Empire style wedding dresses. Beauty and femininity

The wedding is undoubtedly the most striking and unforgettable event in the life of every girl. Sometimes the weaker sexes dream about this day since childhood, trying on the imagination of a wide variety of outfits and jewelry. The choice of a wedding dress should be very responsible and considered, the girl is simply obliged to weigh all the pros and cons, so that then she does not spoil the mood for herself and others when viewing unsuccessful wedding photos. One of the most popular styles of wedding dress is empire. What is such a wedding outfit?

A bit of history

Empire style became popular thanks to the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte in the 19th century. In those distant times, and even long before that, such a thin fabric was chosen for such a dress that it shone through and fitted the body. A special lining made of thick silk was sewn for him. Then the Empire-style dress weighed less than a quarter of a kilogram, so some women sewn loads to it. Some girls cut their skirts or wetted dresses with water to emphasize a feminine silhouette.

Over time, embroideries were added to the dress, a lower neckline was made, and the hem was shortened. Later it was supplemented with corset, lace, frills and other decorations.

Modern wedding dresses in empire style are distinguished by a deep neckline, high waist, a long straight skirt with pleats. Like any other outfits, such a dress can have different options and additions, depending on the imagination of the fashion designer and the taste of the bride.

Empire style wedding dresses today

The image of the bride first creates a beautiful dress, and only then attention is paid to the jewelry on her head, gloves, handbags, wraps, a bouquet and shoes. An important role is played by hair and makeup. To match the style of empire, the dress needs to be complemented with a suitable hairstyle. So, hair can be picked up and decorated with flowers, bows and beads, curl curls and lay them on the head, securing with a diadem. Girls who choose such wedding dresses should remember that minimal make-up, radiant skin and freshness radiated by a smile are ideal for them.

A required element is gloves. Fashion experts claim that the more frank the outfit, the longer gloves should be. Girl's shoes should be in the Greek style. Suitable flat shoes with ribbons or straps. Women who do not like this style of shoes can choose any other sandals or shoes.

Empire style wedding dresses must be complemented by a bouquet of delicate flowers with white, pastel or gold ribbons. This will add an image of tenderness.

Empire style wedding dresses: photos

Empire style wedding dresses
wedding dresses

Empire style wedding dresses photo

Styles of dresses in Empire style

The bride’s outfit in this style has a very interesting cut. As a rule, empire style dresses have a high waist and a short bodice that emphasizes the beauty of the chest. The top of the dress is embroidered with threads or rhinestones. The level of the waist can be emphasized with a ribbon tied in a bow on the back. The front of the robe has a straight cut, gathering behind in barely noticeable folds. Among the most popular materials for sewing such a wedding dress are the following: chiffon, tulle, thick silk, muslin, muslin, fular, cambric, satin and other light fabrics. Color can also be the most anything: snow-white, and sand, and lavender, and pistachio. By the way, dresses in this style are very suitable for brides in a position who want to hide a little rounded tummy.

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