Why dream that you cut off your finger or hair? The interpretation of dreams

The hidden meaning of dreams has interested people since antiquity. Previously, each tribe even had its own fortune tellers, who were turned to when they wanted to understand what the dream he had at night portended. In the modern world, some people do not attach much importance to dreams. However, this is only until they see something unusual. For example, very many people are interested in what dreams are of, that you cut off any part of your body. Is it worth it to fear, tell the book of dreams.

why dream that you cut

Modern dream book

The modern dream book claims that cutting off something in a dream portends a sad event. Perhaps we should expect sad news. And if you consider the dream in more detail? For example, why dream of cutting hair? This dream has several meanings. It depends on the length of the cut hair, and on their appearance. The modern dream book "cut off hair in a dream" is interpreted as trouble. As a rule, this means that the already unstable position of the dreamer will worsen even more. Moreover, the longer the cut strand, the more difficult it is for the dreamer to correct the situation in his favor. If you dream that you are cutting off the hair of another person, it means that soon the dreamer will want to deceive someone. Self-nailing in a dream also does not bode well. This portends losses. The dreamer's authority will be shaken if you dream that you cut off your mustache or beard. To cut off a finger in a dream for good purposes - to a pleasant gift or good news. A finger cut off by chance - to unexpected changes.

cut off a finger in a dream

Miller's Dream Book

What is the dream of cutting off a finger? Miller's dream book argues that attention should be paid to which finger is cut off and how painful it is for the dreamer. For example, for a married woman, a cut off ring finger may mean a break with her spouse or a quarrel with his close relatives. A severed thumb portends disagreements with a father or other close older man. If misunderstandings are quickly resolved, then the dreaming finger will not bleed. Otherwise, the quarrel may last more than one year. Cutting off the middle finger may portend the death of a close relative or serious problems with the spine. Cut or trim beautiful hair - to poverty, gray - to prosperity. Cutting your bangs on your own in a dream - self-discontent in reality. Cutting off someone's hair means suppressing the will of the person you cut. Cut off the nails on the hands - to the loss of money, on the feet - to the loss of a loved one.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book has his own vision of what dreams are of cutting hair. If you cut your hair, it means success in business or a recently started business, others - to perform unpleasant duties. Cut long curls - coming soon changes in life. Cutting off a mustache for a man means a collapse in love affairs, impotence. Trimming his nails in a dream portends family quarrels. Moreover, the shorter the nail cut off, the more serious the quarrel.

cut hair in a dream

Dream Book Wangi

Such a night vision, how to cut your hair in a dream on your own , indicates that the dreamer's life will change in the shortest possible time. However, this does not mean that changes will be for the better. If the dreamer likes the resulting haircut, then life will turn out for the better. If the haircut does not go to the dreamer, one should expect disappointments in his personal life, in work, relations with colleagues, discord in the family. A dream in which you have to cut your own nails yourself, according to Vanga’s dream book promises little good. As a rule, in reality the dreamer will have quarrels, troubles, resentments. If you cut your nails before the appearance of blood, it means that a blood relative will cause irritation. If the dreamer, doing the procedure in a dream, does not experience pain, then the stranger will be the stranger.

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