Women will certainly be interested in interesting facts about men. Of course, much is already well known to women, but everyone has their secrets. Maybe something will be a real discovery for you. In any case, this information will help to better know the representatives of the stronger sex and find an approach to them.
Men do not give phone numbers
Surely you noticed that men like to take phone numbers from girls they like. But try asking the same in return? Surely 8 out of 10 men will come up with some excuse to keep their phone number secret. Itโs easy to explain this oddity. The stronger sex loves freedom, they like to take the initiative and have the opportunity to choose. A man will feel comfortable having dozens of numbers of beauties in his notebook, but he will not be able to find a place, knowing that one of them can call at any time.
To interest a man, you need to move
One of the interesting facts about men concerns the features of their visual apparatus. It turns out that the eyes of the stronger sex respond more quickly to dynamic objects than to static ones. So that a man becomes interested in you in the club, you need to actively dance, and not languidly expect him at the bar.
The dependence of fidelity on intelligence
After many years of research, sociologists have announced statistics on the findings. It turned out that smart men are much less likely to cheat on their wives. On the contrary, the lower the IQ level of a representative of the stronger sex, the more often he goes โto the leftโ. But even without sociological research, it is possible to identify the relationship between intelligence and fidelity. A smart man with a high IQ score thinks not only about his pleasure, but also tries to anticipate the consequences that a passing hobby can turn into.
The secret of the first date
Going on a date, the girls do not hurt to know that men love. And they love, oddly enough, female chatter. It turns out that at the first meeting a man does not seek to make a stunning impression on the lady of the heart. On the contrary, he gives the initiative into female hands and wants to learn as much as possible about the person he likes. Knowing this trick, a woman can make a better impression on a man, bringing to him the most positive information about herself.
The path to the heart through the eyes, not through the stomach
Many women mistakenly believe that men love the stomach. But in fact, the culinary abilities of the fair sex do not have a decisive influence on the choice of a gentleman. According to the polls, most men would be happy to eat store dumplings, thawed convenience foods, and other โjunkโ food (common in the modern world) if it is served by a well-groomed slender woman in a seductive peignoir. At the same time, they will not pay attention to the housewife in curlers and a greasy dressing gown, even if she serves them delicious restaurant dishes.
Herd instinct
Men in the modern world face a lot of problems and difficulties. And they prefer to solve all issues according to the template, taking as an example the more experienced or authoritative people. If such an example does not turn out, most men will certainly consult with friends. Strange as it may seem, women are more independent and creative in decision making.
The room of the former is useful
As a rule, women after breaking up relationships try to get rid of everything that reminds them of the former. They throw away gifts, tear joint photos, delete them from friends on social networks and erase phone numbers. But men in this matter are more practical and prudent. Most of the stronger sex in the modern world prefer not to lose contact with their ex in case you need to pour out your soul or satisfy sexual needs with a trusted partner.
A little bit about bachelors
Studying interesting facts about men, it is worth paying attention to bachelors, because it is they who are most interested in the fair sex. It is worth noting such significant points:
- Bachelors are three times less likely to feel happy than married men, which is directly related to the frequency of sexual intercourse.
- Prior to marriage, the average bachelor has 4-15 partners.
- Bachelors do piercings, tattoos and unusual hairstyles at times more often than married men.
- 75% of inveterate bachelors secretly dream of having a family.
- Bachelors are more sensual and romantic than married men.
Physiology and Health
Speaking about interesting facts about men, it is worth paying attention to physiological characteristics and health. Some points are of most interest.
- If a man is accustomed to work while holding a laptop on his lap, the risk of infertility is significantly increased.
- In the male body, 50% less adipose tissue than in the female.
- Almost 90% of people with occupational diseases are men.
- Visual acuity in men is much higher than in women. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to color blindness.
- Men almost never suffer from varicose veins.
- Representatives of the strong half of humanity live less than women, due to the fact that testosterone helps to increase cholesterol in the blood.
- Men age much more slowly, as their body continues to secrete collagen longer.
Interesting facts about the psychology of men
If you want to understand men, study psychology. Here is what in the modern world is interesting to know about the stronger sex:
- Most men have filial instinct. They seek in a woman not only a passionate lover, but also a caring mother.
- Men love compliments, like women. Flattering words add self-confidence to them.
- Men love to be generous only with those women who show their enthusiasm by all appearance, and do not take it for granted.
- Representatives of the strong half of humanity endure unrequited love much harder than the fair sex.
- Men do not understand hints. To avoid quarrels and insults, always speak directly with your gentleman.
- Men are no less sentimental than women. But they prefer to show emotions in private with themselves, and not in public.
- If the chosen one does not tell you about love, this does not mean that he does not love you. Just the stronger sex are afraid to talk about their feelings out loud.