Accounting (financial) statements of small businesses. IP annual accounting report

The subjects of small business should include enterprises in which the number of employees is not more than one hundred people. The regulatory and legislative framework for improving this segment acts as fundamental principles in resolving economic, social, political and other issues related to the formation of this branch of business in Russia. Special attention in this area deserves the accounting (financial) statements of small businesses. Let's consider this question in more detail.

accounting financial statements of small businesses

Tasks of enterprises

In the process of analyzing and summarizing the documents adopted by the Ministry of Finance, and the publication of methodologists that regulate and describe the formation of financial statements, we can identify the main goals of organizations. They consist of:

  1. Improving the regulatory and legislative framework.
  2. Unification of accounting registers.
  3. Tax simplification. This will exclude the routine of specialists in constant allocation of deductions.
  4. Optimization of work plans of accounts.
  5. Improving workflow and minimizing the volume of accounting papers.
  6. To simplify the balance by enlarging articles and eliminating forms that do not have significant informative value for government agencies.
  7. Reduction of reporting forms.

Normative base

The accounting (financial) statements of small businesses are regulated by norms approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 1998. The need to adopt new standards was caused by the transition of the domestic accounting system to the level of compliance with international rules. New documentation has been introduced in the country since January 1999. All acts are distributed on several levels. These include:

  • Level 1 - legislative. Documents of this category are Federal laws, government decrees, Decrees of the President, Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The main regulatory act that regulates the accounting (financial) statements of small businesses is Federal Law No. 129 of November 21, 1996.
  • Level 2 are the provisions of the Ministry of Finance. They act as regulatory standards (PBU).
  • Level 3 contains guidelines, letters, orders of the Ministry of Finance and other executive bodies, which are responsible for the accounting (financial) statements of small businesses.
    financial statements for the year

A special place is occupied by the working documentation of the enterprise. It determines the accounting policies of the organization in the technical, organizational and methodological directions.

Manager Capabilities

An important point is not only the direct formulation of the tasks of accounting for the activities of small businesses. Of particular importance are the methods for solving them. Unified rules and methodological foundations that enterprises must follow when organizing and maintaining records are defined in Federal Law No. 129. In accordance with it, the preparation and presentation of financial statements depending on the volume can be carried out directly by the head of the organization. At the same time, the director of the enterprise, as before, has the opportunity:

  1. Form a special structural unit authorized to keep records.
  2. Introduce the position of chap. accountant.
  3. Transfer accounting to a specialized company or specialist on a contractual basis.
    accounting reporting

Accounting Forms

According to the Model Recommendations, the organization can use various forms of documentation of ongoing business operations. It can be:

  1. Departmental forms of financial statements.
  2. Forms present in unified primary documentation albums.
  3. Self-designed forms. They must necessarily contain the relevant details provided for in the Federal Law No. 129.

USN accounting reports

A simplified system is recommended by the Model Guidelines for organizations in which the production, performance of work or the provision of services is carried out by simple technological processes. Moreover, the total number of business transactions per month does not exceed one hundred. According to standard recommendations, it will be most appropriate if the financial statements (a sample can be found in the article) are prepared according to the organization’s own work plan developed, which will be based on a standard project for accounting for economic activities of individual entrepreneurs. This documentation is approved in the process of adopting the accounting policies of the organization.

accounting reporting forms

Order of reflection of operations

Typical recommendations prescribe it for enterprises that use a simplified accounting system. The procedure in accordance with which the reflection of the main business processes is based on the working Chart of Accounts. Intangible assets and fixed assets are kept separately in subaccounts of accounts. 01. Depreciation deductions for fixed assets and intangible assets are reflected in the account. 02. Depreciation on fixed assets is established in accordance with the annual calculation based on the ones used in the organization:

  1. Accrual methods.
  2. Depreciation rates, which are approved in a special manner.
  3. The replacement (initial) value of the OS.

Accrual methods

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 65 of 3 September. 1997, since 1998, the calculation of depreciation by organizations is performed in one of four ways:

  1. The method of writing off the value in proportion to the volume of goods (services, works).
  2. In a linear way.
  3. The method of reducing the remainder.
  4. By debiting the value of the total number of all years of the useful life.

The selected option is indicated by the company in the accounting policy for the coming year.

financial statements sample

Important point

It should be remembered that, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of the Regulation governing the composition of the costs of production and subsequent sale of products (services, works), which are included in the cost, and the procedure for generating accounting results that reflect the report in the tax, include in the cost of production and depreciation charges intended for the full restoration of fixed assets. Today, the Unified Norms are approved by the Ministry of Finance. Thus, when compiling a tax report, it is necessary to adjust the amount of taxable profit by the amount of excessively accrued depreciation, in accordance with the calculation method used by the organization.


Along with the linear accrual method, an organization in which financial statements are submitted using a simplified system, as before, also has the opportunity to write off in the form of depreciation charges up to 50% of the initial cost of the asset, the operational life of which is more than three years. At the time of disposal, write-off is carried out through account 02, as was recommended earlier by the Instructions. However, there is a clarification in the Model Recommendations. It says that when selling OS the income from the sale is recorded on a credit account. 99 "Losses and Gains." There are no recommendations on the reflection on the accounts of their sources of the financial result that was revealed during the gratuitous transfer.

accounting reporting

Capital investments

Their accounting in accordance with the Model Recommendations should be carried out using account 08. On a debit account. 08 and credit count. 01 (90, 52, 51 and others) reflects the costs of construction or the acquisition of separate fixed asset objects on the accounts of contractors and suppliers. With credit ct. 08 to debit count. 01 the recorded expenses are transferred.

Productive reserves

They are accounted for in account 10. It is preferable that the financial statements for the year for materials be prepared using the weighted average cost method. The inventory is recommended to be kept in accordance with the relevant Regulations (PBU 5/98) approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance. The fixing of costs that are associated with the release and implementation of works, services, goods, is carried out using account. "The main production" (20). It indicates all expenses by type (depreciation, materials, wages and so on), accounting facilities (they may be the costs of the enterprise as a whole), type of product (services, work), places of production, responsible persons and others. An organization can write off expenses for general business needs every month in full for the costs of goods sold (services or work) in the presence of conditionally fixed costs.

accounting reports

Accounting for finished products

It is conducted on the account. 41 "Products". At the same time, products purchased for subsequent sale are taken into account at the acquisition cost. Its further write-off upon disposal is carried out by the method of weighted average cost. Accounting for the implementation of works, services, goods and other property, as well as the establishment of a financial result for these operations, is carried out using account. 90 "Sales". All investments are reflected in the account. 58. At the same time, in analytical accounting, the division into short-term (up to a year) and long-term (over a year) results is performed. Financial results and their use, in accordance with clause 18 of the Model Instructions, can be accounted for on account. 99 "Losses and Gains." Throughout the year, the organization makes notes: on a loan with incremental results, income is shown, on debit - expense.

accounting reporting

Additional guidance

At the end of the year, at the reporting date, a reduction in profit is performed on the amount of income used. The received digit is sent to the account. 84 "Uncovered loss (retained earnings". Previously, enterprises on the basis of the "Special Purpose Fund" took into account amounts from property revaluation, value of valuables received free of charge, and other changes of a property nature. Currently, according to the current Standard Recommendations, it is reflected in subaccounts c. 83 "Additional paid-in capital".

Methodology and organization of accounting

Maintaining and submitting financial statements are carried out using established register systems. They are provided for in the Model Recommendations and are:

  1. Journal-order form of bookkeeping for business associations and small enterprises.
  2. Simplified system.

The first form greatly facilitates accounting. The total and monthly information of order journals is transferred to the General Ledger. Accounts in it are opened in the sequence of numbers that are assigned to them in the work plan. The general ledger is necessary to summarize current accounting information, draw up a balance sheet, and verify each record. This document, along with order journals, provides detailed, full correspondence on credit and debit in each synthetic account. With this form of accounting, the number of registers of analytical reporting is minimized. This is due to the fact that some journal-order lists contain all the necessary data.

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