Imagine yourself at the construction site of a multi-story building. You have been assigned a responsible task: to work at height. What do you need to do first? The most important thing is to provide insurance. With the usual "school" knot or bow on the stomach, no one will climb up. We need a strong knot that will not untie and will not cause feelings of discomfort with a heavy load.
Tourist nodes are used not only by high-rise builders. They are widespread in the household. For example, take the clothesline: if you just tie it, then after a while the knot will weaken and sag. To avoid this, it is recommended to use a figure-eight or flat knot.
In this article, we will consider several types of tourist nodes, learn how to quickly tie them up and discuss where it is best to apply one or the other. To do this, you need to find just a few minutes and ropes of different thicknesses for practice. The knowledge that you gain will be useful to you both in the household, and on hikes, and in emergency situations.
Gazebo node
The name of this node comes from the noun "gazebo" - a wooden board for lifting a sailor to the mast or lowering overboard. It is widely distributed in the maritime industry. It is used when painting the side of the ship or other repair work is necessary. A wooden platform and a solid rope are all you need.
The gazebo has another name - a pancake. Translated from English bowline means tackle, with the help of which they pull the jack of the direct sail. Archaeologists claim that the knot-bowline was used by the Egyptians and Phoenicians who lived in the III-II centuries. BC e.
You may ask: "Why can it be needed, for example, in everyday life?" Using the gazebo, you can hang a shelf for flowers or tools in the garage. Moreover, rescue services use it to insure employees working at height or in a smoky room. It is one of the main tourist hubs.
Knot eight
This is one of the classic nodes, based on about a dozen others, more complex. In the marine business, it is used as a retaining ring at the end of a cable. The knot eight is good in that it does not spoil the rope, no matter how you pull it, it can be easily untied at the first need.
At home, using the figure-eight knot, they make handles for buckets or other containers. In the same way, you can attach the rope to the sleigh and not worry that it will break. Some violinists prefer to use the knot-eight for attaching strings.
Tie a straight knot
The ancient Greeks and Romans, who lived before our era, called this node Nodus Hercules. It was often used for medical purposes, for example, for suturing large cuts from a sword or wounds with bone fractures.
The knot of the tourist site is quite universal, everyone does as he likes. In various areas of life, there are methods of knitting. For example, for sailors - one way, for weavers - another, and in agriculture - a third. There is no definite standard, therefore, we presented a diagram of the most convenient and common knot knot.
With heavy rain, when the rope is completely wet, the knot weakens and can come loose. To prevent this from happening, many, pulling the rope and tightly tying a knot, catch on the snap ring or any other clamp. But the direct knot is famous for the fact that even with a strong wetting it not only does not untie, but also tightens itself so tightly that you only have to cut it - believe me, it will not work.
Drag choke
A lingering stranglehold is one of the "hanging" knots that was used for the death penalty. Also, this site is widely distributed in agriculture and in the marine industry. For example, sailors use a tightening stranglehold to lift objects out of the water or secure a ship at the pier.
This knot is considered to be one of the most reliable, because the running end of the rope or cable does not slip out of the loop even under heavy load. Another advantage of a protracted stranglehold is that it is very easy to untie: for this, you just need to pull the root of the rope.
A long stranglehold is one of the most common tourist sites. It is used in mountaineering (for lifting equipment uphill), in kayaking (when you need to fasten a boat or help a drowning person), as well as in many other types of everyday activities.
Flat knot
If you need to tie a thick rope or cable, the most reliable way is a flat knot. Due to the large number of weaves, it not only does not slip, but does not tighten too much to damage the cable. All the load is distributed evenly, which is why it is considered one of the most reliable nodes.
Unleashing it is not difficult. All that is needed is to reduce the load. Often sailors use this unit to raise and lower anchors or other heavy objects.
Some consider it one of the tourist hubs, as it can be used for loading equipment, boats, motor vehicles and so on. It is widespread not only in the maritime industry, but also in many other areas.
As mentioned earlier, this node has only 8 weaves, and how to knit it - everyone decides for himself. In total, there are more than 250 possible options for ties. But it should be noted that not all of them are reliable and strong, only a few of them are as durable as possible.
Dagger knot
What can I use this node for? As a rule, it serves to bundle two cables or thick ropes. The dagger knot is quite compact and light. It is best to start the tying of the cable by putting the running end on top of the main one in the form of a figure eight. This way you can tie it in a few seconds.
When the dagger knot is tied, both ends of the rope undercarriage stick out in different directions. In order to untie the knot, you must pull one of the protruding loops. As a result, the knot will weaken, and it will be possible to untie it without much effort.
Like the flat, the dagger knot also has many options for attaching. Everyone thinks that his method is the most convenient and reliable. But you should not believe this - few people know what a dagger knot really should look like. In order to understand whether it is tied correctly, it is necessary to visually look at the running ends. If they stick out in different directions from the node itself, then the node is tied correctly.
The dagger site belongs to the main tourist sites. It is used when you need to secure a tent or cover the gazebo with tarpaulin.
Anchor knot
The last knot that we will examine is the anchor knot (or fishing bayonet). By its name, you can immediately determine its purpose. Over the entire existence of shipping, no one was able to come up with a more reliable unit that could constantly raise and lower the multi-ton anchor.
It cannot be argued that this is the only node that is used for this purpose. No. But all the rest are not as reliable as the anchor one. Due to the large weight, the cables often break, you have to change them.
If you anchor the anchor with this unit, you must hold the running end of the cable to the main one. Thus, under heavy load, the cable will not be tightened much and will last quite a long time.
A skill like knitting tourist knots is always useful. Someone's life may depend on knowledge and the ability to quickly tie a knot.
In this article, we examined the most popular nodes that can be useful not only in the marine business, but also in everyday life. We also got acquainted with the names of tourist nodes and how to tie them up.
The variety of nodes is great, it is impossible to remember them all at once. The best option is to separate them according to the method of application. For example, to raise large objects or equipment, you can use a direct node, to organize crossings or fastening insurance - a dagger. You need to learn the ten most necessary, and you can rest assured that this knowledge will be useful to you.