Eye drops "Fotil Forte": indications, instructions for use, reviews of ophthalmologists

Drops "Fotil Forte" refers to a combination drug for the treatment of glaucoma. It is the most effective remedy among similar drugs. They quickly enough reduce and normalize intraocular pressure. Can be used after surgery to prevent possible complications.

Composition and form of release

Fotil Forte eye drops are a clear, colorless liquid. In 1 ml of this drug contains about 6.84 mg of timolol maleate and 40 mg of pilocarpine hydrochloride. These are the main active ingredients of the drug. Their concentration here is twice as much as in the Fortila counterpart.

Additional elements in the composition of the drug were:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • citric acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • hypromellose;
  • distilled water.

Drops for eyes are made in special dropper bottles and packed in cardboard boxes. Shelf life of the opened bottle is 30 days.


fotil forte

The drug “Fotil Forte” is a combination type anti-glaucoma drug. Combines two active components - pilocarpine and timolol.

Pilocarpine in its origin refers to m-cholinomimetics. After instillation into the eyeball, it provokes miosis, causes a spasm of accommodation. Effectively reduces intraocular pressure due to compression of the ciliary and iris muscles of the ocular apparatus. This action expands the viewing angle of the anterior chamber of the retina. The substance alters the structure of the trabecular network, thereby ensuring the release of aqueous humor. A similar effect of the drug lasts 4-14 hours.

The active component in the composition of the drug timolol is classified as beta-blocker. It prevents the connection of neurotransmitters with adrenergic receptors in the ciliary body. Reduces pressure inside the eye, reduces watery moisture content. The antihypertensive effect is visible twenty minutes after the installation. The maximum result occurs in two hours and lasts a day.

Pilocarpine is able to penetrate the cornea. Its maximum concentration in a humid environment is observed after half an hour. The substance actively interacts with many tissues of the ocular apparatus. It is excreted unchanged along with the liquid inside the eye. Its combination with timolol reduces the formation of aqueous humor, inhibits the process of excretion of pilocarpine.

Timolol passes through the cornea in an aqueous medium in the anterior chamber of the eye in an instant. Approximately 80% of the active substance used externally enters the systemic circulation. Its maximum plasma concentration occurs one hour after instillation in the eye. The component is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

open angle glaucoma

The drug "Fotil Forte" is intended for the treatment of glaucoma. It can also be used when a combination of timolol and pilocarpine should be used. This usually happens when open angle glaucoma is present. Use this medication with angle-closure and secondary glaucoma, as well as with an increase in intraocular pressure, after surgery in the ocular apparatus (for example, with cataracts).


Drops with glaucoma give an amazing result. They help improve the patient's condition, but they can not be used if there is anterior uveitis of the eyes. A ban on the use of the drug is sinus bradycardia, as well as AV blockade with a second and third degree. Do not use the drug for heart failure, asthma and cardiogenic shock. The medication is contraindicated for patients with COPD, and it is also not used at the age of eighteen.

You can not use drops for the eyes after the ophthalmological operations and for those eye pathologies when the narrowing of the eye pupil can lead to a number of negative consequences.

Do not use the medicine in the presence of hypersensitivity to its constituent elements.

The drug is administered with caution in case of heart failure, in the presence of cerebrovascular disorders, and also if diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia are present. Patients with retinal detachment, patients with thyrotoxicosis and myopia should be under special control. This also includes persons who have to undergo surgery under general anesthesia.

Method of use, doses

drops for glaucoma

Before you bury your eyes, you should know the diagnosis accurately and be sure to coordinate treatment with your doctor. If there are no individual prescriptions, then the drug is administered one drop in a sore eye twice a day.

There are patients in whom the use of the Fortil drug does not immediately produce results, but after several weeks of treatment. If, by measuring the pressure inside the eye after a month of using this drug, there was no improvement, then it is recommended to continue the Fortil Forte therapy. In this case, instillation should be done twice a day, one drop at a time.

The instructions for use, which comes with the drug, will tell you more about how to instill eyes.

Side effects

Drops in glaucoma in some cases can cause negative reactions. Among them are blurred vision, a burning sensation that passes quickly enough after drug administration. Sometimes there is irritation and pain in the eyes, an increase in tearing, dry eye syndrome may appear. In some cases, there is dermatitis of the eyelids, cramping of the ciliary muscle, myopia, a decrease in visual acuity, which can occur with insufficient light in the room and, mainly, as a result of myosis.

ophthalmologist reviews

In some cases, the cornea loses its sensitivity, point keratitis, allergic blepharoconjunctivitis, ptosis and diplopia appear. In some patients, retinal detachment occurs, iris rigidity, and clouding of the lens were recorded.

Among the systemic symptoms were nausea, excessive salivation and sweating, diarrhea, decreased blood pressure, exacerbation of the disease, bronchial asthma. Heart failure, arrhythmia, bradycardia were also noted. Headaches, nasal congestion were noticed and a rash appeared on the skin.

Timolol seeping through the blood-brain barrier can affect the central nervous system.

If the patient suffers from heart failure, then due to exposure to timolol he may experience nausea, asthenic syndrome, anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, depression and headache.

special instructions

how to instill eyes

Open-angle glaucoma and other eye diseases do not tolerate the simultaneous use of several drugs with beta-blockers at once. Other drops should be discontinued the day before using the above drug.

Every four weeks, the effect that occurs in the treatment of eye diseases (open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma) by Fortil Forte should be evaluated. Especially the control should be pressure inside the eye.

The medicine contains benzalkonium chloride, which acts as a preservative here, so the drug should not be used when wearing contact lenses. You can install the lenses or remove them fifteen minutes after dropping drops into the eyes.

The active substance in the composition of the drops - timolol - in some cases hides the onset of hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. It can also mask the reaction of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Before the surgery, which will be carried out under general anesthesia, Fortil Forte is canceled two days before this event, since the drug can enhance the effect of anesthesia and muscle relaxants on the body.

The miotic property of eye drops can create a feeling of myopia, which affects driving. Therefore, during Fortil Forte therapy, care should be taken when driving a car, as well as when working with devices that require increased concentration of attention.

Women during pregnancy and lactation can use the drug if the benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risk to the fetus.

The cost of drops

The drug "Fotil Forte" (the instructions are complete with the drug and must be read before treatment) costs around 150 rubles, and its analogue "Fortil" - about 200 rubles.

Opinion of ophthalmologists

cataract symptoms and treatment

Every ophthalmologist applies these eye drops in his practice. Reviews of doctors consider this drug effective. They say that it quickly stabilizes intraocular pressure and is well tolerated by patients. Helps to improve the condition of different types of glaucoma.

Almost every ophthalmologist (reviews of some people note that this drug helps to avoid eye surgery) uses these drops in their surgical practice. They are administered to patients in the visual apparatus to reduce the production of intraocular fluid and in order to enhance its outflow. The duration of the postoperative course of using Fortil Forte is four days.

Patient Reviews

open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma

Antiglaucoma drug caused mainly positive reviews. People note that the drug is convenient to use, affordable. It normalizes intraocular pressure. With its help, many patients began to see better and avoided surgery.

There are patients in whom the drug caused side effects in the form of headache, nausea, chills, excessive dry mouth, dizziness. These people had to abandon the use of this medicine and replace it with another.

Cataract Symptoms and Treatment

Use these drops for the eyes and for cataracts. As you know, this disease is very insidious, against its background, the transparency of the lens decreases and the visual acuity decreases.

Cataracts appear in many cases unexpectedly and asymptomatically. The first period, patients have "flies" in their eyes, the silhouettes begin to double, blur, and there is a slight blackout in the visual apparatus. When reading, letters become, hardly distinguishable, merge, visual acuity of perception of the world is lost.

The disease develops for a sufficiently long period, up to 15 years. As a rule, only in retirement age, cataracts (symptoms and treatment will help establish the attending physician, especially with timely treatment) is the most pronounced and complex.

In the initial stages of the disease, conservative treatment is prescribed. It does not help restore the transparency of the lens, but inhibits the progression of the disease. In the most severe cases, ophthalmologists offer an operation where a natural lens is replaced with an artificial one.

It is in the latter case that the benefits of Fortil Forte drops are invaluable. After surgery, the drug is dripped into the eyes of patients. It helps to reduce the production of intraocular fluid and stimulates its outflow. This approach avoids all kinds of complications and helps the eyes recover properly.

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