Is the dream book right? Graves in a dream

Death, the dead, and graves are very common dream themes. What is the reason for their occurrence - with the fear of death? Should we be afraid of anything if we dreamed of a grave? Let us verify this by looking into the dream book.

Graves are considered a bad omen. They may indicate a future failure in business or portend illness. A fresh grave in a dream warns: you may suffer from other people's mistakes. If you approach her, then you are in serious danger. If you looked in a dream in an empty grave, then expect disappointments and losses. If a woman slept in an open grave in a dream, then she may lose her beloved person, or he will change her. Such interpretations are given by the eastern female dream book.

Graves and according to Millerโ€™s dream book do not promise anything good. These are messengers of trouble and disease. People can see their own grave in a dream against which they are plotting. If you walked among the graves in a dream, you may be unhappy in marriage, and if you looked into an empty grave, you may lose a loved one. Also, an old, dilapidated grave may mean someone's death. Perhaps you dreamed of a friend in the grave, half covered with earth. Then you can warn him of impending danger. If you were digging a grave in a dream, beware of opponents who are ready to crush you. A favorable outcome should be expected if you managed to dig it.

Such a sad and sad interpretation gives this dream almost every dream book. The graves in a dream excited the minds of not only interpreters, but also psychologists. After all, a dream is a mirror of human consciousness and soul. It can be regarded as a door to an alternative reality, full of characters and events that seem to be devoid of logic and order.

The world- famous psychologists Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung paid much attention to dreams in order to decipher the unsatisfied desires and needs of their patients. They found in them echoes of the past, unresolved problems and suppressed desires. Jung also considered dreams a kind of telepathic beacon indicating future events.

Dreams about the grave reflect our fears associated with death. The grave is a symbol of death, which brings closer the realization of how terrible and inevitable event is the completion of human life. The grave that we dream of is, first of all, the crowding out of our fear of death, as well as the manifestation of fears and insecurities about what happens after death. There is no need for a dream book. Graves are dreamed by people who have recently experienced close experiences related to death. They aroused their fear, which then appeared in a dream. Graves are also dreamed by people who for a long time have experienced various unquenchable fears and fears of something. This may apply to different areas, but is often associated with personal life and inner feelings.

Dreams of death are the most amazing and terrifying visions. After them, we wake up in sweat and for a very long time we canโ€™t recover. The symbolism of these dreams depends on the specific details of the dream. If a loved one died recently and you dream of death, then this means longing for this person, even if he himself did not dream. If you dreamed of death, it symbolizes disagreement with the fact that someone has died.

The period of internal mourning after the death of a loved one is very long. Even if dreams of death appear a year after the incident, they are still associated with it. What is hidden in the subconscious remains there for a long time. Even to the end of life.

Death is a very traumatic event, therefore it is not surprising that the subconscious mind reminds us from time to time about it with such dreams. If you dream of a long painful death, after which you wake up not only frightened, but also completely exhausted, then this means a suppressed, panic fear of death. If you do not want you to have dreams about death, try to consciously think about it.

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