Osho, whose biography is known to many philosophy buffs, is an enlightened master from India. He is known throughout the world as Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh. A year before his death, he said that he would not use the prefix “Bhagwan Sri,” as some associate it with God. Sannyasins (disciples) named him Osho. So in Japan, students turned to their spiritual teachers.
Osho Rajneesh, whose books were translated into 30 languages, was born in 1931 in Kushvada. He spent all his childhood in his grandfather's house, and only after his death his parents took the boy to him. From an early age, Rajneesh studied the possibilities of his body, was interested in spiritual development and engaged in meditation. He did not look for teachers and did not follow any traditions. The basis of his spiritual search was an experiment. The future master evaluated life at its extreme, critical points. He did not believe the rules and theories, always rebelling against the vices and prejudices of society.
In 1953, enlightenment descended on Osho, whose biography is ambiguous. It was like an explosion. According to him, he died and was reborn again, a new, enlightened person, completely free from ego. Nevertheless, his outer life has not changed. He continued his studies at the philosophical department of Jabalpur College.
In 1957 he graduated with honors from Saugara University and received a master's degree, Rajneesh began to engage in teaching activities. Two years later, he was taken as a teacher at Jabalpur University. Students loved Osho for sincerity, humor, and the pursuit of truth. Over the course of a 9-year university career, he had to travel (15 days each month) throughout India. A passionate and skillful debater, Osho, whose biography of life is admired by many, challenged various religious figures. Speaking to hundreds of thousands of audiences, he spoke with the conviction that came from his enlightenment, thereby destroying blind faith and creating true religiosity.
Own school
In 1966, Osho, whose biography entered the history of philosophy, left the university and began to spread his own vision of life and a new person. In 1968, he settled in Bombay, where truth seekers from the West began to come to him. All those who wanted to develop had to master meditation. Rajneesh studied almost all the techniques known at that time and came up with his own - dynamic meditation based on the use of movement and music. In 1974, the master moved with his students to Pune and opened an ashram in Koregaon Park, which became the center for hundreds of thousands of truth seekers.
In the last years of his life, Osho, whose biography is described in many books, was seriously ill (asthma and diabetes). In early 1990, Rajneesh passed away. His community in Pune still thrives and is a place for self-disclosure, relaxation and meditation. Before his death, he said: “For my students and followers, I want to remain a source of inspiration. Let them develop independently, and not under someone’s influence, instilling in themselves love and awareness, as well as joy, fun and fresh, childishly surprised eyes. Remember, the main path leads inside ... "