How to check the speed of the Internet

Many network users are mistaken in this. When advertising their tariffs, any provider uses the wording “Internet speed up to ... megabits per second”, for example, up to 100. People think that they use 100-megabit Internet. In fact, the operating speed is basically lower than stated. Consider in this publication how to recognize it.

Indicators to measure

As a result of checking the speed of the Internet, the user receives data. Here are the main ones:

  1. Incoming speed. This is the main indicator, as well as what is called the speed of the Internet. Indicates how fast data is being downloaded from the network. With a high incoming speed, the pages of sites open instantly, downloading movies does not take much time. Online games and live webinar broadcasts do not slow down.
  2. Outgoing speed. Providers rarely specify this parameter. Shows how quickly user files are uploaded to the Internet. With high outgoing speed, you can quickly back up data to the cloud storage. Uploading videos to Youtube does not take much time. This indicator is important when you use a HD or Full-HD camera to communicate on Skype. At low outgoing speed, the interlocutor will receive a choppy image and sound.
  3. Ping. This is the total time for which user data reaches the server and a response is received from it. The metric is important for demanding online games.
Key parameters: incoming, outgoing speed and ping

Test preparation

It should be remembered: no service will tell you what the speed of the Internet is, exactly - only approximately. Therefore, it makes sense to test with different programs, and then calculate the average value.

To get the most accurate results, you need:

  1. Turn off the Internet on all devices, leave only on the one that will be checked.
  2. If this is a computer, then it is better to turn off the router and connect via cable.
  3. Close extra tabs, disable programs that work with the Internet, leave only the browser, antivirus.
  4. Disable all extensions, for example, ad blocker, etc.

Speed ​​test

Check on

A very popular service for online speed checking. Having visited, you need to click on the Go button. Check will give the results of incoming and outgoing speeds, ping. Before testing, you can select a server. It happens that as a result, the service gives incorrect data, an overestimated speed of the Internet, which is even more than the declared one. This happens if you choose a closely located server or one with which you have a common provider. In this situation, it is better to take a server from another region.

If you have Windows 10, then in the store you can download the application and check the speed offline. The advantage of the program is that it saves history, test results.

"Internet meter"

This is Yandex’s own service. On the page “Yandex. Internet meter ”, click“ Measure ”to start the test. The program will show incoming and outgoing speeds. There are no problems with the most popular browsers, but when checking in Microsoft Edge, the service does not show the speed of the outgoing connection.

This is a site with many services. On the main page you should find the “Tests” tab, then “Internet connection speed”. Units required. It is most convenient to choose megabits. The “Test” button starts the test.


The torrent client allows you to find out the maximum incoming speed. Procedure:

  1. Find a torrent file to download. It must be distributed by at least a thousand siders. And let there be fewer leechers.
  2. If other downloads are in the torrent client, temporarily disable them and put the selected file to download.
  3. Wait until after a few minutes the speed reaches the limit. This number will be the maximum incoming speed.
Incoming speed measurement using torrent client

Distinctive feature: here the speed is shown in MB / sec. To get Mbps, you need to multiply the number of megabytes by 8.

The fact that the actual speed of the Internet is lower than that stated by the provider, as a rule, does not play a special role. This does not interfere with working and having fun on the network, because the differences are small. When there is a difference several times, you need to check the hardware of your PC, its software, or call the provider if there are no problems with the computer and the router.

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