Why is it that you chopped off your head? What does the severed head of a man, dog, cat, pig, rooster dream of?

Most people have dreams. Moreover, the dreams are unusual and sometimes even scary. Some forget them immediately after awakening, others simply do not attach much importance, and still others see omens in dreams and try to unravel them. In any case, knowledge of the meaning of what he saw and the ability to use his warnings will never be superfluous.

In order to answer the question of why one dreams that one has cut off one’s head, it is necessary to take into account all the details: what happened, who lost his head, special details and much more. Most often in a dream, people see the head of animals, reptiles or humans.


A severed or cut off human head is a symbol of the intellectual principle. If she swears or is not happy, most likely, you strongly offended someone who is not indifferent. A rolling head indicates that it is worth more time and attention to devote to your own problems and deeds.

When you are interested in what the severed head of a loved one dreams about, you should carefully observe your relatives in everyday life. There is a high probability that they are in serious danger in terms of both physical and psychological health. Carry a severed head - take on the affairs and responsibilities of another person. If the head was chopped off during an honest duel, there may be two options: loss or gain of authority. The first occurs when you lose your own head, the second - when it is chopped off to a competitor.

why dream that they chopped off his head

What is the man’s severed head dreaming of? More often than not, to satisfaction. However, you should pay attention to the head itself:

  • hairy - a love affair, a new relationship, creating a family and finding happiness;
  • bald - illogical antics, stupidities and childishness, meeting with a near man;
  • wash your hair - increase at work, increase in salary, financial success, the emergence of a rich gentleman.

What does the severed head of a man dream about?

A soaring severed head indicates creative inspiration and unexpected thoughts that will lead to interesting events. It may also mean that you are trying to get out of the routine and boring household chores. If you lose your head, but you feel normal in a dream, it means that peace and tranquility will come soon. It will be better if you surrender to the flow of life and do not interfere with the events taking place - this is what will allow you to achieve complete harmony with yourself and the world.

It is worth paying attention to what the severed head dreams of, which was found in another person. This is a signal that you are not in control of the situation. There is someone more powerful, forcing to make decisions and act in strict accordance with his will. If someone else’s head turned out to be with you, you should expect to meet with a powerful person, influential authorities or sponsor. Such an event promises both favorable opportunities for demonstrating their abilities and negative consequences for those who are not confident in themselves and the success of their business.

Why does the severed head of a man dream when the body is nowhere to be seen? You are likely to get support from a stranger soon. If this is your own head, then you need to think about your health condition or go on vacation to relieve tension and stress. A head stained with blood hints at future problems associated with work, financial condition or personal life.

what is the severed head dreaming about

Important details

It is worth remembering what a severed talking head dreams of. Most likely, this is a prophetic dream and a warning. It is worth trying to remember what was said. These can be either individual words hinting at problems in this area, or full-fledged phrases to which you need to listen. A prophetic dream is quite easy to distinguish from a normal one - in the latter the images are illegible, and after waking up there remains a feeling of anxiety and strong feelings.

A shrunken head portends a lack of money and labor that brings nothing. Big ears predict the receipt of important news. A lot depends on the color of the hair:

  • dark ones - future love;
  • light - to the appearance of a kind and gentle person;
  • redheads - to betrayal and deception;
  • chestnut, brown - problems at work;
  • golden, light brown - the current chosen one is perfect for you.


Dogs have been living with humans for thousands of years, so it is not surprising that they sometimes come to us in a dream with warnings. Most often, these animals portend meetings and indicate the true nature of the people around them. If the appearance of a dog’s head in a dream does not cause fear and horror, then this is a symbol of meeting with an old friend who currently lives very far away. And for you the event will be completely unforeseen and will happen when you least expect it.

what does the severed head of a dog dream about

A head looking fixedly indicates the appearance of a person with bad intentions. After such a dream, you should carefully look at new friends and try not to subscribe to dubious adventures, since only you will be the loser. A head that evokes positive emotions in a dream means meeting with a strong-willed person who will become your true friend and reliable defender. Often such a person also turns out to be a profitable business partner, which you can always count on.

It is often quite difficult to understand what the severed head of a dog dreams of. One way or another, this is almost always a good sign. A dog’s head speaks of temporarily defeated competitors and ill-wishers who will leave you alone for now. If the head takes a formidable look, growls or grins, pay attention to the circle of friends and relatives. Among them there is one who wishes you harm and can do harm.

This dream brings good news to girls - a worthy partner or a profitable party for marriage will soon appear. Several dog heads at once indicate a person’s uncertainty in their choice. However, this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences, so you should use your intuition and quickly resolve all contentious issues in your life.

Most frequent dreams

Keep your dog's head - plan important things and events that can bring benefits and recognition. If you want to understand why you dream that you yourself chopped off your head, think about your affairs and career. Most likely, you will face a serious reprimand at work or a fine. It is worth being more attentive and prudent after such a dream in order to avoid serious problems.

If in a dream you are stroking a severed head, then in life you have problems that need to be solved. However, do not rush. Haste and carelessness can have a very negative effect on both specific matters and your health. If your head is broken, you will experience a strong shock and anxiety, and maybe a nervous breakdown. It is worthwhile to prepare in advance for the upcoming period in life, talk with family and be patient.


Pigs are often associated with dirt, stupidity and senselessness. In dreams, the pork head usually takes on similar meanings. However, it often carries a different hidden meaning. In any dreams where the pig’s head is present, there are hints of deception from people unknown to you who hope to affect your well-being and financial issues.

what does the severed pig head dream about

Only the person who saw this dream can understand what the severed pork heads dream about. Indeed, it is often not the symbol of the head that is important, but what happened as a whole. The pork head is a sign of spiritual insecurity and mental disorder. A person is trying to solve acute life issues or somehow influence the problems that have arisen.

If you hold the pig’s head, you will have health problems. This can be a mild cold or a serious illness. Therefore, you should not hope that soon everything will pass by itself, because the consequences may be the most unexpected. In the event that there are no health problems at the moment, a dream signals that a major quarrel will soon occur, you will become furious and do what you will regret for a long time.

Values ​​and Cautions

If you are wondering what the severed head of a pig is dreaming about, it is important to determine whether you see it from the side or you chopped it off yourself. In the second case, this is an omen of future changes. And for the better. You will defeat your opponents in a fair fight (it can be either love affairs or career growth), gain fame, recognition and money. However, after such a dream, you should be careful. You can not pick up money and wallets, appropriate other people's values ​​or borrow.

Carry a pig's head - get ready for a trip that bodes minor troubles. It is worthwhile to think ahead of all the options for events and try to avoid problems. It is better to stock up on extra money - it is quite possible that they will help to solve most of the difficulties.


Oddly enough, the cat's head is a symbol of good news. Often this is a sign of defeated opponents, full recovery or the solution of long-standing financial problems.

what does the severed cat head dream about

What the severed head of a cat dreams about most often depends on the color of the coat:

  • Red - lust from people of the opposite sex. This attention is easily avoided if you simply ignore what is happening.
  • Black is a defense, not just physical, but psychological and spiritual. A black cat usually indicates that a person has special abilities.
  • White is a fan appearance with good intentions. For such a person, spiritual contact and communication will be primarily important.
  • Gray is the appearance of envious and deceitful people in your life. If you are careful, then this does not threaten any troubles.
  • Tricolor - you will find incredible luck in all your deeds and endeavors.
  • Striped - imbalance, both your own and the manifestation of similar behavior in acquaintances or relatives.
  • Violet, green or other unusual colors - the appearance of unexpected acquaintances or an inexperienced lover.
  • Wet, shabby cat dreams of a protracted illness. After such a vision, it is worth taking your health seriously.

What is the dream of a severed cat's head? Usually to luck and victory. However, such a symbol may be a reflection of self-doubt, the presence of a large number of complexes. Your careless behavior can provoke a negative reaction of loved ones or cause a break in a long relationship.


To understand what the severed head of a rooster is dreaming of, it is worthwhile first of all to pay attention to the color of the plumage. The white rooster speaks of an imminent quarrel with a friend or competitor, which will end with reconciliation and resolution of all conflicts. Relations with a person after this will only strengthen.

what does the severed head of a rooster dream about

A black cock head predicts a serious conflict with a person who hates you and weaves a conspiracy behind his back. It is worth interrupting all contacts with him, so as not to bring even more trouble. Red plumage indicates a dispute or misunderstanding with who will later cause you strong interest. This can be the beginning of a serious long-term relationship.

In response to the question of why it was dreamed that the head of a rooster was chopped off, it can be said that this is a clear sign of future diseases. You can catch a cold or get a nervous breakdown at any time . If at the same time you have not experienced negative feelings, then such a dream promises an increase in work and success in the work you have begun. A vision for a man portends the conquest of an inaccessible girl.

When in a dream you hold your head in your hands and your body runs around the yard, this indicates that you are now in a state of desperate struggle for your goals and ideas. If you managed to catch the body of a rooster, you will find a new job or successfully complete all the work begun.


To understand why dreaming of chopping off the head of a snake, it is worth paying attention to all the details of the vision, since the head of the snake itself does not carry any hidden meaning and is interpreted according to the sign as a whole. A snake head can mean defeating your longtime adversary, getting rid of problems and gaining wealth. However, these values ​​may become opposite depending on the color of the snake skin.

When answering the question “Why dream that the head of a snake was chopped off?” It is worth looking at the color of the skin. If it was black, you are in for big trouble, right up to mortal danger. You should not expect good news from such a dream. White color indicates the presence of an enemy who will not do much harm to you. The yellow snake promises treason and hypocrisy on the part of loved ones. Green says that soon a bright streak will come in your life, all failures will be a thing of the past. The red color of the skins symbolizes a strained relationship with your partner. After such a dream, you should think about your behavior and try to restrain negative emotions.

why dream of chopping off the head of a snake

Gold color indicates that wonderful phenomena and events will turn into failure and problems. Orange is a temptation that can become fatal for you. Colored snakes promise great trouble, because at the moment your thoughts are occupied with completely different issues.

A big head speaks of serious problems that need to be urgently addressed. A small head denotes many small enemies that will gradually lead you to despair. Several severed snake heads indicate a powerful enemy, which it will be very difficult to cope without support.

Interpretation of dreams is a rather complicated process that requires consideration of all details and events. Especially if you are wondering why you dream that you chopped off your head. Indeed, even the most negative sign can portend luck and success, depending on what exactly a person saw or did in his dream. Do not despair if vision bodes down to problems and illness. They will not come soon, so you have time to think about your affairs and state of health in order to take the necessary measures in time.

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