The best business aircraft: photos and description

Aircraft is a real miracle of engineering. It is thanks to him that we can travel freely around the planet, covering gigantic distances. And although air transport has long entered the lives of ordinary people, it still remains to be inspiring and mysterious. For people with impressive fortunes, the world's leading aircraft manufacturing corporations produce business aircraft. Inaccessible to ordinary people, insanely expensive and, of course, status aircraft that do not fly on schedule.

Business airplane in flight

Private jet

Wealthy people have always sought to stand out from the rest. Of course, this was manifested in luxury goods. Super expensive mansions, private yachts and luxury sports cars. A young, rapidly developing air industry could not ignore the elite.

Initially, ordinary civilian ships were remade to order for the needs of businessmen. Such aircraft differed only from the inside. For the rest, these were completely ordinary ships. But that was not enough. Over time, small, personalized business aircraft began to enter the market, which were made exclusively by special order and never carried ordinary passengers. Each such board had different engines, a different fuselage and, of course, a rich trim. Despite the high cost, the demand for such vessels arose rapidly and has not fallen since then.

Small business plane

Having a private jet is prestigious. This is an element of status that even very wealthy people cannot afford. A person can ride sports cars and live in an attractive mansion on the Pacific Ocean, but he will not be able to maintain his own air transport. Maintenance costs are very high.

Even nice to watch!

Photos of business aircraft have always caused a certain stir. People are interested in looking at the premium saloon. Those technologies that are used in aircraft of this class are never used in conventional ones, and this is amazing. That is what makes them indispensable. You can already understand this from the photo.

Aircraft business cabin

High cost

The owner of the airship pays a lot of money for the purchase itself, and then is forced to constantly rent a seat at the airport and pay for regular maintenance. Each flight, especially to another continent, costs millions of rubles. It is not surprising that business jets have become a measure of wealth among wealthy people.

Even if you do not make transcontinental flights, and stop only on domestic air flights, then the cost of the flight does not fall much. It is very expensive anyway. However, there is something to pay for! Incredible, inaccessible to others level of comfort. Personal flight schedule, the ability to change course, even while in the sky. The most comfortable multifunctional seats, expensive interior, alcoholic beverages on board and complete freedom of action. Truly wealthy people just this is not enough in conventional aircraft. They are forced to strive to buy their own.

Can I buy a private jet ticket?

The answer to this question can be only one: it is possible! In our world, you can buy almost everything. The question is not in the possibility, but in the price. Sometimes businessmen understand that they simply are not able to maintain a business jet. In this case, they use the rental.

There are special companies that work exclusively with corporate clients and just rich people. With their help, you can order and rent a private plane, which will take the passenger anywhere in the world.

Salon Learjet 85

Of course, tickets for a business plane are not sold at ticket offices, and this is quite justified. Such flights do not and will not have a clear schedule, nor are they considered charters. It is possible to fly on such a vessel only by special order. Some national carriers also provide this service. To order, you must contact the representative of the airline.

Learningjet 85

Canadian Aircraft Corporation Bombardier produces excellent business aircraft in demand around the world. Learjet 85 is the most amazing aircraft manufactured by this company. Firstly, it is stylish. The style is present in the outlines of the fuselage, and in the interior of the cabin. Everything literally screams about minimalist luxury. The quality of materials is the highest, premium. Secondly, it is very functional. With its small size, it is able to cover a distance of more than 5000 km without refueling. However, this is not his practical ceiling on the flight. According to company representatives, he is able to fly almost 15,000 km with several refueling. At the same time, he will need minimal maintenance. If necessary, such an aircraft can make even a complex transcontinental flight.

Learningjet 85

It often seems to an ordinary person that such jets cover too small a distance, but this is not so. They are capable of more, just do not carry huge fuel tanks with them. In this case, the aircraft was developed by a Canadian aircraft company, and Canada is the second largest country after Russia. As a rule, the practical ceiling of aircraft of this class is much lower.

The aircraft business lounge is designed to surprise anyone. You can work comfortably in it, and get a good night's sleep, and even conduct business negotiations. In terms of technical equipment, it is extremely perfect. However, all additional switches are hidden and not striking. The salon is not overloaded with obscure buttons and has retained its classic, sophisticated design. Few private jets boast this in the high tech age.

Bombardier global 7000

Another great private business jet from the same company. Its strong feature is that it belongs to the class of long-haul. Unlike the previous aircraft, it is capable of covering a distance of 14,000 km without refueling, which is very much.

The cabin is made of premium materials, and the design is attractively minimalistic. There are no superfluous or even elaborate elements. The passenger's gaze as if glides over luxury and gradually plunges into it. The rest is pure luxury, designed for ultra-long flights with a huge practical ceiling.

Boeing 757 Private Jet

Sometimes incredibly rich and self-absorbed people buy ordinary civilian planes and completely redo them. This aircraft belongs to the President of the United States - Donald Trump. He bought it and completely redone to fit his needs. The cabin is unique and one of a kind. Even the seat belt fasteners are made of alloy with impurities of gold. Presidents of many European countries can not afford such an aircraft, because it is not much cheaper than the personal side of the king of Saudi Arabia.

Trump's private jet

Sukhoi Superjet 100

Aircraft business jet Russian production! There is a civilian model of this aircraft, and many have heard of it. However, the private model is much less common and not by ear. The plane can not boast of reliability. In many ways, it is inferior to foreign analogues, but there is something in which it surpasses them. This is a modern aircraft, which uses the most advanced technology.

Its main advantage is that it is slightly cheaper than its competitors. This is a significant advantage, due to which this board was nicknamed in Russia as an affordable corporate jet. It is large in size. It can accommodate full bedrooms, a bar and even a meeting room. Very comfortable and spacious aircraft.

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