Dream Interpretation. What is the dream of the corridor?

In the world of dreams, a person may find himself in an unexpected place, a fantastic world in which his most secret fantasies become real. And such a dream will be remembered, because it will be bright and unusual. However, a situation may arise that in the night vision there will be nothing strange, but still the plot and images will well remain in memory. Such a dream must be interpreted, because it contains a hint of fate. We suggest finding out why the corridor is dreaming. Dream Interpretations give on this account very different interpretations.

The overall value of the image

Most sources believe that this image is a prediction of changes in the dreamer's life, his transition from one stage to another. Moreover, this can be either a change in life, or a transformation in the worldview, some kind of psychological evolution. According to the dream books, the corridor is a sign of a difficult stage in the life of a sleeping person, this person needs to make a lot of efforts so as not to turn off his path and achieve the intended goal.

However, more accurate understanding of what should be prepared after such a dream, authoritative dream books will tell. Let us turn to them.

Dream about the dark corridor

N. Grishina and the Noble Dream Book

According to this publication, to be in the corridor means to be in danger that arose due to the actions of the sleeping person. He committed rash impulsive acts, risked in vain, and therefore he had to be punished, go the hard way to cleanse his soul. Moreover, if there is more than one person in the tunnel, the details of the interpretation may change. For example, to see someone running away from a dreamer - to the fact that in reality a certain person really by all means evades meeting him. And to see incomprehensible animals in the corridor (according to Grishina’s dream book) means to experience fears, phobias, perhaps the sleeping person does not yet know about them.

If, however, you have to see in front of you a person to whom the dreamer experiences antipathy, then this image suggests that in reality the sleeping person is forced to communicate with him much more closely than he would like. Perhaps this is his work colleague, immediate supervisor, relative, neighbor. Meeting a naked person of any gender means that the dreamer suffers from unfulfilled sexual desires.

What is the dream of the corridor and doors of? According to the dream book, such a night dream means that the dreamer falls into panic if necessary to make an independent decision, he needs to learn how to bear responsibility for his life, passivity is dangerous.

Corridor and many doors

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

According to this ancient source, a dream in which a tunnel or a corridor happened to be observed means a change in life. Maybe the dreamer will move, change jobs. However, if there is no way out in the corridor, then the dream suggests that the sleeper has no purpose in life, and therefore makes certain mistakes, because he is deprived of the ability to perceive the information sent by the Creator. He needs to decide why he lives, what he dreams about, only after that the rhythm of life will improve.

The length of the corridor symbolizes the time that the sleeper will need to achieve the goal: if it is infinite, then the plan will not be fulfilled, but if it ends in a dead end, then the dreamer himself uses irrational methods of struggle, so there can be no question of victory. Walking along the corridor, through the dream book of the Yellow Emperor, can also mean loneliness, especially if the dreamer wanders for a long time, unable to find a way out.

Find a way out of the corridor

Interpretation of various sources

To understand in more detail what a particular image is dreaming of, you need to get acquainted with the interpretation that popular dream interpreters offer. Let's get to know some of them:

  • Freud's Dream Book. The corridor represents the woman’s reproductive system, and his appearance in the dream world suggests that the sleeper is confused in his intimate relationships and fantasies, he can’t decide what exactly he wants.
  • According to the Universal Dream Book, the corridor is a symbol of change, and can also tell the dreamer that he will have to make a difficult decision. Moreover, if it was possible to find a way out of it, then the night dream is favorable and predicts that a person will be able to cope with a difficult task.
  • The interpreter of Azara states: he visits such a dream before a long trip.
  • The Wanderer’s dreambook tells you: the image indicates that the sleeping person will pass from one state to another, change spiritually, and reconsider his views on life. Because of this, a distance may arise between him and people close to him.
  • Esoteric dream book. The long corridor symbolizes the life path of the sleeper. If he is direct, bright, then fate itself smiles at this person. Sinuous, with a large number of doors, stairs, dead ends, it means that the dreamer will have a difficult life, he very often has to make a choice, on which a lot will depend.

Finally, the dream book of E. Avadiaeva says that this image promises an ambiguous situation in which the sleeping person will fall into the near future. He will need to make a decision, while if the tunnel is a stranger to a person, scares him, then in reality serious losses are expected.

What is the dream of the corridor

The plot and details of sleep

An interpretation of the details and nuances that were remembered will help even more accurately analyze the significance of night dreams. Let's get acquainted with some of the most popular and significant options.

Walking along a long winding corridor - to face a lot of difficulties in its path. However, getting out of it is a favorable sign. All problems can be solved. To be in a strange corridor, where there is a lot of garbage and broken things, is a sign that the dreamer will face problems in earnest, but numerous, their decision will take a lot of time and effort.

Running around the tunnel surrounded by a large number of people dreams that the dreamer can become an involuntary participant in a mass event - a strike, uprising. You must be careful and careful.


According to the dream books, the corridor can have a lot of meanings, to determine which one is best suited to the situation, an analysis of the emotional coloring of a night dream will help. If the sleeper moves along the winding lapels of the corridor and at the same time experiences despair, the walls press on him, he wants to quickly find a way out, but nothing happens, then such a vision suggests a betrayal of a loved one or a health problem. Now is not the time to devote all the energy to work, it is necessary to rest, and also not to trust the innermost secrets of anyone.

If the mood is good, the dreamer walks through the tunnel with curiosity, he is interested, there is no fear, then such a vision indicates that changes are taking place in his life, most often favorable and unexpected. Fatigue in the world of dreams suggests that the sleeper will be disappointed in a loved one.

Bright corridor in a dream

A long

Walking along the corridor, along the dream book, means the need to solve problems in reality. Moreover, if it is long, goes into the distance and there is no completion, then such an image most often indicates that a particular case runs the risk of dragging on, in order to deal with the difficulty, the dreamer will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

However, if the tunnel is attractive, beautifully designed, bright, then the wait itself will not cause the sleeper any trouble. The presence of windows suggests that it is not possible to sort things out due to the fact that the person is not sufficiently focused on them, constantly distracted.

A man walks down the hall


Find out why the dark corridor is dreaming . The dream interpretation of this image in a negative way, most often such a dream suggests that the dreamer is dissatisfied with himself and his life, while the more dirty and dark the tunnel has to be observed, the more acute is the dissatisfaction.

These are the main meanings of dreams about the corridor as a whole. Do not forget that even from the most critical situation it is possible to find a way out, the main thing is to make certain efforts to this.

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