"Balda" - fishing tackle. Varieties, manufacturing, fishing secrets

“Balda” is fishing tackle, which, despite its not quite harmonious name, is a very promising area for winter and sometimes summer fishing. Quite a lot of fish species are caught on the “bulldozer”, in different latitudes. Today we will get to know this gear more closely, find out what it is, how it is made and how it works.

"Balda" - fishing tackle


Not only tackle itself is called “bald”, but also a specific way of fishing with its use. Conventionally, it is divided into several types. Let's consider each of them.

The classic "bastard . " Fishing tackle in this form is known to most ice fishing enthusiasts. It consists of a drop-shaped weight with a through hole through which a loop of fishing line is threaded. A pair of hooks are attached to the loop, which are decorated with beads, colored cambrices, artificial flies, and other elements that attract fish. Sometimes, instead of a loop, a metal ring is soldered into a weight. The bait can be of different sizes (both weights and hooks) and different weights. Weights are usually made of lead, but sometimes there are small models of their tungsten alloy.

Tackle "bastard" with a secret

Siberian "bastard". On the rivers of Siberia "bastard" is called a tackle consisting of several elements. The first of them (the bottom part) is a classic "bastard" or simply a sinker of an elongated or pear-shaped shape. Behind it is the so-called column or mood. It is a piece of fishing line with several leashes (usually 2 or 3). Each leash is equipped with a hook with beads or a front sight. By means of a carbine, the mood is connected to the fishing line, on which a massive float is installed. It is called either in the same way, "bastard", or surfacing. Thanks to the float, it is possible to ensure the movement of the tackle with the flow and a clear bite alarm. And if you choose the right depth, then you can tap the bottom. Thus, this variation of equipment is used in the warm season.

"Balda" on grayling . In Siberia, a very interesting tackle is also used to catch grayling , which was also called the "Bald". It differs from the classic version in that it is used at the surface, and not at the bottom. The large float, which, in fact, is called the "bastard," is made of two parts. The first of them is the body of the float, made of floating material (wood or foam). And the second is the bottom, loaded with lead. A snap consisting of two leashes of different lengths is attached to the float. A fly is hung on each of the leashes. This equipment is fused downstream and monitored so that the bait is constantly on the surface. The second name of the tackle is horse riding.

Perch on the "bastard"

Fishing process

In the classic version, "bulda" is used most often. Therefore, usually, talking about this tackle, they mean the icy, bottom variant. When the "bastard" with the bait is lowered to the bottom, the hooks rise up, and the sinker, hitting the bottom, creates a cloud of turbidity. Slowly sinking to the bottom, the hooks imitate the larvae, which attract fish. The beads, cambric or front sight mounted on the hook make lowering smooth. Since the bait attracts fish with turbidity raised from the bottom and hooks imitating larvae, the tackle works only on a muddy or, in extreme cases, sandy bottom. On stones, tackle is much less effective.

The second and third methods are caught in the warm season, however, even in this period the classic “bastard” is quite applicable. In this case, they are caught with long rods from the shore or boat, on rivers or lakes.

Catching perch

Perch on the "bastard" is well caught starting from the first ice. In the dead of winter, the effectiveness of such fishing falls, therefore, in addition to the "bastard", higher in the line, a mormyshka with a small bloodworm is attached on a short leash. Going on ice fishing for perch, it is worth taking a few snap-ins and a set of flies, cambrices and hooks of different sizes.

A good fishing rod for a "bulda" should have a hard tip (for a good hook) and a relatively soft silicone nod (for a clear reaction to a bite). The reel can be chosen at your discretion, but models with a large bobbin diameter are recommended. They allow you to quickly wind the line when moving from one hole to another.

In order for the process of changing the “bulldozer” to be quick and easy, a small swivel with a snap hook is fastened between the equipment and the main fishing line. And the equipment itself in several instances is knitted in advance on a leash. Metal leashes are not used, as they greatly degrade the game of the bait. Therefore, if your tackle is like a pike, you will most likely have to part with both.

DIY tackle

Choosing a hole, the first thing you need to determine the depth. Having found it, it is worth fixing the coil. Having lowered the tackle to the bottom, you need to make a couple of strokes. A cloudy cloud will rise around it, attracting the desired prey. After the strike, a pause is made for 3-5 seconds, a rise of 5-10 centimeters, again a pause and another strike. If after several cycles of the game the bite did not follow, you should think about changing the bait. If this does not help, you need to go to another hole. As in many other types of winter fishing, when catching perch on the "bald", how many holes are prepared in promising places in advance.

As soon as the first result appeared, it was time for intensive fishing. It is impossible to be distracted here, since the hole may stop working. In addition, periodically a handful of small bloodworms should be thrown into the hole. Since the perch walks in packs, it can stay long in the hole.

Pike perch fishing

Pike perch can also be quite effectively caught on the "bulldozer". Often he comes in the same hole as the perch. The first thing you need to do on such fishing is to find a parking place for zander. It can be snags, deep holes or ravines. "Balda" in this case is taken larger, with an extended weight. The tactics of fishing are practically no different from percussion: strikes on the bottom, lowering, pause and rise. The only difference is that the rise is made to a height of 15 to 25 centimeters.

Perch on the "bastard" usually pecks during a pause, and pike perch - mainly during a fall. Since in this case it is more difficult to notice the bite, full control over the gear is necessary. Some fishermen use a tricky trick: when the “bulldozer” has aroused the attention of pike perch (this can be felt by timid bites when the equipment is dropped), the lure of bait falls into the hole, which it simply cannot resist. This once again confirms that fishing on the "bastard" is an interesting lesson in which there is always room for experiment.

Fishing on the "bastard"

Fishing for bream

It all starts with finding a promising place. In summer, bream loves thickets, and in winter it moves deeper, but not into holes, but into places with a sharp difference in depths. It is here that fishing on the "bastard" can bring a decent result. Sometimes it is very difficult to find such a place in winter. To do this, you need to know the topography of the bottom of the reservoir. In the absence of proper knowledge, you have to resort to the use of depth gauges or echo sounders.

The bream is considered to be very finicky fish, so you can not do without feeding. They feed, as a rule, with a bloodworm. To further interest the fish, you can hang it on hooks of bloodworms. At shallow depths, bait is simply thrown into the hole, and at greater depths, a feeder will be needed. Since the bream has a flat but tall body, the hole should be wider than when catching perch and pike perch. Most often, the bream pecks during a pause, when the "bastard" lies at the bottom. Be prepared to cut if the nod bends up. After catching the first fish, you must definitely feed the hole. Giving bream is worth it, because when it sees light, it starts to jerk.

DIY tackle

It often happens that the fishermen are not tired of the assortment of gear presented in stores. Therefore, they decide to do home-made favorite gear. The installation of the “bulda” tackle is very simple, so every fisherman can make an annual supply of rigs in a day.

First you need to prepare several bodies that differ in weight. There are two options. First: go to the store and purchase a cone-shaped or spindle-shaped lead sinker. Second: make casting molds from gypsum and prepare the weights yourself. Of course, casting loaded is more time-consuming than buying, but it allows you to experiment on the form of "bulldozer".

"Balda" - winter tackle

When the sinkers are ready, they are processed with a file in order to round the upper and lower faces. Then, a through hole is drilled at a distance of 2-5 mm from the tip. Lead can be pierced with a simple awl.

Now you need to select the hooks for the "bastard." The main requirement that is presented to them is that the hook should be shorter than the weight. Well, the last thing to do before the final assembly is to decorate the hooks with cambrices or beads.

The build process is also straightforward. The line is threaded through a hook, a weight and a second hook. The stings of the hooks should look outward. Then a loop is tied. That's the whole "bastard." Fishing tackle can be upgraded at the discretion of the fisherman. Instead of a loop from a fishing line, many use metal rings.

"Balda baubles"

The manufacturing process of "bulds", which has additional properties for afforestation, is more complicated. First you need to make a spinner directly. On the one hand, it should play attractively, and on the other, it should always fall at about the same point and not go away with a swing of the fishing rod to the side. These properties can boast of spinners with the so-called loose game. The essence of this game is that after a swing with a fishing rod, the spinner acquires a horizontal position and, hesitating, falls down. If she leaves the hole, then it is very insignificant. “Loose” are considered to be spinners “rhombus”, “half-bomb”, “St. Petersburg sleeper” and others. Having made such a lure, you need to attach the hooks to it in the same way as in a simple "bastard."

Tackle "bastard" with a secret

This is one of the most popular classic tooling upgrades. Its essence lies in the fact that an additional hook is installed at a distance of 15-25 cm from the "buld" itself. He simply puts on a fishing line with a sting up and is fixed with locks on both sides. The distance between the stoppers can be different, the main thing is that they do not make the hook stationary. When the "bastard" will hit the bottom, an additional hook will jump and thereby attract fish. Incidentally, in order to lower the hook better, a small bead is placed between it and the upper lock. That’s the whole secret.

Installation of tackle "balda"


"Balda" - fishing tackle, which can safely be called universal. It combines several varieties and a lot of modernization. For a long time it was believed that the "bulldozer" is winter tackle, but today it is often used in the warm season. To achieve a good result when fishing on the "bulldozer", you need not be afraid to experiment. Among other things, today we made sure that the tackle of the "bastard" with our own hands is made absolutely simple. This greatly improves its availability.

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