The science of dietary supplements is nutraceutical. What is it - dietary supplements? Their varieties and purpose

nutraceuticals what is it

Human health directly depends on what he eats. And not always the food consumed by us includes the amount of elements that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. How, then, to maintain and strengthen your health? There is an exit. Here, nutraceuticals come to the rescue. What it is? We will look for the answer to this question in this article.

Nutraceuticals - a component of nutritional science

The nutrients found in foods, the rules for eating and its effects on human health are being studied by the science of nutrition. From it comes nutraceuticals. What it is? In other words, this is information about biologically active additives (BAA), which also have a different name - nutraceuticals. What is their purpose is described in more detail in the next part of the article.

Nutraceuticals are bioadditives. What are their benefits?

Deficiency in the body of certain useful elements leads to poor health and diseases. And if replenishing the supply with necessary substances in a natural way does not work, then nutraceuticals come to the rescue. What this is, we already know - part of the science of proper and healthy nutrition, namely, biological supplements. What gives their reception? Supplements are drugs that can be of chemical, synthetic or biotechnological origin. They fill the body with such important substances as proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins. Such additives enrich the nutrition of cells, contribute to the synthesis of hormones, specific proteins.

Varieties of nutraceuticals

Supplements exist of different types, depending on their purpose and composition. For example, for people who are subjected to great physical exertion (athletes and representatives of working specialties), such preparations are recommended, which are based on many nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

it’s nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals for women in their composition have an increased dose of vitamins and minerals that help to alleviate the symptoms of PMS, normalize hormonal levels, and improve well-being with menopausal syndrome. A separate group is dietary supplements for pregnant and lactating. They are enriched with folic acid, calcium, potassium and many other elements important for the full development of the child. Bioadditives are widely used in cosmetology, they are also called - beauty pills. Due to the fact that these nutraceuticals contain vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, as well as beta-carotene and lutein, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, the functioning of all organs and systems, and general well-being.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements did not deprive representatives of the strong half of humanity. To maintain male health, nutraceuticals are released to help produce testosterone hormone. In addition, they help strengthen muscles, normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system, and support the general hormonal background.

Are Nutraceuticals Good or Bad?

nutraceuticals for women

Now you already know the answer to the question: "Nutraceuticals - what is it?" Next, we’ll talk about whether the supplementation always has a positive result. Officially issued dietary supplements undergo preliminary clinical trials and are safe for health. But an illiterate approach to the selection and use of dietary supplements can lead to the fact that the state of health will not only not improve, but also worsen. Therefore, before starting a course of taking them, it is recommended to consult with your family doctor or specialist nutritionist. It will help you choose the type of dietary supplement that will bring maximum benefits to the body. Before starting the use of drugs, read the instructions and in no case exceed the recommended dosage. At the first negative symptoms that occur after the use of dietary supplements (nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, dizziness, rash, itching, etc.), stop taking them and seek medical help.

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