Dream interpretation: nail. Cut nails in a dream. The interpretation of dreams

Night dreams can not only please or scare, but also surprise people. It is hardly possible to independently understand what a nail is dreaming of. The dream interpretation will help to solve this riddle. Man only needs to resurrect details in his memory.

Nail: Miller's Dream Book

What is the opinion of psychologist Gustave Miller? What interpretation does his dream book suggest? Nail or nails may be dreaming of someone who has to work hard. Unfortunately, a person will receive little reward for his work, so he will not succeed in experiencing satisfaction.

beautiful nails

Take care of your nails - do socially useful work. A personโ€™s efforts may be ignored, but he will do an important job. If the nails are broken or neglected, the dreamer is in danger. More attention needs to be paid to health care. Also, such a plot can promise failure in business.

What is a dirty nail for? Miller's dream book argues that this is not good. Dishonor and shame will fall on a personโ€™s house if he does not learn to evaluate the real state of things.

Dream Book Wangi

Separation, quarrels, trouble at work - such a future promises seer Wang to someone who sees nails in a dream. If they are broken, it symbolizes the collapse of all hopes. Do not count on the fact that a dream will come true. Dirty nails portend conflicts in the family. It is also possible separation from a loved one due to a stupid quarrel.

dream nails

To paint nails in a dream - what does it mean? A person will soon demonstrate to others the worst aspects of his character.

Cut, break

Why dream big and long nails? Such a plot alludes to a serious conflict that will soon erupt. Most likely, the dreamer will spoil relations with someone from close relatives or friends. Reaching reconciliation will not be easy, so it is best to do everything possible to prevent a quarrel.

paint nails in a dream

Cut nails in a dream - what does it mean? Guides to the world of dreams promise a person a loss. The dreamer may lose some valuable thing. Parting with someone who is dear to him is also likely. If a person breaks a nail in his dreams, in reality he will be struck by an unexpected illness. There is nothing to worry about, since the patient will quickly recover. If the nails fall off or peel off, this signals a subconscious fear of the sleeper. The dreamer is afraid of losing someone who plays an important role in his life.

French dream book

To cut nails in a dream means to quarrel with someone from the household in reality. Reaching reconciliation will not be easy. Misfortunes will fall on the head of the one to whom the pulled out nails have dreamed. In the coming days, a person should be prudent.

see nails in a dream

Excessively long nails - a good dream. In the near future, a person will get rich unexpectedly for himself and others. Short nails dream of loss.

Esoteric dream book

Nails symbolize the trials that a person will meet on the way to his goal. If in a dream he breaks them, in reality he himself chooses a difficult road. To see broken nails in night dreams means to successfully cope with all the trials.

Esoteric dream book is considering other options. To see dirty nails in a dream means to get into an unpleasant situation. A person must get out of it with honor, otherwise it will negatively affect his whole future life. Long nails dream of someone who has to circumvent many obstacles on the way to their dream.


To paint nails in a dream is a warning. A person must take care not only of his external beauty, but also of the spiritual world. Also, a dream may indicate that its owner subconsciously seeks to penetrate the higher social strata, to live a beautiful life.

dreams about nails

If a woman in her dreams paints her nails with red varnish, soon she will have to surrender to passion. For married ladies, such a plot predicts a fight against temptation. To see nails covered with red varnish means to make peace with family and friends. Black lacquer indicates that the dreamer is dominated by bad thoughts. If you do not get rid of them, it can lead to deep depression, health problems.

Buying nail polish is a dream for a grand event. A person will receive an invitation to a large-scale celebration. Also, such a plot is able to predict exorbitant spending. The dreamer's financial situation will be shaken if he does not learn to control himself.

Girls, women

For the fair sex, there is a special interpretation of dreams. Nails, if they are beautiful and well-groomed, symbolize love and harmony in the family. A lonely girl will soon receive a marriage proposal.

Doing a manicure means being prepared for reconciliation with the other half. If a girl cleans her nails in her dreams, in reality she will be able to put an end to the gossip that ill-wishers spread behind her.

False nails dream of one whose efforts will certainly be rewarded.

Family dream book

Why dream of biting a nail? Dream Interpretation claims that a person has to think about some problem. To do a manicure, cut nails in one's dreams can be one who in reality pays maximum attention to his appearance. A man cares more about his beauty than about spiritual growth.

Various plots

People dream of nails not only on their hands, but also on their feet. They symbolize a long way. There is a high probability that the dreamer will go on a journey not of his own free will, but obeying someone else's will.

Why do you dream about dashes on nails? If they are white, it promises happiness, as well as shopping. Dashes on other people's nails indicate that someone is jealous of the dreamer, treats him badly. Interestingly, he may not even be familiar with this person.

Had a dream about a child brushing his nails? This means that someone will soon make a lasting impression on the dreamer. Clinging to someone or something with your nails is glory. Watch their growth - for the money. Profits can come from a very unexpected source.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

What interpretation does Medea offer? Nails symbolize danger. Someone is aggressive towards the dreamer. To do a manicure is to conceal your true intentions from others, to fear misunderstanding on the part of relatives and friends. Long nails - a symbol of vanity, excessive concern for their appearance.

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