Willow mistletoe for weight loss: reviews, application. Old recipes for a slim figure

Today, there are many ways to help a person lose weight. You can work out to the gym to exhaustion, or follow a low-calorie diet. Also nowadays, various weight loss drugs are gaining popularity, which stimulate increased metabolism and break down fats. However, the use of natural elements is still considered the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds. So, in folk medicine, mistletoe willow is widely used for weight loss, reviews of which indicate that it gives amazing results. Let's find out what kind of plant it is, how to use mistletoe in order to eliminate excess weight and whether there are any contraindications to it.

Willow mistletoe: a brief description of the plant

Willow mistletoe, or, as it is also called by the people, white mistletoe, belongs to the family of mistletoe plants. It parasitizes on various fruit and deciduous trees: apple trees, poplars, birches, willows, pines, etc. Mistletoe begins to grow from the top of the tree, gradually sinking down and eating into the bark, the roots of the plant. The diameter of the thickets can reach 120 centimeters. To understand how mistletoe willow looks, a photo will help you.

Mistletoe willow photo

Mistletoe bloom is observed in March-April. The plant spreads randomly on the surface of the bark of a tree, and subsequently it is quite difficult to eliminate from there. The seed of the plant is a round white ball, often enough it is covered with mucus. It can not be used for any purpose, but the mistletoe leaves are used to prepare various traditional medicine. Willow-mistletoe will often be used for weight loss. Reviews about it make it clear that this evergreen parasite really helps to get rid of unwanted kilograms.

Benefits of Willow Mistletoe

Despite the fact that mistletoe is a parasitic plant, it is a storehouse of useful elements such as amino acids, organic acids, phenols, rubber, carbohydrates, flavonoids, etc. All these substances take an active part in the processes of the body, which are important for normal vitality.

Mistletoe willow slimming reviews

Among the beneficial properties of mistletoe, the following should be highlighted:

  • Strengthens the immune system, makes it more resistant to aggressive environments and daily stresses that cannot be avoided in modern life.
  • It lowers blood pressure, so mistletoe tincture is indicated for hypertensive patients and people who are sensitive to weather changes.
  • Promotes blood coagulation. This property is very relevant for people with weak walls of blood vessels, because this pathology is characterized by constant nosebleeds and the inability to quickly stop the blood from being wounded.
  • Normalizes the duration of menstruation. Mistletoe helps to restore the normal menstrual cycle and the duration of menstruation.

In addition, mistletoe willow is used for weight loss. Reviews say that the parasitic plant not only makes it possible to lose weight, but also provides a long-term effect.

Mistletoe willow slimming

As mentioned above, mistletoe is a parasite plant, but despite this, it is used in small doses in both traditional and folk medicine. It has a lot of useful properties, but mistletoe most of all helps with weight loss. With the right dosage, the plant reduces appetite and improves metabolism, so that fats unnecessary to the body do not linger on the body in the form of extra pounds. In addition, willow mistletoe helps reduce fatigue. So, a person will move a lot and eat as much as necessary (no more, as is often the case with obesity).

Mistletoe willow slimming price

To date, willow mistletoe in a pharmacy is sold in the form of capsules or powder. There are also recipes for traditional medicine that can be used at home.

Mistletoe Recipe for Slimming

In order to lose weight by 3-5 kilograms, you need to undergo a four-day course of treatment. In addition to mistletoe leaves, you will also need linden leaves.

  1. On the first day, boil the infusion of linden, adding 5 tablespoons of chopped lime leaves to 1 liter of boiling water. Have a drink during the day.
  2. On the second day, chop fresh mistletoe leaves (5 tablespoons), also boil them in one liter of water. Allow the liquid to brew, then drink it all day.
  3. Next, mix 1 liter of linden and 1 liter of mistletoe infusion. Also consume all day.
  4. On the final day of the course, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mistletoe tincture.

Contraindications mistletoe

Mistletoe willow contraindications

In some cases, a person may experience individual intolerance to such a plant as willow mistletoe. Contraindications to the use of the infusion from this plant are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • persistent headaches;
  • the presence of malignant tumors.

It should not be forgotten that the use of willow mistletoe should not be long-term, because in addition to useful substances, the plant also contains harmful components.

The cost of mistletoe for weight loss

Mistletoe willow in a pharmacy

Mistletoe is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. It is added to various capsules and other drugs for weight loss. In pharmacies, mistletoe willow is sold for weight loss, its price is not too high.

For example, dry mistletoe leaves will cost you 60-100 rubles (a box of 50 grams), and capsules - 100-200 rubles for a dozen tablets. Prices may vary, depending on the region and the supplier.

Reviews about mistletoe for weight loss

Thousands of women have already tested in their own experience whether willow mistletoe helps for weight loss. Reviews about the plant suggest that this means of traditional medicine is really effective even in the most advanced cases, when there is almost no hope of getting rid of extra pounds. Some ladies, who were full from early childhood, managed to lose weight only thanks to the mistletoe willow, because no more drugs and sports did not help.

Mistletoe tincture

From the reviews of mistletoe you can understand the following:

  1. In the first two days of the course of taking tinctures from mistletoe and linden, no changes are felt in the body, but in the next day everything changes dramatically: the body feels light, you want to drink more and not eat.
  2. Some women felt dizzy from excessive consumption of willow mistletoe. Having reduced the dose of infusion, they began to feel much better.
  3. Without exception, all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity note that at the end of the course of taking tinctures from mistletoe, the weight does not return, but is fixed.

As you can see from the reviews, in just four days, the mistletoe willow, the photo of which you can see in this article, will remove fat deposits on the stomach, sides and legs.

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