What is the dream of breasts? The interpretation of dreams

In a dream, people are especially vulnerable and susceptible. They relax and allow themselves to see what they are afraid to even think about when awake. Then they wake up, remember their dreams and try to interpret them. Many people wonder about why women's breasts are dreaming. Does this dream portend a love adventure or warns about the imminent birth of a baby? Or maybe it symbolizes the thirst for attention, warmth and care? In order to correctly answer all these questions, it is worth looking into the proven dream books. They contain many interesting and witty theories about this. We will get to know some of them in this article.

what is chest dreaming for

Idiomatic dream book

This collection has its own opinion on what dreams about breasts. There are many popular expressions associated with this part of the body. ā€œTo take on the chestā€ means to drink, ā€œto press to the chestā€ - to show sympathy, ā€œto hold by the breastsā€ - to call to account, ā€œto stand up with the breastsā€ - to protect someone, ā€œto warm on the breastsā€ - to believe the deceiver. In accordance with the meaning of these words, each specific vision is interpreted in this dream book.

Female dream book

Regarding what the chest is dreaming of, this collection contains the following information. White and full breasts portend the sleeping person to happiness and luck, stained or shrunken - much to the disappointment of love and the appearance of a more successful rival. If the dreamer saw himself wounded in the chest, then trouble ahead awaits him. A girl who dreams that her admirer is stealthily casting glances at her neckline can in reality give way to his persistent courtship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

What is the dream of breasts, according to the famous esoteric? He believes that women dream of happiness and successful acquisition, and the chest as part of the body of any other creature (bird, animal, etc.) symbolizes the future.

why dream of breastfeeding

21st Century Dream Interpretation

This source says that the appearance of a naked female breast portends the sleeping man happiness and mutual love. If this part of the body is hidden in a bra in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will soon be overcome by severe anxiety. Why is the chest of a beautiful girl dreaming? Of course, the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Naked male breasts are dreaming to the fair sex in anticipation of happiness, and women's - to the realization of their shortcomings. If the lady imagined that she had a big bust, then this portends her the respect of others. Small breasts promise sleeping hatred, solid ones mean poverty, saggy ones mean adversity, and cut off ones mean betrayal. The interpretation of what milk is dreaming of from the breast is positive in this dream book. So, this part of the body here is interpreted as a symbol of joy and well-being.

It is interesting that in this dream book men who see themselves in a dream with female breasts are promised good health and good mood. If there is milk in it, then the dreamer will certainly get rich. Thick-chested breasts dream for honor, and someone elseā€™s for profit.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

The Wandererā€™s dream book has its own versions regarding what the female breast is dreaming of. A beautiful bust is dreaming of fulfilling secret desires. Thin and saggy - to failure in love or deeds. But in general, this part of the body in a dream symbolizes the predetermination of future events, as well as strength, dignity, children's independence, sacrifice, dedication and maternal devotion. Male breasts, densely overgrown with hair, dream of gaining wealth, and wide and strong - to a successful marriage, success in creativity and other areas. And the chest cage that has dreamed up in a dream can personify emotions and forgotten emotions stored in the heart of a sleeping person. If the dreamer was injured in the chest, it means that in reality he will be happy changes, new love, heart unrest, creative impulses and other exciting events and sensations.

French dream book

The compilers of this collection, in their own way, answer the question of what dreams about breastfeeding or see how they do it from the side. According to them, a bust of a nursing woman in a dream portends a soon marriage. If a married lady with naked breasts is dreaming of a sleeping woman, then in reality he sympathizes with her. Well, if a woman had such a dream, then she will soon have a baby, and childbirth will be extremely successful. If you dreamed of an elderly lady who is breastfeeding a child, then unexpected wealth will fall on you in reality. However, wounded and naked this part of the body can be seen in a dream by those who are in danger of infertility or loss of a child. If this part of the body hurts in a personā€™s dream, then in reality he should beware of some danger.

why do women dream

Big dream book

This collection offers its own interpretation of what dreams about breasts. A female bust is daydreaming for happiness or profitable acquisition, while the wrinkles on it symbolize adultery, and the firmness of this part of the body indicates the imperfections of the sleeping person.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller has his own conclusions about what big breasts dream of. In his opinion, such a dream promises a person luck and happiness. A chest wound for a young woman in a dream portends trouble. And to see your bust soiled or shrunken means to have many rivals in love in reality and experience deep disappointment in your chosen one. In a dream, to see how your acquaintance sneakily peeks at your neckline - to persistent courtship on his part, which you, in the end, will accept.

Love dream book

If a woman had a dream of her own bust, then the Dream Book is simply obliged to give a detailed interpretation of the dream. The saggy, aged or soiled breast is dreamed of by the fair sex in the event that she soon has serious rivals in love. Most likely, they will be able to destroy the existing relationship, so the lady who saw such a dream needs to be alert all the time. However, if a woman likes her own breasts in a dream, then luck in love affairs will never turn her back on her.

why milk from breast

Esoteric dream book

And this source seeks to penetrate into the depths of the human psyche and, from this point of view, draws thoughtful conclusions about what big breasts are dreaming of. For men, this is a sign that they urgently need care and affection, and that in all their lovers they are looking for a mother. And women who saw such a dream just dream of a larger bust, as well as of eternal youth and attractiveness.

Numerological dream book

This source places great emphasis on the details of vision. Why dream of a womanā€™s breasts naked? According to this source, such a dream means that you have lost control over the events of recent days and you need to carefully look at people over the next two days - one of them is desperately trying to knock the soil out from under your feet. Calculating the troublemaker will be quite simple - during the second day he will call you twice on the phone. In order for this person not to be able to carry out his plan, always be one step ahead of him. A manā€™s chest in a dream means that someone from your acquaintances will suddenly fall for theft, and you will involuntarily become a witness to this act. Over the next two months you will have to answer the investigators' questions, but you shouldnā€™t break off friendly relations with the offender - soon everything will fall into place. If you had a chance to bare your own breasts in a dream, it means that soon (after 38 days) a stranger will visit your house. He may turn out to be a friend of your children, but there is a high probability that this is a lover or lover of your second half or an unscrupulous robber. Watch out!

what is the woman's chest dreaming about

Ancient Russian dream book

To the question of why a woman's breasts are dreaming, surprisingly predictable answers can be found in many sources. Of course, a full and strong bust symbolizes good luck, health and the acquisition of wealth, and this wounded part of the body can be dreamed only of an unfortunate lover. But before all these conclusions any person can think of it independently. However, there are more interesting interpretations in the Old Russian Dream Book. So, a manā€™s hairy chest may dream of a man for profit (we already know about this), but for a woman - for the impending death of his spouse.

what is the dream of breastfeeding

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This psychologist believed that the female breast is a positive image. After all, it has many attractive features for a person. For many, this part of the body is associated with protection, beauty, pleasure, care. And in a superlative degree it is a symbol of motherhood and femininity. So to the question of what milk is dreaming of from his chest, he would answer that this is the personification of the personā€™s vitality and unlimited possibilities, which he draws from an inexhaustible source - the love of his own mother.

Small Velesov dream book

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Big breasts symbolize health and joy. And for a man to see a naked female bust in a dream - it means in reality to find good luck. However, too hard breasts dream of representatives of both sexes to disagreement in family relationships.

Assyrian dream book

Why dream of breastfeeding in accordance with the interpretation of this source? It is a symbol of food saturation both in psychological and physiological sense. Perhaps you are being used by friends or acquaintances to achieve any goal, or you yourself are striving to help someone at all costs. The chest is a symbol of motherhood, sacrifice and dedication. However, for men, this dream can be sexual in color, symbolizing attraction to women of the opposite sex. Even bare breasts may indicate that the sleeper is open to new achievements and adventures.

Erotic dream book

Having studied this source, we can conclude that the chest in a dream can symbolize a whole range of feelings and experiences of the sleeping person. For example, why dream of breastfeeding a baby? This may mean that the sleeping person wants to have a baby and take care of him in every way, but this is not the only interpretation. Perhaps the dreamer misses a close relative and dreams of pinning him to his chest, or the baby personifies in a dream his soul mate, with whom he had to suddenly and for a long time leave. The chest, of course, is a symbol of motherhood, but it is manifested in each person in different ways. And this is clearly demonstrated by dreams that from time to time visit us. For one, the female breast is a symbol of the hearth, peace and comfort, and for the other - the personification of an irresistible desire, not necessarily sexual. Each person is individual, and his dreams should be interpreted through the prism of his psychological perception of the world.

what big breasts dream of


So, in this article, we examined all sorts of interpretations of what a woman dreams of. It's nice that for men it is a symbol of good luck, health, wealth and prosperity. In women, everything is far from so cloudless, but for them this dream is quite positive. True, in some sources one can find information that for a young girl the interpretation of what dreams to breast-feed a baby leaves much to be desired. In ancient times, such a vision did not bode well for an unmarried woman and warned her against insidious seducers. But nowadays, all interpreters of dreams agree that a mother who is feeding her baby is one of the most touching symbols of love, affection and care. And many of them believe that not all dreams are prophetic. Whether it is so or not - decide for yourself.

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