Hashtag - what is it? How to use hashtags

The Internet is constantly progressing, and every day more and more “chips” appear in it that make working in it more convenient. They are usually associated with the optimization and structuring of information, since there are so many of it on the World Wide Web that it can be difficult to find the right material. For example, in the recent past, the so-called hashtags have appeared. For many, the word "hashtag" is unusual . What is it, we will try to understand the article.

hashtag what is it

What is a hashtag and how is it denoted

In essence, a hashtag is the exact keyword that governs the topic of a post being posted. Its meaning is that it contains a hyperlink. It sends the user to all thematic posts united by this hashtag.

The designation of this keyword is distinguished by its spelling with a sharp sign (#) before the rest of the letters. Also, do not forget that there are no spaces in the hashtag - all words are written together.

History of creation

This term was first coined by Chris Messina in 2007 on the Twitter microblogging community. At first, such designations did not receive recognition, but after three years, many actively used popular hashtags to promote their accounts.

In fact, this is a new form of navigation, which allows you to find users with entries on topics similar to a post. Due to their unusualness and incomprehensibility, many still do not use them.

popular hashtags

This is partly due to the fact that users do not know how to make a hashtag. And they take strange entries at the end of the post for system designations. However, some, on the contrary, translate half of their message into hashtags, believing that it is fashionable.

Why use hashtags?

Many do not see the point in using this tool in their posting. In fact, everyone decides for himself whether to use it or not. Since the hashtag is primarily a tool for promotion, it makes sense to insert it into the message if you want to make your account more popular. Yes, on the one hand it was invented with the aim of easily searching for like-minded people, but it is unlikely that someone would want to meet new people in this way. The best option for using a hashtag is when you have a goal to share your experiences with the public. For example, on the social network Twitter there is a column with the most popular hashtags, the passage through which will display the user in a collection of messages with this mark.

How to create a hashtag?

Let's continue our acquaintance with the concept of "hashtag". What is it, we figured out. If there is a need for its use, you need to be able to build this mark. So, in any social network it is registered the same way, whether it is the hashtag “VKontakte”, on “Twitter”, “Instagram” or elsewhere.

Rules for constructing a hashtag:

how to make a hashtag

  • Firstly, it always starts with a “sharp” sign, denoted by #. Such a symbol was used extremely rarely, so it was he who became the definable “key”. After writing it, the system will automatically perceive the inscription as a hashtag.
  • No spaces are set in it, otherwise it is torn and only the part between the # sign and the space is read.
  • Allowed to use Russian and English lowercase and capital letters.

Now you know how the hashtag is built.


Many, for the first time having seen the hashtag, what it is, do not even think about it. The majority of users consider it a beautiful inscription that summarizes the essence of a message. In part, they are right, but still do not fully understand the meaning of the hashtag. However, this did not prevent him from gaining a certain popularity. If you figure it out, then there is no need for hashtags for non-professionals, because people themselves are able to find what they are interested in without using any additional tools.

hashtag vkontakte
Of course, the hashtag entry looks unusual and beautiful, which is why it is used by many users as a “decoration” of a message because of a desire to demonstrate its advancement in the field of Internet communications. But in doing so, they help SMM specialists work without suspecting it.


We introduced the concept of hashtag. What it is, it’s actually not difficult to figure out how to just use it in messages. But applying this label wisely is difficult. You need to be able to analyze popular news on social networks and respond to them in a timely manner in order to successfully promote your account and make it better known. Of course, this tool is convenient for promotion specialists, and the ability to use it correctly determines success in business. For the average user, it is enough to know what a hashtag is and use it wisely. This optimization tool can be a good helper in finding like-minded people. But do not forget that thoughtless use of it will only complicate the work of others, and you will not bring any benefit.

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