Lemon and Ginger Slimming Drink

Improper diet with the use of fatty, salty and smoked foods, a sedentary lifestyle and the environment are the root causes of excess weight.

fast slimming drink
To get in shape, experts recommend playing sports, reviewing your diet and drinking plenty of fluids. An adult should drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. And if this is a drink for quick weight loss based on ginger and lemon, then the consumer receives a lot of additional advantages, in addition to weight loss:

  • strengthening immunity ;
  • tonic effect;
  • normalization of pressure, sugar and cholesterol;
  • fast assimilation of food (improvement of the digestive tract);
  • accelerated metabolic processes;
  • memory improvement;
  • increased performance.

Key recommendations and cautions

The drink for quick weight loss, which includes lemon and ginger, has a sharp and sharp flavor. This is due to the concentrated content of essential oils in these ingredients. Therefore, it is initially recommended to put a small amount of ginger and lemon, and only increase over time to the desired amount. Water can be prepared "with a margin" and stored in the refrigerator. From this, it only becomes more useful. Regarding contraindications. This liquid is strictly forbidden to pregnant and lactating women (since it tends to slightly excite the nervous system) and people with high acidity and ulcers (gastritis).

sassi quick slimming drink

Fat Burning Recipes

  • The classic drink for quick weight loss Sassi is vitamin water, which was created by the American journalist Cynthia Sass. Initially, it was intended for a flat stomach, that is, it accelerated the digestion process, reduced gas formation and activated metabolic processes. A little later, a “side effect” such as weight loss was noticed. To prepare this drink for quick weight loss, you need to thinly cut into rings and put in a transparent container 1 cucumber and lemon, 12 peppermint leaves, 1 teaspoon of ginger crushed to gruel and pour the ingredients with cool water. The drink should be infused for 10 hours in the refrigerator. Filter it before use.
  • The quick-slimming drink, which includes lemon, ginger, mint and pepper, also has a pronounced fat-burning effect. To prepare it, you need a ginger root of a small size (no more than a plum), which is crushed together with mint leaves in a blender until a homogeneous mass and a large amount of juice are obtained. This mixture is placed in a container and watered with juice from half a lemon. The second half is cut into thin half rings and, together with a pinch of black ground hot pepper, is sent to the same vessel. All components are poured with water and left to infuse for 10 hours.
    fast slimming drink reviews
  • If you are a lover of tea, you can get the most out of this hot drink by adding ginger, lemon and honey to green tea. To make the drink tasty and healthy, you need to insist it in a teapot at the rate of 1 tsp. tea leaves per serving, adding a pinch of dry ginger. Lemon and honey are put in each mug to taste.

Drink for fast weight loss: expert reviews

Are there ways to quickly, efficiently and harmlessly lose weight? According to the statements of nutritionists and fitness trainers, you can achieve good results only with the right lifestyle: balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, constant procedures (massages, body wraps, etc.). A variety of fat-burning drinks are only auxiliary to achieve the fastest effect.

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