What does the key range on the radar mean? The principle of operation of the radar detector

Speeding fines are increasing every day. And therefore, devices that track high-speed modes are gaining more and more popularity. A good radar detector can help save not only finances, but also nerves.

But to buy a device is only the first step. This article will help you understand what the key range on the radar means, and also learn how it works.

What is a radar detector and its ranges

First you need to understand the terminology and understand the difference between a radar detector and a radar detector. Some people think it's the same thing. But this is the wrong conclusion.

range kay on the radar what does it mean

A radar detector is a device that suppresses the frequencies it is tuned to. Such an active device is prohibited by law, its use may result in penalties with confiscation.

But the radar detector is inherently an electronic device of a passive type, which only detects and warns the owner that he is in the territory of the traffic police radar. That is, a radar detector is an ordinary receiver that picks up certain frequencies, while not suppressing or blocking them. It is not prohibited by law.

Most often, these automotive devices can operate in several radio frequency bands (the radio frequency in which the emitter operates). There are several such ranges. To make it easier to perceive, they were marked with the letters: X, K, Ku, Ka. There are also some very interesting additional modes.

X range

The frequency that formed the basis of the first radars is called the X range. Its working wave is 10,525 MHz. The bandwidth of the range is 10.50-10.55 GHz. On the basis of this, radars were developed for traffic police of the Barrier, Falcon, and Falcon M types (D, C).

At the moment, radars operating at frequency X are a thing of the past. The reason for this is the moral and technical aging of such gadgets. In the same range, many industrial and household appliances work, which causes false positives.

Key range

Newer devices already operate on the K band (or “key”). Its working frequency is 24150 MHz. The bandwidth is 100 MHz, which means less interference.

Gadgets that work in the "key" range have a greater energy potential and a shorter period of time. Consequently, the device has an increased distance for detecting traffic police radars (one and a half times compared to X range) and compact dimensions.

This range is basic almost worldwide. On its basis, such radars as "Golden Eagle", "Iskra-1", as well as their modifications and versions with photo and video capabilities, work.

What does the key range on the radar mean? Nothing complicated, just a radar detector caught a signal emitted by the traffic police radar, or a camera.

Ku range

The carrier frequency of the Ku band is 13.45 GHz. This is a rare mode of the radar detector, which is used in Europe, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus. This mode has not gained popularity for the reason that it is partially used for the needs of satellite television. Accordingly, this fact causes a lot of interference.

Ka range

This is a fairly new and very promising radio frequency range, which has a carrier frequency of 34.7 GHz. They began to apply it in America in 1991. Now they are also used in Europe, but the CIS countries and Russia have not yet used it.

car radar

This range of the radar detector is characterized by even greater energy potential and shorter period duration. Due to this, the Ka range has a detection range of 1.5 km, during which high accuracy and minimally spent time are observed.

This range is called "super wide" (SuperWide). All this because of its large bandwidth - 1400 MHz.

Important! In Russia, in the Ka mode, some army and radio measuring equipment can work, which causes false signals.

Additional modes and functions

Laser range. For the first time, laser devices were used to calculate speed back in the 90s of the last century. The principle of operation of the radar detector is very simple: several short signals are sent with an equal period of time. After digital calculations, the device gives an average. This principle, in essence, has remained the same, but the distance and frequency of the signals have just changed. Now the pulse length ranges from 800 nm to 1100 nm. All modern radar detectors are equipped with special sensors that capture laser pulses. The only "BUT" - the device with the laser range can work only in dry weather.

good radar detectors

VG2 or Specter mode. Apply these modes in those regions where the use of radar detectors is prohibited by law. These are mainly European countries and some states in America. The bottom line is that the direction finder has an ultra-sensitive receiver, which picks up the signals of the radar detector. In this case, with a high degree of probability indicates the location of the prohibited device. That is why the latest versions of good radar detectors have a built-in function to automatically turn off their local oscillator if a radar appears in its "field of view", which works in the VG2 range.

Important! In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, some special equipment for receiving and transmitting communications works in VG2 mode. Therefore, at the time of their stay in these countries, it is better to turn off this function, so as not to cause false signals.

POP mode. There are radars that use only one pulse to measure speed. Its duration can be up to 1/15 of a second. That is, such radars measure speed very quickly - just 1 second is enough. Typically, this mode is used in a spark type radar. If the radar detector is not equipped with a POP mode, then it simply cannot identify it. The POP mode is an international standard that is respected by all world leaders.

Ultra-X and Ultra-K modes. These are the modes presented by the creators from China and Korea. In fact, this is the same POP, only "stripped down" and not having certification. The modes do not differ in the correct operation with pulses of the ranges X and K.

Hyper-X and Hyper-K modes. These are the newest closed systems of the system. The essence of the work is a double heuristic analysis of the received signals. The complexes have very high accuracy of detecting signals of any duration in such modes as X, K and NEW K (extended range).

SWS function. To use radar detectors in Russia, this function is not needed. At its core, SWS is a system that warns of danger. That is, when approaching the emergency site, the radar detector gives a warning signal.

Function "Antison". This option is designed specifically to check the reaction of the driver after a certain period of time. The operation algorithm is as follows: the car radar emits a sound signal, and if the driver does not turn it off in the shortest period of time, the device starts to "sound the alarm."

Types of receivers. Their advantages and disadvantages

In automobile radar detectors, there are two types of radio signal receivers: without conversion (direct type) and a frequency discriminator (that is, with conversion based on a superheterodyne).

k range

The direct type receiver is the easiest (and also the oldest) way. Such a radar detector does not need to be hidden from the special modes of traffic police radars. And all because the amplifier has no emissions. Another advantage of such a device is the almost complete absence of interference.

But all the pros can be called cons. Despite the cheapness, due to low sensitivity, devices of this type were abandoned in all countries except domestic manufacturers.

An amplifier based on a local oscillator or superheterodyne is considered more advanced and technological. It is used in radars of medium and high price categories. The main advantage of such devices is their high sensitivity and the ability to filter out excess from the incoming signal stream.

An important disadvantage of this amplifier is the ability to easily detect it with traffic police using special gadgets.

Principle of operation and installation location

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: to measure speed, the DPS radar receives a signal that is reflected from a moving car. The radar detector works "directly", without reflection. Under ideal conditions (good terrain and weather), the radar detector can “see” at a distance of up to 5 km (but the traffic police radar is only 400 m).

radio frequency range

Typically, a car radar is mounted on the windshield of a car using a small bracket. Here is an important point: you need to find a place where there are no heating and tint strips, since this all affects the signal reception. Power comes from the cigarette lighter or built-in battery.

Radar detectors Neoline

As a preface, it is necessary to mention such a “shock” as the use of a Strelka type radar, which distinguished itself by measuring the speeds of all the machines that fell within its coverage area. A panoramic view of the cameras and backlighting up to 200 m are another advantages of this kit.

radar detector neoline

For a long time, the developers of radar detectors did not know how to get around Strelka. To the rescue came devices with a built-in GPS function that gave a signal when approaching the camera. But even such a device "caught" too much interference.

As a result, Neoline presented its invention - a radar detector that can detect Strelka at a distance of up to 800 m in the city. Neoline radar detectors also work in standard ranges - X, K, Ka, La (laser range). Some Neoline models have built-in GPS modules.

The company's developers are actively working to improve the algorithms of their devices, modernize the appearance of gadgets.

Update and firmware

Sooner or later, the question arises of how to update the radar detector. It is important to understand that this should only be done according to the operating instructions. The book will contain manufacturers' advice on this task, the firmware version and instructions for reprogramming should also be described.

how to update a radar detector

Important! Each manufacturer uses its own databases and updates. Therefore, the process of reprogramming may differ depending on the model of the device. How to update a radar detector?

The self-reprogramming algorithm of work:

  • First of all, we remove the device and connect it to the computer using a cable (usually it comes with the kit).
  • Next, you should run special software. It is important to choose the one that matches the model of the device. You must familiarize yourself with the terms of use and customer reviews in advance. Usually the update databases and firmware versions are on the manufacturer’s website. But they can also be found on other sites.
  • When everything is ready, the program will start. If all the previous recommendations have been taken into account, then the utility will start an automatic update. After the successful completion of the software, the device will again be available for full operation.

Voice and silence of a car radar

It often happens that radar detectors begin to emit sound signals at every corner. This is usually caused by interference. It can be either an oncoming car with the same gadget, cameras at gas stations or other reasons.

There are some tips for resolving the issue:

  • The X range is on the radar, which means interference, which may be a little suspicious. Alternatively, this range can be turned off, since it is used extremely rarely.
  • On the radar, the range is “kei”, which means it is better to play it safe and slow down.
  • But if the radar is silent, but there is a road camera nearby, then, most likely, it is simply turned off, so the gadget did not react to it.


The choice of a radar detector depends on many factors. It’s not enough just to buy a gadget. You need to know the terminology, understand in which ranges it works, which of the modes is the most popular, what does the key range on the radar mean and why the gadget makes sounds or is silent. For the car device to work properly, you need to install it correctly, and if necessary, update or reflash it.

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