What is a common fund? Why do you need a thieves common fund, how it is formed and used

The Underworld is a society of people connected with crime and living according to their own laws. The financial basis of the criminal world is the common fund. Every person at least once in his life heard the expression "thief in law", but not everyone knows the meaning of this concept. The criminal society has its own “career ladder”, the highest rank of which is the “thief in law”. Each person, in any way connected with the criminal world, complies with the "thieves' law".

What is a common fund

The common fund is a word referring to thieves' jargon. In essence, it is money. There are several synonyms for this word: "cauldron", "thieves cash desk". The common fund is a monetary fund of the criminal world. This fund is replenished with the help of voluntary contributions of the criminals themselves. So requires the "thieves' law." Of course, in practice this rule is not always implemented. There are times when members of the criminal world are asked to replenish the common fund forcibly.

Thieves common fund

The thief’s cash desk is managed by the highest member of the thieves’ hierarchy. Basically, money thief takes charge of the thief in law. Depending on the current situation, the beholder can be controlled by the beholder "or" positenoz ".

The common fund is of two types: free and camp. Free is money that is used by people who are at large. Everyone who arrives in places not so remote is explained what the common fund is. Camp - these are financial resources that are replenished at the expense of prisoners in prison.

Thieves common fund

Every criminal who has been in prison knows what the common fund is. And it is not surprising, because the thieves' boiler has huge monetary potential. Contributions to the common fund are made not only by prisoners, but also by people who are free.

Who holds the common fund

These funds are intended only for the needs of the criminal world. There is a serious punishment for embezzlement of thieves' capital for any other purpose. Crowned Thief in Law may lose his title. If any other member of a criminal society has committed embezzlement, the punishment can be much more serious.

There is such a thing as a "thieves common land country." These are financial assets managed by the main thief in law. He is chosen at a thieves' gathering. He must be the best among his peers.

Simple common house

A simple common fund is different from a thief. These are funds that are collected directly from prisoners. At large, there are also boilers. Here, people who adhere to thieves laws contribute money. Those who are responsible are responsible for such money.

Ways to replenish the common fund

Unlike a thieves' common fund, contributions to a simple boiler are varied. This may be part of the money from winning gambling, real estate, part of the business or a pair of socks.


Every criminal fund has a common list. It displays all cash receipts. It also contains information about who and when contributed these funds. Typically, such lists are in the person managing the fund. In accordance with thieves laws, reporting must be in full order. In case of loss or loss of such a document, the perpetrator is seriously punished.

Thief in Law, Watching, and Policeman

In order to understand who keeps the common fund, it is worth considering the following concepts: "thief in law", "watching" and "positenets". Over the past few decades, the functions of the thieves' box office have changed dramatically. All these concepts apply to thieves' jargon.

"Thief in law" is the highest title of the thieves' hierarchy, which can only be awarded to a person who has achieved certain merits in criminal circles. He, undoubtedly, should be an authority for other members of the criminal world.

Whose needs are the common fund spent

A "looking one" is a person who has the authority to resolve issues related to thieves' law. The “beholder” in the wild is a criminal authority. He is the manager of the city or its individual areas. A “watchman” in prison is a person authorized to resolve various issues in prison units and cells.

"Polozhenets" is a person who is entrusted with the administrative functions of a thief in law. He makes important decisions during the absence of authority. In fact, the "positenets" is the right hand of the thief in law.

Why do you need a thieves common fund

The so-called free common fund mainly serves to provide people in places of deprivation of liberty. There are cases when part of the amount is transferred to the prisoner's relatives as material assistance. In the 90s, when the criminal world flourished, many criminal authorities thought about money laundering. Money began to make a profit. Many bigwigs of the criminal world have officially retrained. Banks, factories, etc. were opened. Free community agencies came in handy for this.

Common keeper

The prison cauldron, in turn, is used for the needs of prisoners. In addition to providing criminals themselves, these funds are aimed at bribing the administration of the institution, fines, isolation wards, punishment cells and much more. A person in need can seek help from the person who keeps the prison community. The use of such funds by the custodian for their own personal purposes without the approval of other members of the criminal world is unacceptable.

The most famous thieves in law

The most famous "thieves in law" during the USSR were the following personalities:

  • Mongol - Gennady Karkov. This man was the founder of racketeering. There was a lot of talk and debate about his work. Nevertheless, members of the criminal world have come to the conclusion that to extort money from high-ranking government officials is the norm.
  • Jap - Vyacheslav Ivankov. Criminal authority, began his career in the Mongol group. After some time, he created a separate gang that was engaged in extorting money from those who got it dishonestly. Later, Jap departed from the underworld and became an “arbiter” for representatives of crime. Currently, Vyacheslav Ivankov is resting at the Vagankovsky cemetery.
  • Grandfather Hassan - Aslan Usoyan. This name is familiar to almost every resident of the Russian Federation associated with crime. Aslan Usoyan is one of the most influential thieves in law. He controlled the entire criminal world in the country, controlled the common fund, was present and personally “crowned” new thieves. His life ended with a sniper bullet, as well as many other criminal authorities.
Grandfather Hassan
  • North - Alexander Severov. This is another bright representative of the criminal world. He was "crowned" by several "thieves in law". World famous singer Vladimir Krug dedicated a song to him. In 2014, he was “corroded” due to a conflict with other representatives of the criminal world.

This article addressed questions about what the common fund is, why it is needed. In the criminal world, he plays a central role; many thieves' laws are built on it. This is a huge amount of money, without which no criminal group could exist.

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