What events can most often dream of these unpleasant insects? We give the most complete interpretation of the vision, based on many well-known (and not so) interpreters of dreams. A person, having seen how to get rid of these insects in a vision, has the right to choose for himself what kind of dream book he likes. Kill the fly most often all the same to the positive events. But it happens that dream books promise not a very good development of the situation after viewing such a vision.
Fly in a dream
A fly can be interpreted as a symbol of a person’s bad qualities. Lies, betrayal and hypocrisy can await those who have been able to kill the fly. The dream book also warns against obsessive people and hypocritical friends. In order to accurately decipher the messages of fate, attention must be paid to all aspects of the vision. Only then will you get a complete picture of the unfolding (possible) events of the life of a dreamer or dreamer.
Complete Miller Interpretation
In his interpretation, the flies buzzing around the dreamer and trying to crouch on him - to various quick troubles, mainly related to personal health. If you began to kill flies from irritation in your vision, the dream book claims that your action is true and appropriate. The fact is that getting rid of vile insects in a dream, according to Miller, is a sign that a person will try to correct the situation. Most often, attempts are crowned with success.
Most of all, women and young ladies were not lucky. If a woman began to see flies in a dream and kill them in any way possible for her, this is a warning about the dreamer's illness. Most often, the disease is associated with an infection and does not carry something cardinally terrible. The body gives signals in such a simple way when the infection just got into it. As soon as a woman dreams that she began to kill flies in a dream, let him turn to a specialist. Just pass the necessary tests and nip the root of the problem with your health. No need to be upset. Most likely, no fatal ailments will be detected. Soon, everything will return to its former track, and life will continue and be corrected.
Young ladies
If you kill a fly in a dream, the dream book of a young girl warns of an imminent fight with a rival. Ah, you didn’t know that someone else appeared in your relationship? Dream about a fly - a harbinger of its occurrence on the horizon. It is bad for a lady when the fly could not be destroyed - the rival is not as simple as she would like to sleep. Flies can also warn of contention with a loved one, and again about infectious diseases. Therefore, as the dream book says - to kill a fly - to get rid of all problems in one fell swoop. Do not give this insect a chance! Beat them, and then in real life you will become inaccessible to rivals and diseases.
If a man had to kill many flies in a dream - this is to many unpleasant moments. For a representative of a strong half of humanity, sleep is also a warning about the possible appearance of an opponent and the fight against him. Beat the flies, but they come to life and start to buzz around you again? In this case, be aware that you have too run all your problems. It will not be easy for you to deal with them, as with these flies, vexing in a vision. Know, when you kill many flies in a house in a dream, Miller’s dream book says that you need the help of close and faithful friends. Not quite right is your attitude to those around you. You are in a quarrel with some of them, blaming someone for bad deeds is completely unfair. Do not refuse friendly communication and the help of good people.
From Vanga
The words of the great soothsayer always came straight to the point. Until now, her predictions and explanations come true and amaze people with their accuracy. What did she predict for those who saw similar visions with flies in the title role? The flies themselves, having dreamed, already say that the sleeping man thinks of death. Perhaps some of the relatives recently left this world and now the dreamer's thoughts are all returning to the events associated with this incident.
About deceased people
Had to kill flies in a dream in a house? The dream book claims that the dreamer is trying hard to forget the severity of the loss and survive it. However, while the sleeper is not quite good at doing it. Thoughts, like annoying flies, come back, and in the fight against them almost all the powers of the sleeper have already dried up. With this development of affairs, you can soon become a victim of depression and other similar conditions. Therefore, when a similar dream occurs after the death of loved ones, make even more efforts to continue to live.
About living relatives
However, Vanga has another interpretation of sleep involving killed flies. With living relatives, the same dreams are possible. What, then, does the Universe want to tell you when you began to kill flies in a dream? The dream interpretation suggests that your relationship with existing and nowadays close relatives is mired in grievances and quarrels. This often happens in any family, and from time to time there is a wise person who can break his pride and go with the rest to the world. Maybe in your case, you should be so kind and wise? Most likely, the Universe wants peace in the family and sends signs to the sleeping person that the relatives are offended and that it is necessary to go (or go) and put up with it. Listen to her advice, and life will get better.
Aesop's Dream Interpreter
The dreamer is in the middle of a huge black swarm of vile flies and is trying to somehow destroy them: poison, slam the clapperboard or crush them with his hands? Very bad sleep - warns a dream book.
If you kill a lot of flies in a dream, false gossip weaves around you. The schemers, pretending to be friends, undermine your well-being and just wait to deliver the last, crushing blow. The dreamer should be very wary of sharing some of the events that happened in his life. Let the sleeping person hide and stop "feeding" the evil and impure imagination of people from his environment. It is not only those with whom you communicate at a friend level or the level of work colleagues who can communicate all your secrets and plans.
Even those about whom you will never think of such a thing are capable of pouring dirt - relatives and, it would seem, relatives, they can bring even more damage to your career and reputation. Do not understand what could be the reason for such conversations? Most likely, it was black envy. Relatives are able to envy your success no less than the distant environment.
In a dream, beat flies sitting on the walls and ceilings, which means that there is a lying hypocrite near you. And you treat this person with kindness and respect, consider your friend and ally. It's okay - soon he will betray himself and destroy himself.
To poison flies is a good sign. A little patience, and everything will work out in the life of a dreamer.
Clap and crush the annoying insect - a loved one will deceive you.
Rumble of Dying Flies
A very loud hum and buzzing during the destruction of insects is a warning of imminent danger that could become a real threat to the dreamer's life. Having seen such a dream and heard a buzzing, the sleeper needs to triple his attention in order for the dream to come true in as soft a form as possible. This happens often if you listen and look at what you dream about at night and do not brush aside a warning, like a annoying fly.
Russian dream book
Killing flies in a dream - being able to smooth out a very bad situation to a safer level. To crush these insects in a dream - in reality, defeat unpleasant and evil people.
If you see how the flies you kill fall and lie dead, then the sleeping one will win the argument. Also, a dream can warn about successful conclusion of contracts.
Killing a gigantic fly and seeing that it surely died is a victory over a strong competitor in business.
Bright flies to kill in a dream
Light flies are white or incomprehensible light shades. To kill them in a dream means that the gossipers will bite their tongues and stop bearing heresy about you. A dream about such insects can warn you of attempts to rob you. To remedy the situation, begin to monitor your personal things more closely. This is especially true in transport, in crowded places and where people are able to escape. By the way, having a dream about dead white flies, try not to walk alone in parks and squares.
If in a vision the sleeper kills light flies, in real life let him be more careful when concluding any transactions and signing contracts.
Protect your reputation
Attentiveness is also relevant to the person to whom the sleeping person tells secrets from his family or personal life. Dead white flies are an omen that the dreamer will most likely be denigrated by gossip and ruin her good reputation.
Female interpreter of dreams
On foodstuffs, fly a fly with a clapperboard - your affairs will soon be stalled. We will have to suffer some setbacks related to the financial side of life. Perhaps your business will burn. And she also wants to warn the sleeping woman about demotion or dismissal from work.
In a dream, see a fly - someone is weaving intrigues against you. If the insect was killed in any way available at that time, the sleeping one will be able to significantly improve its position. She will figure out the schemers and harm them, or even completely destroy them.
Catch hands and crush flies
Trying to kill by catching and crushing with your hands? Soon you have to start solving some problems. However, their very solution will not succumb to you, and the hassle in this regard will be a waste of valuable time.
Mayan Dream Interpretation
The killed fly in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is a very good sign. If a sleeping man or a sleeping girl had to kill a blue fly in a dream, in reality it’s preparation for a meeting with the representative of the opposite sex who is interested in the sleeping one. A big fly of such shades is a sign that the date will be very successful and interesting for both parties. Following this meeting, it is likely that others will follow. Ultimately, such dates will be the birth of a new young family.
Dream Interpretation noble
Large and annoying flies, as well as gadflies, are symbols of various evil spirits. If they dream of a sleeping person - someone directs damage and other filth to the dreamer in order to destroy him or to do much harm. However, by killing these huge and evil flies, a person in real life will be able to cope with the blow "from the outside" and, perhaps, even return damage to his enemy. Therefore, to beat flies, according to the interpretation of the dream of the nobles, is always a very good dream.
In a dream, the flies pursue the dreamer, and from anger she begins to kill them in huge numbers. He sees how many dead insects lie under her legs and crunch when she walks. Sleep is a warning of a prophetic gift. Sleeping (sleeping) in vain wants to get rid of him or drown out in any other way. Higher forces are usually stronger than people, and therefore, over time, the sleeper will have to, having recognized this fact, reconcile herself and accept the gift of foreboding and foresight prepared for her. No matter how many flies you kill in a dream, you will have to proudly bear your received gift of fate, or maybe, on the contrary, its curse. After all, to know the future is a very heavy burden, and not everyone can bear it.