How to permanently delete a VK page

The social network "Vkontakte" today is perhaps the most popular of all. Here every day over 70 thousand people are registered. But, sooner or later, there comes a time when certain circumstances prompt you to delete your account. There are many reasons, and the most common among them is page hacking. Evil hackers log in to her, make a password change, and in the most active way start sending spam from her to anyone who gets into it. After such actions, you will not be able to go to your page anymore, but you will not save me from complaints about the mailing list. Therefore, if you need your account, do the following: first, change the password for your mailbox. After that, when trying to enter the site, indicate that you forgot the password, after which you will be sent the one that the hackers entered. Then simply change it to a new, more complex one, and calmly enter your page.

However, there are quite a few people who have decided to overcome their dependence on the Internet and virtual communication, so they need to delete the page “Contact” forever. Others, perhaps, were tired of their increased popularity and they were tired of annoying fans and ill-wishers, leaving a lot of messages and comments on the page of various nature, and they would also like to leave this social network. Is it possible to do this? Here are some suggestions on how to remove a Vkontakte page. However, we immediately clarify that to do this without the possibility of recovery will not work. There are some reasons for this. Suppose you logged into your account not from a home computer, but from an Internet cafe. Before leaving, you forgot to click “Logout”, and now anyone who comes into “VKontakte” after you can do anything with your page. Even ask the moderators to remove it. And the next time you enter the network, you will not find your data there. Since such cases are not uncommon, moderators give a month for the opportunity to restore your account. If during this period you don’t follow the link that will be sent to your email, then your page will be deleted completely.

So, if you nevertheless decided on such a feat as farewell to social networks, then the first way to delete the page “In Contact” forever is this: go to “Privacy” and put the “Only Me” icon wherever possible. After that, return to the page and delete absolutely all the information accumulated during the registration period, including music, videos, photos, friends, etc. After a certain period of time, the entry “User page deleted” appears. Just in case, turn off also all alerts that come to your email inbox. This can be done in the settings or in a letter that will come to you from the social network. At the very end of the letter, simply click on the “Unsubscribe from notifications" link.

The second way to permanently delete your VKontakte page is spam. Start extremely actively sending it to everyone in a row. You can also go into groups and flood there, leave offensive comments on photos, etc. And to make sure it works, go to the page of Pavel Durov (active "VKontaktera" in the know who it is) and start cursing (preferably obscene) there. Your page will be blocked in the near future.

The next way to permanently delete the “Contact” page is as follows: open a new email account. Then, in the settings of your account, replace the e-mail indicated there with the one you just created, then delete the new box. On your page also eliminate absolutely all information and friends, and in privacy, put the “Only Me” icon. Change the password to one that you cannot remember, and leave the page by clicking "Exit". After a month, it will be deleted automatically.

Now you know the effective methods of how to permanently delete the "VKontakte" page. Of course, you will have to wait long enough, but if you look from the other side, then you put all your ins and outs on the Internet yourself, so there is nothing to blame on the moderators that you saw your photos on completely “left” sites. Do not make your private life public, then you will not have to suffer.

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