired. But the cut throat is a harbinger of the flu, sore throat, or the common cold.

But this is not all that the knife can portend in a dream. If a killer wanted them to kill a person, but got into the liver, it means that in reality the dreamer has something or someone ā€œsitting in the liverā€. Perhaps this is a matter that should be brought to the end. Or a long-bored person - a friend, "second half", a colleague. In any case, no matter what this ā€œknifeā€ may be, it would be necessary to make it stop disturbing.

in a dream they wanted to kill

Shot and Pursuit

If a person realizes that they wanted to kill him in a dream with a firearm - things are bad. In real life, he should keep his emotions to himself, even those that are torn out. Otherwise, a conflict with the people who surround him cannot be avoided. But if a person managed to grab a gun from a killer, confront him and even kill the attacker - this is to victory. Which he will gain in a tedious and difficult matter.

If a person in a dream wanted to be killed by some mysterious people chasing him - this is a problem. Which he has been trying to solve for a long time. In fact, it would not hurt him to change tactics and approach the solution of the problem from the other side.

It happens that a vision with such a plot takes on the most strange character - and the dreamer is trying to kill the one who himself has long been dead. Such a dream suggests that he would not hurt to deal with old debts. And if you managed to stay alive and run away from the dead man, then luck will smile.

This is not all that should be taken into account by a person who is interested in what the dream is about. So, for example, if aliens were chasing him - this is a sad adventure. Was the striker a ghost? Then you need to prepare for a difficult life test. And if a girl ran away from her lover, this is a reminder of the secret that she hides from him.

why dream of an attack

Dream Book Wangi

This book should also be addressed if it seemed to a person in a dream that they want to kill him. The dream interpretation assures - such a vision speaks of the hostility that someone has for the dreamer. By the way, itā€™s very good if you managed to consider a potential killer. Killer - this is the one who does not like the dreamer.

And if they were a stranger? Then this means that the dreamer's behavior is not to the liking of all those around him. Or even directly to himself. Maybe it's time to start changing. And by the way, if a person allowed himself to be killed, then he will succeed. Moreover, one will appear in his life, whose gladness he will want to change. And it will only be on hand. So a person should not be upset if they want to kill him in a dream.

Dreamwalker Wangi also gives an interpretation of the vision in which the killer acted as a pursuer. This is a meeting with an evil and unpleasant person. And, by the way, it is possible that she will try to harm the dreamer - both moral and physical.

Family dream book

This book also talks about what it's like to see a killer in a dream. But the details are important here. Was there a chance in a dream to escape and prevent the hit of a killer? If so, then a person expects an experience that will require the mobilization of the spirit. It will be necessary to fasten, but as a result, everything will work out.

In general, a family dream book assures that any dream about a killer is a warning. The machinations of secret but evil enemies are not ruled out. The main thing is that the dreamer himself does not commit the murder of his killer. Maybe thatā€™s right, such a vision portends the shame and tarnish of his good name. In general, after such visions you need to be as careful as possible and stop trusting others. Accuracy will not hurt.

knife in a dream

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

This dream of interpretation is also spoken of in this book of interpretations. If a person became a victim of a murderer in a dream, it means that in reality he will experience happiness. He is waiting for joy and a sea of ā€‹ā€‹positive emotions, so there is no need to be upset.

Managed to kill the killer pursuer? This is also a good sign. And he foreshadows tremendous luck in work and business. Rapid career growth is not excluded.

If the blood of the killed enemy remained on the dreamer's clothes or his skin, then he will become very rich. The financial situation will improve at times. And the more blood there was, the more intense his career growth would be.

In general, in this case, murder is a harbinger of the solution to all the dreamer's problems.

English dream book

This book assures us that being killed in a dream is not good. Perhaps someone is trying to use a person for their own purposes. Particular attention to such a vision does not hurt to turn women and girls.

If a dead person wants to kill a person in a dream, then in real life he will not be prevented from getting rid of his anxieties and subconscious fears. They only interfere with his calm and measured existence.

But the Chinese dream book, by the way, interprets all those visions in which the murder was present, interpreted as a lucky sign. With the exception of the dream in which a person kills a ram (this is unfortunately and sick) or someone else, a saber (loss of wealth). But to be killed - to wealth and unreal happiness, which you only had to dream about.

see a killer in a dream

Other interpretations

There are many other explanations for the vision in which they tried to kill a person. Esoteric dream book generally advises him after such a dream to talk with one of his friends or relatives about life and ask for useful advice.

But the psychological book of interpretations assures us that murder is the personification of a personā€™s liberation from what has long bothered him.

Dream Interpreter Ivanova says that after such a vision there will be some kind of violent and aggressive conflict. The Book of Interpretations from A to Z, in turn, advises a person to be careful on the streets and behind the wheel. And if he was a strangled killer - it is possible that some kind of trauma will happen that will greatly affect him psychologically and morally.

In general, there are many interpretations. But if you want to give the most accurate explanation for the dream, then you need to contact several dream books at once and take into account the details.

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